Notice! Many colleges and universities in Guizhou have changes in the opening hours

It is now mid-August

The school day is getting closer and closer

Facing the complicated situation of the domestic new crown pneumonia epidemic

The start time of some colleges and universities in the province has also changed

Let’s look at it together

Guizhou University

Start time

Enrollment in batches is implemented, and the specific admission arrangements are as follows:

First batch: No high school in the past 14 days (after August 21) Students who have lived in a risk-level area, have no contact with people in high-risk areas, and have not stopped in high-risk areas on their way back to school.

back to school time: September 4th 9:00-18:00.

Back to school: School of Computer Science and Technology, School of Foreign Languages, School of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Civil Engineering, School of Economics, School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, School of Big Data and Information Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Resources And the School of Environmental Engineering.

The second batch: Students who have no history of residence in high-risk areas in the past 14 days (after August 22), have no contact with people in high-risk areas, and return to school without stopping in high-risk areas.

Back to school time: September 5th 9:00-18:00.

Back to school: School of Management, School of Literature and School of Media, School of Law, School of Physics, School of History and Ethnic Culture, School of Philosophy and Social Development, School of Agriculture, School of Materials and Metallurgy, School of Music, Public Administration College, College of Brewing and Food Engineering, College of Animal Science, College of Mines, College of Forestry, College of Tourism and Cultural Industry, College of Life Sciences, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, College of Pharmacy, College of Physical Education, College of Tea, College of Tobacco, College of Fine Arts, Medicine hospital.

The third batch: Grade 2021 students who have no history of residence in high-risk areas in the past 14 days (after August 25), have no contact with people in high-risk areas, and have not stopped in high-risk areas on their way to school.

Registration time: September 8th 9:00-18:00.

Registration College: Yangming College (Economics and Trade, Finance, Agriculture and Forestry Economics and Management, Law, English, Japanese, Burmese, Philosophy, Chinese Language and Literature, Journalism, History, Mathematics, Physics ), School of Materials and Metallurgy, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, School of Mining, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, School of Big Data and Information Engineering (electronic information) .

Fourth batch: Grade 2021 students who have no history of residence in high-risk areas in the past 14 days (after August 26), have no contact with people in high-risk areas, and have not stopped in high-risk areas on their way to school.

Registration time: September 9th 9:00-18:00.

Guizhou Normal University

Start time

Admission in batches, the specific admission arrangements are as follows:

August 21, 2021, 9:00—13:00 noon Within 14 days, a local positive infection was reported by a city (prefecture) student who returned to Guiyang and was unable to enter the school, and completed the second nucleic acid test.Only after both results are negative can you enter the school; 9:00 a.m.-20:00 p.m., students from outside the province (no local positive infection reported within 14 days for students from the city (state) to return to school); 9:00 a.m.- At 20:00 in the evening, 2020 students in the province will return to school.

August 22, 2021 from 9:00 am to 20:00 pm, 2018 and 2019 students in the province will return to school.

Guizhou Police Academy

Start time

August 26, 2021 In the morning, students from the 2018 grade to the 2019 grade in the province will report.

On the afternoon of August 26th, 2020 students from the province registered.

All day on August 27th, foreign students from the province and students with a history of living outside the province register.

Zunyi Normal University

Start time

Enter the school in different batches on August 27 and 28. The specific entry arrangements are as follows:

All day on 27th): North Gate (located on Ping'an Avenue): Teacher Education College, School of Resources and Environment, School of Information Engineering, School of Marxism, Grade 2018, 2019, and 2020 students; West Gate (located on Wujiang Avenue): Humanities and Media College, Sports College, Biology and Agricultural Technology College, School of Management 2018, 2019, 2020 grade students and joint training graduate students (including freshmen).

second batch (all day on August 28): North Gate (located on Ping'an Avenue): Students from the School of Foreign Languages, School of Mathematics, School of Physics and Electronic Science, School of Fine Arts 2018, 2019, 2020; Ximen (located at Wujiang Avenue): 2018, 2019, and 2020 students from the School of History, Culture and Tourism, the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, the School of Engineering, and the School of Music and Dance.

The third batch (14:00 to 16:30 on August 28): For newly recruited "college-upgraded" students in 2021, the methods and precautions for entering the school shall be strictly in accordance with the freshman enrollment plan (already attached with the admission notice Sent to students) execution.

Liupanshui Vocational and Technical College

Start time

2021 will return to school from August 21st .

Nursing students returned to school on the 21st, medical and financial students returned to school on the 22nd, and industrial, business management, information engineering, and social science students returned to school on the 23rd.

Recently, local clustered epidemics caused by overseas imports

have spread to many provinces

as of 18:00 on August 16, 2021

There are 29 high-risk areas and 105 medium-risk areas across the country

According to the campus epidemic prevention and control work deployment of the Provincial Department of Education

All colleges and universities should strengthen campus closed management

Detailed measures for epidemic prevention and control before school start

Students who are about to return to school

Also Pay attention to the relevant admission requirements of each school

safe admission and on-time admission

the following safety precautions for returning to school

remember to collect

before returning to school

①reduce your place of residence before returning to school Variety,The route back to school should avoid middle and high-risk areas, and the itinerary within 14 days should be clear and coherent, and the health code and itinerary card should be in normal colors.

②No contact with confirmed, suspected new coronary pneumonia or asymptomatic infection within 14 days, no history of overseas travel or contact with overseas personnel, no experience of living in areas with medium or high risk of the epidemic, and no close contact with travellers in key areas for epidemic prevention and control.

③Ensure that the body is in good health, without fever, chest tightness, fatigue, dry cough and other symptoms; non-confirmed, suspected, or asymptomatic cases of new coronary pneumonia.

④Prepare school supplies and daily necessities, including important documents such as ID cards; personal protective equipment such as masks, disinfectants, hand sanitizers, and wet wipes should also be adequately prepared. In special times, you must protect yourself.

⑤The return to school in autumn is a period of high incidence of typhoons and floods in some areas. Students should pay close attention to the weather conditions in relevant areas to avoid delays in returning to school due to weather. If there are special circumstances, contact the counselor in time.

On the way back to school

①Try to choose a travel method that can be staggered or seated at intervals. It is not recommended to talk or have close contact with strangers.

②Wear disposable medical masks and spare masks throughout the entire journey in closed carriages, airplanes, and cabins, and pay attention to maintaining a social distance of more than 1 meter.

③Maintain cough etiquette. Cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or elbow clothing. Dispose of tissues properly and avoid spitting.

④ If the transportation does not provide meals, it is recommended to bring easy-to-eat fast food to reduce group meals. Avoid eating raw and cold foods.

⑤If the surrounding passengers frequently cough, sneeze, etc., keep your distance.

⑥ Keep the bills properly for easy inquiries.

New semester, new weather and new goals

I hope students can pay attention to personal safety

return to school safely

Source Guizhou Education Release

Editor Pi Yadan

Editor Gan Jiang Dongluo Wei

Article recommendation

The former party secretary and chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference Wang Fuyu was expelled from the party

Group services such as mahjong are not provided, and people from high-risk areas are not allowed to come to the funeral.Guiyang City Funeral Management Office issued epidemic prevention and control tips

See Guizhou Metropolis Daily

