National University of Defense Technology held the 2021 undergraduate graduation education troop leadership report meeting

On the afternoon of June 11th, school held the 2021 undergraduate graduate education force leadership report meeting, and invited Wei Changjin, a student of the fifth high-tech knowledge training course for senior military cadres and deputy political commissar of the Shanghai Garrison District, to give a report. Liu Wenjun, deputy political commissar of the school, attended.

Wei Changjin is the winner of the "August 1st" Medal and the Reform Pioneer Medal. After retreating from the enemy for 8 counterattacks, standing alone for 11 hours, he was awarded the first-class merit and was awarded the honorary title of "Battle Hero" by the Central Military Commission. He explained the "Old Mountain" from four aspects: "devotional spirit of seeing death as home and fighting bloody battle to the end", "the outstanding vanguard and exemplary role of Communist Party members", "the spirit of fraternity that shares weal and woe, life and death", and "the iron will that is not afraid of hardships and hardships". The profound connotation of "spirit" tells the story of the battle with his comrades who sacrificed their lives, fought bloody battles, and defended their homeland and the country. At the

report meeting, the officers and soldiers were deeply moved by the heroic deeds, and all of them were moved by it. The report will last about 80 minutes, and there will be more than ten times of applause, and many audience members will keep wiping away their tears. Everyone agreed that Wei Changjin's report was not only a glorious traditional class to demonstrate the spirit of patriotism and revolutionary heroism, but also a mission education class to sharpen the fighting spirit and strengthen the bloody tiger spirit. After listening, I was deeply touched, educated and inspired. They all expressed that they must take the hero as an example and the vanguard as a pacesetter, comprehend and inherit the hero's deep and persistent feelings of serving the country, the political character of the party, and the revolutionary spirit of fighting to the end, firming up the ambition of a strong army, and the ability to win the battle. Consolidate the foundation of work style, and write a wonderful military life in the great practice of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army.

Tian Xiaofeng, a cadre of the Military Basic Education College, said that a promising nation cannot be without heroes, and a promising country cannot be without pioneers. As a grass-roots leader, we must learn heroic deeds, inherit heroic spirit, cultivate revolutionary heroism throughout the whole process of casting our souls and educate people, and focus on cultivating revolutionary soldiers in the new era of "four possessions". 2021 student Qi Xucong talked about As a graduate student who is about to take up a post, he must turn the power of example into his driving force to go to the grassroots, the frontier, and the place where the motherland needs it most, and bloom the most brilliant youth in the struggle. Hua, splattered a cavity of blood on the journey of a strong army like a rainbow. The

report will be chaired by Zhang Jin, director of the school's political work office. A total of more than 1,000 people including political committee members, directors of political work offices, trainee team leaders, trainee team cadres, graduate students of the 2021 class, and representatives of other military undergraduate and graduate students from some colleges attended the report meeting.

text | Niu Jianguang

picture | Qiu Tianshu, Zhao Nana

editor | Chen Wen