During the summer vacation every year, it is the time when many college entrance examination students are most looking forward to and most uneasy. Of course, the most excited are the top students who have received the admission notices from prestigious schools, and the most depre

2024/06/3009:29:32 education 1290

During the summer vacation every year, it is the time when many college entrance examination students are most looking forward to and most uneasy. Of course, the most excited are the top students who have received the admission notices from prestigious schools, and the most depre - DayDayNews

During the summer vacation every year, it is the time when many college entrance examination students are most looking forward to and most anxious. Of course, the most excited are those who have received the admission notice from prestigious schools, and the most frustrated are those who Students who failed the college entrance examination.

Although a college entrance examination admission notice may not necessarily widen the gap in life in the future, at least for now, those who have been admitted to college can have the opportunity to continue their studies. There is a gap between them and their peers who have not been admitted to college. They already belong to two worlds.

When we trace the past life experiences of these children, we will find that their different life development directions at this time are often determined by their initial choices.

During this summer vacation, parents must tell their children these eight sentences, which are related to their future growth.

01 Playing with mobile phones is fun, but it will make you lose the ability to have longer-term happiness in the future.

The summer vacation of 2022 is really hot. It is so hot that many people dare not go out, and some people are even sent to the hospital ICU.

This intense heat also makes many parents feel anxious. They are not worried about whether their children will suffer from heat stroke, but they are worried that children who hide in air-conditioned rooms all day playing mobile games will delay their studies and damage their eyesight.

Parents are not unfounded. The hot summer prevents their children from going out for a walk. Children who feel idle all day feel that mobile games are the best companions. They choose to play games in air-conditioned rooms all day long.

What’s more, even the sweltering heat cannot stop children’s enthusiasm for playing with mobile phones. We can see primary and secondary school students enjoying “happiness” with mobile phones everywhere in shopping malls, parks, museums, under the shade of trees, etc.

During the summer vacation every year, it is the time when many college entrance examination students are most looking forward to and most uneasy. Of course, the most excited are the top students who have received the admission notices from prestigious schools, and the most depre - DayDayNews

Indeed, playing mobile games can bring a lot of happiness to children. In the small space of a mobile phone screen, children can break through levels and fight. Compared with reading and studying, children are of course very relaxed physically and mentally.

But what many children do not realize is that playing with mobile phones can only bring short-term happiness. For this short-term happiness, they lose the ability to have longer-term happiness in the future.

It can be said that playing mobile games in student days is an extremely expensive sunk cost .

But it is one thing to understand the truth. It is another thing to prevent children from falling into the "big pit" of playing mobile games.

The biggest difficulty is that children cannot perceive the future results in advance, and it will be too late until the day they can perceive it.

We can only find another way and start by transferring interest. Specifically, through guidance, children’s interest in playing mobile games is transferred to hobbies that are beneficial to physical and mental development, such as reading, sports, calligraphy and painting, music, writing, etc.

In other words, the focus of us parents is not on how to persuade and prevent children from playing with mobile phones, because from the perspective of educational practice, the results are often not great. We need to let our children find a hobby that can replace playing mobile games.

During the summer vacation every year, it is the time when many college entrance examination students are most looking forward to and most uneasy. Of course, the most excited are the top students who have received the admission notices from prestigious schools, and the most depre - DayDayNews

I once witnessed a little girl from my neighbor who was in the fourth grade of primary school. Thanks to her parents’ good education, she was completely immersed in reading and even more intoxicated in the creation of poems and other works. Because these hobbies occupy children's spare time, children naturally develop immunity to mobile games. The final result of

is that not only does the child's academic performance in various subjects always rank among the best, but his writing ability has reached the level of middle school students.

02 Once you make the wrong choice, you will have to pay a lifelong price.

The reason why we, as parents, must do our best to create a good growth environment for our children and provide them with the best education within their abilities is simply to want our children to Cultivate adults to become talents.

Every parent is afraid that their children will be dragged down by temporary indulgence and laziness, which will eventually lead to a lifetime of humility and lingering regrets.

We must tell our children in advance that although people have many choices in this life, what really determines their life are those few key choices.

For children who are in the compulsory education stage, in addition to the key choices that everyone knows about the high school and college entrance examinations, there are also choices such as games and reading, indulgence and self-discipline, slacking off and working hard, giving up and perseverance.

We should not forget to warn our children: once they make a wrong choice while growing up, they may step into the abyss and never look back.

During the summer vacation every year, it is the time when many college entrance examination students are most looking forward to and most uneasy. Of course, the most excited are the top students who have received the admission notices from prestigious schools, and the most depre - DayDayNews

If necessary, we can give our children a few examples of regrets in which they suffered a lot in life because they were addicted to video games and did not study well.

03 For ordinary families, only reading is the investment with the lowest cost and the greatest return.

If reading is regarded as an investment, there is no doubt that for most ordinary families, only reading is the investment with the lowest cost and greatest return. The biggest investment.

This is because ordinary families have a natural disadvantage in occupying various resources and have no other way for their children to embark on a good development path.

For children, reading is the surest, lowest-cost, and most profitable path to success.

Taking a step back, we see those families with very advantageous conditions. They occupy various resources that we can't even imagine. But even so, which parent will not let their children study hard?

Even they regard reading as an important investment. What reason do we have to ignore the investment of "reading".

What's more, no matter what career a child wants to pursue in the future, he needs the background of a scholar as capital.

04 If you can control yourself well in daily life, you will be different from most of your peers.

There is no excellence in this world for no reason. The biggest difference between excellent children and mediocre children is that excellent children can Take control of yourself on a daily basis.

It can be said that what really widens the gap is precisely the daily life at the moment.

For example, during the two-month summer vacation, highly self-disciplined children will make good use of this time to carry out activities such as reading, sports, subject learning, talent training, etc., so that they can make a new leap forward.

If you can't control your children well, you will waste a lot of time, playing mobile phones and games all day and night.

During the summer vacation every year, it is the time when many college entrance examination students are most looking forward to and most uneasy. Of course, the most excited are the top students who have received the admission notices from prestigious schools, and the most depre - DayDayNews

You may not be able to see anything in the short term, but over time, we will find that the gap between our children and others will become wider and wider.

Sail against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. We must not underestimate the summer vacation. If we do not plan well, it is inevitable to fall behind.

Therefore, some people say that summer vacation is a watershed that widens the gap. Many people jokingly say: If you are not afraid of top students getting good grades, you are just afraid of top students spending their summer vacation!

Of course, we cannot go from one extreme to the other, turning the summer vacation that is supposed to combine work and rest into a "family version of school."

05 If you find that you can't break through yourself, don't rush to bury your head in the road first, stop and reflect carefully.

Many so-called scumbags do not work hard. They have worked hard, but have not received the corresponding learning results.

They could not hide their disappointment, but due to various reasons, they did not calm down and think about where the problem was, resulting in such mistakes continuing over and over again.

Many people have heard of the fable "Northern Directions".

When children use the wrong learning method , they actually fall into the opposite predicament. No matter how hard they try, they cannot break through themselves.

We need to remind our children not to rush in too quickly, but to stop, calm down, and reflect on whether their learning methods are appropriate and feasible.

During the summer vacation every year, it is the time when many college entrance examination students are most looking forward to and most uneasy. Of course, the most excited are the top students who have received the admission notices from prestigious schools, and the most depre - DayDayNews

A good learning method must conform to the physical and mental development rules of children. This is a basic ability that we as parents must teach our children.

When children find the right learning method through self-reflection, they will find that they can go faster and further on the road of growth.

06 It is indeed not easy to temper yourself, but you will definitely achieve a better version of yourself in the future.

We must let our children believe that every drop of sweat and effort they put in now is adding weight to success in the future.

In other words, if children do not experience self-discipline, it will be difficult for them to succeed, whether now or in the future.

Therefore, if you want your children to make a difference in the future and become a better version of themselves, it is necessary for them to experience some self-discipline from now on.

After a few years, the children will definitely be grateful to themselves for trying so hard to get better now.

07 When you want to give up, just try harder and persevere, and you will eventually have a brighter moment.

The reason why many children fail to learn this or that on the way to school is not due to IQ problems. , mostly because they didn’t persist to the end.

We need to let our children understand the truth: failure and success are often only one step away, and giving up easily is irresponsible to oneself.

When you want to give up, try harder and persevere, and you will eventually usher in a beautiful moment of darkness.

During the summer vacation every year, it is the time when many college entrance examination students are most looking forward to and most uneasy. Of course, the most excited are the top students who have received the admission notices from prestigious schools, and the most depre - DayDayNews

08 You can't just dream, you must be down-to-earth and work tirelessly to realize your dream.

Every child carries a dream for the future.

But if you just dream without taking practical actions, then no matter how good the dream is, it will not be realized.

Dreams will always favor those children who are down-to-earth and work tirelessly, and will not wait for those who are afraid of difficulties and slack off and are not willing to make progress.


There is no such thing as luck falling from the sky, let alone casual success. Behind luck and success are countless efforts and dedication.

Summer vacation is one of the best times for children to practice and improve themselves.

In a few years, whether children have a bright future or a gloomy future is closely related to the results of the self-choices they make today.

hopes that every child can work hard and fight from now on, not waste his time, achieve a better version of himself, and win a promising future!

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