[Source: Learning in Hanzhong] Hanzhong Municipal Education Bureau successfully held the 2022 Hanzhong Municipal Secondary Vocational School Class Teacher Ability Competition. In order to deepen the "three-round education" reform in the field of vocational education, promote the

2024/05/2410:42:33 education 1706

[Source: Learning in Hanzhong]

[Source: Learning in Hanzhong] Hanzhong Municipal Education Bureau successfully held the 2022 Hanzhong Municipal Secondary Vocational School Class Teacher Ability Competition. In order to deepen the

Hanzhong Municipal Education Bureau successfully held the 2022 Hanzhong Municipal Secondary Vocational School Class Teacher Ability Competition

In order to deepen the " three-round education " reform in the field of vocational education, promote the city's secondary vocational schools to strengthen the team of class teachers To professionalize the construction and improve the level of student management, class style and study style construction and moral education in secondary vocational schools, the Hanzhong Municipal Education Bureau organized the 2022 Hanzhong Municipal Secondary Vocational School Class Teacher Ability Competition. 17 class teachers from 10 secondary vocational schools participated in the competition .

[Source: Learning in Hanzhong] Hanzhong Municipal Education Bureau successfully held the 2022 Hanzhong Municipal Secondary Vocational School Class Teacher Ability Competition. In order to deepen the [Source: Learning in Hanzhong] Hanzhong Municipal Education Bureau successfully held the 2022 Hanzhong Municipal Secondary Vocational School Class Teacher Ability Competition. In order to deepen the

This competition is conducted through school recommendation, county-level preliminary review, and municipal-level on-site review. The municipal-level review site is located at Hanzhong Vocational and Technical College . The judging panel strictly reviewed the class construction plans, management education cases, class activity plans, class activity recording videos, simulated scenario handling videos and other materials submitted by the contestants, scored on site, and finally selected 2 first prizes and 2 second prizes. 5 first prizes and 6 third prizes. Among them, in accordance with the requirement of the Provincial Department of Education that no more than one head teacher from the same school can participate in the competition, and based on the performance of the contestants, 7 teachers from 7 schools will be recommended from high to low to participate in the 2022 Provincial Class Teacher Ability Competition.

[Source: Learning in Hanzhong] Hanzhong Municipal Education Bureau successfully held the 2022 Hanzhong Municipal Secondary Vocational School Class Teacher Ability Competition. In order to deepen the [Source: Learning in Hanzhong] Hanzhong Municipal Education Bureau successfully held the 2022 Hanzhong Municipal Secondary Vocational School Class Teacher Ability Competition. In order to deepen the

The launch of this secondary vocational school class teacher ability competition not only selected outstanding candidates for the provincial competition, but also demonstrated the ability and level of the class teachers in each school and the good spirit of the city's secondary vocational class teacher team. In the later period, the Municipal Education Bureau will continue to pay close attention to the construction of the team of class teachers in secondary vocational schools, promote the construction through competitions, work unremittingly, continue to advance with the times in theory, continue to innovate in methods, and cultivate a group of dedicated, enterprising, and enterprising teachers. A team of high-quality vocational education head teachers leads students to learn happily and grow healthily. (Vocational Education and Adult Education Section)

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