"Come on! Come on! I'll win if I only have one button left!" "Wow! Look how fast he ties his shoelaces!" "Try the food I made. I'm my little chef!" "This bunch! The flower arrangement is so beautiful." Recently, in the indoor basketball hall of China Resources International Prima

2024/05/2119:08:32 education 1542

 "Come on! Come on! If you only have one button left, you will win!" "Wow! Look how fast he ties his shoelaces!" "Try the food I made. I am my little chef!" "This The flowers are arranged so beautifully." Recently, in the indoor basketball hall of China Resources International Primary School in Guanshan Lake District, praises, applause and shouts came one after another. This was the result of the school's "Educating Beauty with Labor, Educating People with Beauty" Labor Skills Competition on site.

This competition is rich in content and diverse in form. According to the different age characteristics of students, combined with campus daily and study life, the school has designed labor skills competition projects for each age group by grade.

At the competition site, the children showed their special skills and treated every game seriously and focused. The first and second grade students participated in labor skills competitions such as dressing up, tying red scarves, tying shoelaces, and packing school bags. The children devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the competition. Their movements were skillful, fast and orderly. Their joy and pride in completing the competition were beyond words.

At the third and fourth grade competition site for folding clothes, tying hair, and making delicacies (cold dishes), the children skillfully arranged their school uniforms, and the girls took out carefully prepared trinkets and each showed off their skills and styled their hair in various styles. On the other side, "little Not to be outdone, the "Little Chef Gods" took out the ingredients they had prepared in advance and used their imagination and creativity to produce dishes that were both delicious and delicious.

The labor skills competition items in the fifth and sixth grade stages include flower arrangement and food (cold dish) production. The students have transformed into flower arrangement artists. With the imagination of the students, the flowers and vases have become Each exquisite flower arrangement art. The little contestants also gave them interesting names, and paired them with well-presented homemade delicacies. It turns out that the beauty of art can also be felt in housework!

It is understood that China Resources International Primary School in Guanshan Lake District has always adhered to the moral education of people, attached great importance to the cultivation of students' labor literacy, and incorporated labor education into the whole process of school education. By opening up labor bases, carrying out labor skills competitions, and building "run" Through the "diligence" labor education courses and other methods, we continue to broaden the connotation and extension of labor, organically integrate "labor education" and "aesthetic education", let labor courses enter students' hearts and integrate into students' lives, and guide students to develop a love for labor and endure hardships. Good qualities and good habits of being hard-working and thrifty.

Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Luo Qiuhong

Photo courtesy of Guanshan Lake District China Resources International Primary School

Editor Xu Ran

Second trial Shi Yuling

Third trial Wang Luyao

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