Based on my many years of practical experience in education, I have found that the failure of many children to improve their academic performance is often closely related to the fact that they did not review in time after finishing their studies at the beginning, leading to them

2024/05/1913:01:32 education 1869

Based on my many years of practical experience in education, I have found that the failure of many children to improve their academic performance is often closely related to the fact that they did not review in time after finishing their studies at the beginning, leading to them  - DayDayNews

Based on my many years of practical experience in education, I have found that the failure of many children to improve their academic performance is often closely related to the fact that they did not review in time after finishing their studies at the beginning, resulting in forgetting the knowledge they have learned. Over time, because too much knowledge has been forgotten, children owe a lot of "debt" in learning. In the end, they will become increasingly unable to keep up with the teacher's lectures, and will become tired of learning.

In order to avoid this situation, review is crucial, and this review is not a temporary review before each exam, but an immediate review after you have finished studying.

Children's inability to do homework is a headache for many parents. The solution is that before the children do their homework, we can let the children conduct a thorough review of the lessons learned that day, and conquer the knowledge points that they do not understand and have not yet fully digested and absorbed one by one. This will not only help the children to successfully complete the day's homework Homework also helps to improve learning effects, and improvement in learning effects means improvement in future academic performance.

Based on my many years of practical experience in education, I have found that the failure of many children to improve their academic performance is often closely related to the fact that they did not review in time after finishing their studies at the beginning, leading to them  - DayDayNews

In addition, in addition to guiding children to pay attention to wrong questions, we also need to guide children not to take the correct questions lightly, and it is best to do them again every once in a while. This is because even knowledge points that are understood at the time are likely to be forgotten as time goes by.

This starts with the human brain. How quickly does the human brain forget information? The famous psychologist Ebbinghaus conducted an experiment more than a hundred years ago. The experimenter randomly selected 10 groups of words for the subjects participating in the experiment to memorize, and then recorded the forgetting process. The final experimental results of

show that the speed of forgetting words does not vary from person to person, but generally follows a certain curve. This curve law is the " Ebbinghaus forgetting curve " that many of us are very familiar with.

Judging from the forgetting curve , after about four hours, the amount of human memory is only half of the original, and after a day, only 30% is left. What does this mean? I believe that after seeing this experimental data, each of our parents will find the main reason for the unsatisfactory academic performance of their children.

Based on my many years of practical experience in education, I have found that the failure of many children to improve their academic performance is often closely related to the fact that they did not review in time after finishing their studies at the beginning, leading to them  - DayDayNews

Of course, the knowledge that children learn in practice is not as difficult to remember as randomly selected words, and will stay in the memory for a while. However, even so, if it is not repeated and memorized, the knowledge will still change over time. As time goes by, it is gradually forgotten.

This also reminds us parents that it is best to review and pass the knowledge and exercises that children have learned during the day that night, and practice them repeatedly in the following period of time. In this way, the knowledge learned can be truly consolidated, and short-term memory can be transformed into long-term memory. This is also one of the secrets of academic masters’ ideal performance.

Scientific research results show that human memory storage time is about one month, so it is very important to be able to conduct repeated reviews multiple times during this period.

If the child studied very late the day before in order to prepare for the exam, we parents can also let the child review the next morning. Just squeeze out 5 to 10 minutes every morning to review what you learned the day before, or quickly do the previous correct and incorrect questions again. The difference between doing and not doing will definitely be reflected in your academic performance in the future.

Based on my many years of practical experience in education, I have found that the failure of many children to improve their academic performance is often closely related to the fact that they did not review in time after finishing their studies at the beginning, leading to them  - DayDayNews

The most important thing is that we parents must know what knowledge points our children have yet to fully understand. However, we generally do not directly ask children what they do not understand. This is mainly because children generally do not know what the problem is and they cannot explain the situation clearly.

We might as well change the way we ask questions. For example, we can ask our children what they have learned in school, let the children teach us parents, or give us a few questions to test us parents.

Teaching others can help children consolidate their memory. Some people call this method the "Feynman learning method."

Children with strong self-esteem especially like to enjoy the feeling of being a primary school teacher, and because they want to show their ability as primary school teachers and have the ability to give more test questions to their parents, they often take the initiative to review and digest what they have learned that day. knowledge, and even learn more new knowledge.

is a method that allows children to teach parents or set questions to test parents. Every parent must learn it. It helps children consolidate their memory and is a great way to improve children's learning results.

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