Liu Mintao, Wen Qi, incarnate as a "bankrupt mother and daughter", "Life Family" has repeatedly used strange tricks to solve the problem

On May 11, the CCTV TV drama channel announced on its official Weibo that the TV drama "Life at Home" will be broadcast on CCTV-8 on May 13, after "Three Families in Wenzhou". The official Weibo post said: "They have become 'living families' by virtue of their wisdom, and they live out a tree of flowers in ordinary days.

The drama gathers the top domestic production team, the best director of Magnolia Liu Haibo, and the famous screenwriter Zhang Wei. , powerful screenwriter Teng Yang, photography director Pan Xing, art director Shen Xiaoyong, etc. jointly created the first urban female growth drama with "mother and daughter" as the main line, starring Liu Mintao, Wen Qi, Qiu Ze, Liu Xinyou, Pan Binlong, etc. Inspirational and funny ordinary people are like a big drama.

Recently, the play released the final trailer, revealing the cast, including Liu Mintao, Wen Qi, Qiu Ze, Pan Binlong, etc. The story of Qingxi also aroused the expectations of many netizens. Although there is no The rise and fall of making a fortune and becoming famous, but ordinary people can continue to "grab horses" in their small days.

"Life" is a new life drama from the dual perspectives of mother and daughter. Mother Qiu Xiaoxia (played by Liu Mintao) is strong and wise , his eyes are full of imprints in life, and he claims to be "Nezha who rides the waves", and encourages his daughter to accompany her at all times. Her daughter Qiu Dongna (played by Wen Qi) is kind and clever, and she encountered a secret fight when she first entered the workplace. Don't be afraid, and strive to become your ideal self through various experiences. The two always accompany, support each other, and grow together in the trials of life, showing a warm girlfriend-like mother-daughter relationship. In the life of anger, sorrow and joy, we create a positive energy value orientation of "laughing to life", and "out of focus" for the current urbanites.In addition, the multi-faceted characters such as Gu Fei, Cheng Fanyang, Chen Weiming and so on set up a group portrait of modern people's lives. "Ordinary people can also work hard to become a life home!" , live brilliantly" belief.

Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Zhang Nan

[Source:Yangtze Evening News]

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