Matsumine Riri, known as the "female version of Yano Koji", is more deeply rooted in China than Koji

Songfeng Lili, known as the "female version of Yano Koji", is more deeply rooted in China than Koji. Both husbands are Chinese. All her roles are either Japanese female officers or female spy agents, but she said that she wanted to play the role most. a Chinese woman.

In 2006, Songfeng Lili participated in the TV series "Family Door" starring Du Yulu and He Saifei. Since then, she has officially entered the Chinese entertainment industry. To this day, she has never appeared in any film and television work in her motherland, and she is full of passion and dedication to the Chinese film and television performance industry.

Songfeng Lili and Yano Koji are the same. Since they are Japanese, when they play the role of Japanese identity, they have a stronger sense of substitution and are widely recognized by Chinese audiences.

She is also a prolific actress. She has participated in the shooting of many film and television dramas. She played the maid Aju in the anti-Japanese drama "Home in Huanshang", and also played Kurihara Komaki in "Zhao Dan".

Although Songfeng Lili has excellent acting skills and a lot of works, it has not been popular until 2015, with the popularity of the TV series "The Pretender". known by more people.

She appropriately interpreted the arrogance and suspicious nature of the female officer, and polished the character to be plump and rich in texture. Although it is only a green leaf, it has its own dazzling features.

In addition to admiring her acting skills, many viewers complimented her when they learned that she was a fake Japanese: Chinese words are too slippery!

In the early years, when Songfeng Lili came to study at the Chinese Opera, apart from simple conversations, her Chinese was not coherent at all, and the difference in the pronunciation of flat rolls was even more inaccurate.

But since you want to make a difference in the Chinese entertainment industry in the future, speaking fluent Chinese is the foundation. Otherwise, how can you memorize the script? What about the lines?

So, she took every opportunity to practice her oral English desperately.

Once, Songfeng Lili went to a production crew to film a scene. When she was in a state of performance, the director suddenly called out, and he called Songfeng Lili to her side and told her: "Your character, as a Japanese, speaks Chinese. You can't say it so well, you adjust yourself and do it all over again."

The director's words are a recognition of her hard work in learning Chinese.

With this confidence, her pursuit on the road of acting has become more persistent and firm.

In 2015, Songfeng Lili got the opportunity to film the spy war drama "The Pretender". After getting the script, she quickly memorized the lines. But when filming, the problem came. Director Li Xue felt that her lines were too fluent, and she was more eloquent than many Chinese actors. She called out several times, hoping that she would make adjustments and make her accent more Japanese. .

During that time, she said in an interview that she felt that because her Chinese was deliberately not spoken well during the filming, it affected her communication with her Chinese friends after the show. Friends were wondering why she practiced a while ago. If you can speak Chinese so well, you will be regressed within a few days?

She couldn't help but smile whenever she mentioned this.

Songfeng Lili also became very good friends with Liu Mintao, Song Yi, Hu Ge, and Jin Dong through this drama, and often taught them Japanese in her spare time.

She is often asked why she chose to focus her career on China?

Songfeng Lili's answer is: Chinese personality and culture are very attractive to her.

During her pregnancy, it was inconvenient for her to have a big belly, so every time she took the subway, went to the almost any public place, there were enthusiastic Chinese friends who offered her her seat and offered her all kinds of help, which made her feel Especially warm. She said that all this felt in China, in the cold atmosphere in Japan where everyone just walks with their heads lowered, can't be experienced.

A reporter once interviewed her: Do you not want to act in anti-Japanese themes?

Songfeng Lili has an objective and clear understanding of such acute issues. She believes that history has existed objectively and cannot be changed. As an actor, it is the responsibility of an actor to accurately restore a piece of history through roles. Indeed, the numerous crimes committed by the Japanese aggressors in China back then are a sure-fire fact. History should be remembered.

In addition to her career taking root in China, Songfeng Lili also concluded two marriages with Chinese men.

Song Feng Lili met director Xu Ang when he was a graduate student in Chinese Opera.

Xu Ang's more famous relationship is the smoky past between him and actress Jiao Junyan. As everyone knows, he and Songfeng Lili have been married for seven years before the love is fixed.

After the seven-year itch ended, Songfeng Lili married a business elite outside the circle, and gave birth to a beautiful and lovely daughter. The family of three was happy and harmonious. Songfeng Lili can be regarded as truly taking root in China.

Although she has acted in a lot of film and television dramas, she has played all Japanese female characters. Songfeng Lili is eager to achieve a breakthrough in her career and can play a Chinese woman again!

Do you think her wish will come true? What kind of identity is she suitable for playing a Chinese woman?

Our country is a place that is tolerant and tolerant. We welcome every foreign artist who expresses goodwill, law-abiding and dedicated work to us, and is willing to give them applause and shouts.

Nowadays, for many foreign artists, the Chinese market is extremely huge, and they are eager to try to make money, but many foreign artists insult and slander us while earning our money. For those inferior artists, we must resolutely Say no, otherwise, in China's entertainment industry, wouldn't any character be able to enter and exit at will? If this is the case, what cultural renaissance is there to talk about?