Today, Xiaomi released the #小米12S series of new products. The imaging system in-depth cooperation with Leica can be said to whet people's appetite. I also participated in the unboxing of the Xiaomi 12S series at Xiaomi Home for the first time, and was the first to I took a few sa

Today Xiaomi released new products of the #小米12S series. The imaging system in deep cooperation with Leica can be said to have whetted people's appetite. I also participated in the launch of Xiaomi Home Xiaomi 12S series at the first time. box, and took a few sample photos in the store for the first time. Let’s share the hot on-site pictures with you:

1. Real shots

This is the Xiaomi 12S packaging box

This is the Xiaomi 12S and Xiaomi 12S Pro

This is the camera interface of the huge Xiaomi 12S Ultra

The middle button on the top can switch between Leica original color and Leica bright

The large rear lens on the back

2. Xiaomi 12S Ultra casual sample

system dual native Leica image samples By comparison, you can see the green restoration effect

This is a comparison of the effects of four Leica custom filters with the original image

3. Xiaomi 12S Pro sample photos taken at random

The above are all taken casually, after all, the environment in the store is limited, and there are a lot of them People queue up Waiting to get my hands on a new phone, sorry it took so long.

What do you think? Do you want to buy one?