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Although domestic mobile phones have developed greatly in recent years and have achieved proud results in various aspects, in daily life, there are still many people who insist on buying Apple mobile phones. You can also see it through the 618 mobile phone sales list It can be seen that the number one iPhone is several times higher than the number two, which can also reflect that more and more people are choosing Apple phones. From the summary, it can be seen that the users who have always insisted on using Apple phones are nothing more than this. There are 4 types of people, come and see which type you are?

Category 1: People with difficulty choosing

It can be said that domestic mobile phones have developed relatively quickly in recent years and have achieved satisfactory results. However, there are many domestic mobile phone brands, and each brand will release multiple models. Each model has multiple versions. For example, Redmi has released two models: Redmi K50 and Redmi K50 Pro. Each model is divided into 8+128GB, 8+256 GB, and 12+256 GB. There are many versions such as GB and so on. Users don’t know which one to choose when choosing. This is just one brand. If you choose a model that you are satisfied with among many brands, for users who don’t know much about mobile phones, it is indeed a good choice. It's hard to choose.

Although Apple mobile phones also have multiple versions, they are much less than domestic mobile phones. At the same time, the performance of each version is enough for users. Users only need to choose the corresponding version according to their own budget. There is no need to have too many The choice is indeed a lot more convenient for people who have difficulty choosing.

Category 2: People who like the simple and smooth Apple IOS system

Nowadays, domestic mobile phones are mainly divided into three systems, namely Apple system, Hongmeng system, and Android system. The Hongmeng system is currently only used on Huawei mobile phones . We know that because Huawei mobile phones do not have 5G and other reasons, a large number of pollen are now buying mobile phones of other brands.

Although domestic mobile phone manufacturers have also released their own mobile phone systems, they all add new UIs based on the Android system, which is just more in line with users' usage habits. During the use of the Android system, advertisements will also appear. Applications cannot be closed, etc. Generally, the speed will slow down after two or three years of use.

The iOS system of Apple mobile phones has always been popular with users for its simplicity and smoothness. It is easier to operate. At the same time, no matter how long it is used, it will not slow down. It has absolute control over personal privacy, so Users who have used Apple systems will generally not choose Android systems again.

Category 3: People who have been "kidnapped" by Apple

Users who have purchased Apple mobile phones, as time goes by, you will find that other electronic devices you use are gradually "kidnapped" by Apple, and your computers are replaced by MAC and tablets. Use iPad, use Apple Watch, etc., all electronic products have been replaced by my family bucket. You have been integrated into Apple's ecosystem, so when buying your next mobile phone, in order to be able to use other electronic devices more conveniently , will also choose to use Apple phones.

Category 4: Users who don’t like to change mobile phones frequently

Nowadays, people’s lives are increasingly inseparable from mobile phones. Whether they are shopping on the street, daily communication, or even working, they need to use mobile phones, so mobile phones have become a part of people’s daily life and work. is an important tool. As the time of using the mobile phone gradually increases, more and more data will be stored in the mobile phone. If you want to change the mobile phone, you need to back up the data and re-import it to the new mobile phone. So now of people don't like to change their mobile phones frequently.

Because Apple mobile phones have the most powerful A-series processors, their performance is two generations higher than Qualcomm processors. They also have a very smooth iOS system, so Apple mobile phones can be used for many years without slowing down. situation, so that there is no need to change mobile phones frequently, and there is no need to toss the data in the mobile phone because of changing mobile phones.


The reason why more and more people now like to buy Apple mobile phones is mainly due to the above 4 types of situations. The fundamental reason is that Apple mobile phones have powerful performance and smooth systems. This is currently the case for domestic mobile phones. Unattainable.

There are four types of people who always insist on using Apple phones. Which one do you belong to? Welcome to leave a comment in the comment area below