| Hello~ I am your der (deer), a nerd who loves digital, likes to talk about current affairs, and digs out cost-effective things. Der friends, please give me a follow! I don’t know why, but every time I mention Samsung mobile phones, the first reaction of many friends is that Sam

| hello~ I am your der (deer), a nerd who loves digital, likes to talk about current affairs, and digs out cost-effective things. Der friends, please give me a follow!

I don’t know why, but every time I mention Samsung mobile phone , the first reaction of many friends is that Samsung mobile phones will explode!

Immediately afterwards, there was cynicism about Samsung mobile phones. He felt that it was rare to choose a Samsung mobile phone when there were so many good mobile phones to choose from in China.

Indeed, in the recent domestic smartphone share, compared with domestic manufacturers such as Huami OV, Samsung ’s share of less than 3% is simply not enough, and with the same configuration, the price of Samsung mobile phones is still high. No less, it plummeted in two months, which once made many people think: Whoever bought it was wronged!

Obviously Samsung has been criticized so badly by many people, but many big shots in the domestic digital industry and high-end business people...it seems that many people who know mobile phones still choose Samsung mobile phones.

In view of the fact that many friends’ impression of Samsung is stuck on the Note 7 that may explode, and they have no use or understanding of Samsung’s mobile phones in recent years. So today der will talk to you: Why do people in China still buy such a terrible Samsung mobile phone?

Stop following others, it’s time to change Samsung after the Note7 explosion

Since the Samsung Note 7 battery explosion incident, many people have formed profound wrong ideas, so much so that in 2022, many people still use this incident to make excuses.

So der, the first thing I want to say here is that although it is a fact that the Samsung Note 7 battery exploded, it was once wildly hyped and smeared, but everyone only knew that it would explode, but they didn’t know what would happen to Samsung phones later?

Samsung is also a major international brand. When faced with the bad reputation issue of batteries exploding, it immediately switched to gel lithium batteries, which were extremely expensive at the time. This kind of lithium battery is resistant to high temperatures and is not afraid of thorns, no matter how much it is tossed. If it explodes, it will only emit smoke at most, so it is very safe.

And its disadvantages are also relatively obvious, that is, the internal resistance is too large, the high-magnification performance is poor, and simply speaking, it cannot support fast charging, so that Samsung’s fast charging speed has been criticized.

In the latest S8 series of new phones at that time, Samsung also promised that its gel lithium battery greatly reduced safety risks and was the safest battery in the history of Samsung mobile phones.

As a result, many netizens were dissatisfied, playing with the battery of the S8 in various ways, and some even used an electric drill to drill it, hoping that it would explode and make fun of it, but the result was only smoke, and they all came back disappointed. At the same time, based on battery life, capacity, etc., S8+ was rated as the mobile phone with the best battery by foreign authoritative media.

Nowadays, many mobile phones use lithium batteries. Coupled with the inner volume of fast charging, the heat is relatively large. Domestic mobile phone explosions also happen from time to time, but it is more of a public relations control, and the matter is not magnified.

Looking at Samsung's gel lithium batteries at this time, do you still have the nerve to follow the words of those half-empty people on the Internet who say that Samsung mobile phones will explode?

I know that at this time there must be some people who are dissatisfied: Samsung is too arrogant to let go and despises the Chinese market.

der What I just want to say is that in fact, in the annual corporate social responsibility list, Samsung has always been at the top in terms of comprehensive taxation, social responsibility, etc., and it is also the only mobile phone manufacturer in the top ten. , made a lot of contributions to the construction of socialism and , but Samsung only posted a Weibo announcement and did not publicize it. I was shocked when I saw this.

So stop saying that buying a Samsung mobile phone is unpatriotic and other moral kidnappings. After all, you can buy it yourself with the money earned by others, and you can use whatever you like~

The machine is at the king's level, and the hardware technology is at the forefront

There is a saying that is good, Android phones I still have to look at Samsung.

This sentence is not only about the strong configuration of Samsung’s flagship mobile phone, but also about the Samsung empire behind it, which controls the core technologies of many mobile phones such as chips, screens, and storage. It is not an exaggeration to say that Samsung is the only company to achieve independent design And a mobile phone manufacturer that produces a mobile phone.

Samsung is one of the world's largest chip manufacturers. The flagship chips such as Qualcomm Snapdragon 888, 888Plus, and Snapdragon 8 commonly used in Android are all manufactured by Samsung. Even Lao Huang's RTX 30 series graphics cards are also manufactured using Samsung's technology.

I don’t know if it often manufactures Apple’s A-series chips, Qualcomm Snapdragon chips, etc. Samsung has more or less learned a few tricks and developed its own Exynos chips. der I remember that when Android flagships were tortured by Qualcomm's Fire Dragon, Meizu Pro6 Plus relied on Samsung's Exynos 8890 processor and once became one of the most popular Android phones.

If, like Huawei , its neck is directly stuck by the chip, can you imagine how many domestic mobile phones have their competitiveness cut in half in an instant? But Samsung has its own chip manufacturers, so it doesn’t have to worry about these things at all. Sometimes it can even use the capabilities of the upstream mobile phone supply chain to launch Qualcomm Snapdragon’s flagship chip, which guarantees the performance of Samsung mobile phones.

In addition to chips, Samsung's own AMOLED screen is also one of the world's top screen manufacturers. Flagship phones such as Apple , Xiaomi all use its screens. However, as we all know, Samsung usually reserves the top screens for its own phones to widen the gap.

In terms of storage memory particles, Samsung is also one of the largest manufacturers in the world. Not only can it produce its own memory, it is also the first to install the latest DDR5 storage, which directly maximizes performance and speed. At the same time, Samsung also has a variety of top sensors and components in the mobile phone industry, and even acquired AKG to make the dual speakers of its Samsung mobile phones better in terms of sound effects.

But when it comes to screens and storage, der can’t help but think of Huawei being stuck and having to draw a lottery, and Samsung itself is the one who first satisfies its own Samsung mobile phones and does not sell them to other manufacturers.

The industry behind the Samsung empire is developed, and it is not inferior in industrial design.

In the past, Apple mobile phones were the ceiling for appearance. However, after the death of Steve Jobs, , appearance has never been online, and people have no longer expected it. Looking back at the design of today's Android flagship phones, the blue and green manufacturers are getting better and better in terms of appearance, but the best-looking ones are still Samsung, especially the Note 10 series, which is highly praised by everyone.

From this point of view, Samsung mobile phones not only have the support of core technologies, but also use the top black technology and even hardware of the same period, and balance performance, heat dissipation and weight. It is no wonder that such a independently designed and produced mobile phone is popular around the world. Sales volume ranks among the top.

However, the current domestic mobile phones are too complex, with similar hardware, and the price is much cheaper. Compared with Samsung mobile phones, they want to use the ultimate experience to widen the gap in some subtle details of the hardware. Unexpectedly, everyone does not have a strong perception of this. On the contrary, I am very sensitive to the high prices.

Even if Samsung's mobile phones do not sell well in China, it will not affect its high-end users, and the profits of the mobile phone industry supply chain will be eaten from beginning to end.

We will give you everything we can, and we will provide you with all the software.

I remember that many friends who used Samsung mobile phones in the past were very troubled by Samsung's mobile phone system. They had to refresh their phones every one and a half years of use, otherwise they would become stuck and unable to be used.

Now Samsung has long abandoned the old Touchwiz and Samsung Experience system UI, and switched to OneUI. Although its learning cost is relatively high, the advantage is that it has a high degree of freedom in customization. From unlocking to desktop to icons... you can almost change it as you like, and there are few ads. It can be said that it is directly used by Samsung phones. A new look.

When it comes to domestic localization adaptation, although Samsung cannot say that it is very good, it has everything it can have, and it can only be said that it is sufficient.

But for some people who often travel abroad and students, Samsung mobile phones directly come with the Google service framework. When used overseas, it is more friendly than Huawei and other domestic mobile phones. There is no need to download and install various services like other domestic mobile phones. toss.

Finally, there is the popular system ecological issue. Samsung not only cooperates with Microsoft , but also cooperates with Google to develop the system, which is very friendly in terms of compatibility. Especially Samsung's Dex, which can turn screens, TVs, etc. directly into computers, which is relatively mature compared to other mobile phone manufacturers.

As for the people who still buy Samsung mobile phones in China, I think they are either those who pursue the ultimate experience of Android phones and a small group of digital geeks. This explains why the big guys love to use Samsung.

Either you are a die-hard fan who has long been accustomed to Samsung mobile phones. However, in view of Samsung’s attitude towards the domestic market, the localized experience is lacking. It is estimated that more friends want to experience the Android flagship experience and how extreme it can be. Bar?