As we all know, in the field of global PC operating systems, Windows and macOS are in an absolutely dominant position, accounting for more than 90% of the market share. Although domestic operating systems have worked hard to develop over the years, the Linux category to which the

As we all know, in the global PC operating system field, Windows and macOS are in an absolutely dominant position, accounting for more than 90% of the market share.

Domestic operating systems, although they have worked hard to develop over the years, the Linux category it belongs to accounts for less than 5%, which is very far behind.

But in fact, there are many domestic systems, and there are many domestic brands, such as UOS, Kirin Software , Hongqi , Fangde, S&P , New Pivot, Dragon Lizard, Euler , etc...

However, there is no synergy between these systems. Each major operating system develops independently, and they all want to become the boss and defeat other competitors. Although there is no major internal fighting, the " involution of " is actually very serious.

This is actually not a good thing for the development of domestic systems. After all, many small fish can't beat one big fish together. What we need is not many small fish, but a big fish that can compete with windows. How does

turn these small fish into big fish? Naturally, everyone pools resources, works together, and twists into a rope to make small fish grow up, and even let some small fish be eaten by other small fish.

Recently, for this purpose, China's first desktop operating system developer platform "Open Kirin" was officially released. This platform was jointly established by National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center and other units, and will create an open source desktop operating system with independent innovation technology.

said this, maybe you don’t understand it. To put it simply, the “Open Kirin” developer platform will open up the source code of the operating system, and everyone will contribute code, so that more developers can participate in the domestic open source operating system. development.

On the one hand, domestic operating systems learn from each other's advantages, eliminate their own shortcomings, and become more and more perfect. On the other hand, it is to form an ecological unification. After the code is unified, a powerful ecosystem suitable for all domestic operating systems will eventually be formed.

In the process of open source code, as the ecology tends to be unified and the codes are also converged, many operating system manufacturers will be integrated together, and resources will no longer be scattered, and they will no longer work independently, thus reducing internal conflicts. Volume, further promotes the scale of domestic operating systems and industrial innovation and development, and we jointly compete with foreign operating systems such as windows.

According to agency data, by 2025, China's Linux operating system shipments will exceed 20%, and the overall Chinese market share will exceed 10%.

hopes that after this national integration, a big fish will emerge in the field of domestic operating systems. Not to mention immediately defeating Windows, at least it can replace Windows to a certain extent. That will be a great victory for domestic systems.