Do you often have pop-up ads on your phone and can’t turn them off? I wanted to turn it off, but it opened this ad with just a click of my finger. It was so annoying! Let me teach you a trick to say goodbye to the interruption of these advertisements completely! When we turn on o

Do you often have pop-up ads on your phone and can’t turn them off? I wanted to turn it off, but it opened this ad with just a click of my finger. It was so annoying! Let me teach you a trick to say goodbye to the interruption of these advertisements completely!

When we turn on the phone, a pop-up advertisement pops up immediately. Isn’t it annoying? We can close this ad by clicking the "x" above. Let's do this with me to say goodbye to ad pop-ups completely. We open the settings of the phone, slide up, open the "Applications" below, and notice that there is an "Application Management" above!

Let's open it. This is all the application software in our mobile phone. Let's check if there is any software that we have not downloaded but left in our mobile phone. Finally we found one, which is this one " POK Fishing " , we open it, it may be bundled with the download while we are playing the game, so it contains a lot of advertising information!

We want to delete it, how to do it? First we click on it, open "Storage", and then we need to delete its data here. We click on "Delete Data" below, and then click "Delete" below!

Return to the previous page. Notice that there is "Uninstall" at the top. We click Uninstall, and then click "Uninstall" below to confirm. Then the software will be uninstalled by us immediately, and there will be no advertising pop-ups. . If you find software in the application that we have not downloaded, you must be careful and it is best to delete it to prevent it from carrying advertising information.

It is also best not to download third-party weather forecasts, because third-party weather forecasts contain a lot of plug-ins and advertising information. If you download them, there will be a lot of advertising pop-ups. There are also some cleaning masters. Don’t download them easily. They are called cleaning masters, but if you download them, they will download some junk ads or some plug-ins, and then the advertising pop-ups on your mobile phone will also be downloaded. There are many, everyone must pay attention to it. In fact, we can use the mobile phone manager that comes with our mobile phone to completely clean up the space on the mobile phone. No other third-party software is needed. Returning to the settings page, we click on "Security and Privacy" below, then slide up and click on "More Security Settings" below!

There is an "External Source Application Check" on this page. There are also tips below. Check the external source application before installation to identify potential risks online. We need to turn this button on. Click the gray button to turn it into blue and open it. If this button is pressed, applications from external sources will be automatically checked before installation, ensuring the security of our mobile phones.

Note that there is also an "External Source Application Download" button above. This button is closed by default. If you accidentally open it, the device and personal data will be more vulnerable to attacks by obtaining applications from unknown sources, so we need to It is closed. We click "Cancel" below to turn off this function, thus ensuring the security of our mobile phone software.

We are returning to the settings page. If there are too many ads on your mobile phone and you can't turn them off even if you want to, then we will open "System" and slide up. Pay attention to the "Reset" below!

Let's open it and notice that there is a "Restore Factory Settings" below. That can only restore your phone to its factory settings, so as to completely eliminate advertising pop-ups.

Let’s open it and pay attention to the page prompts. This operation will delete the data in the internal storage space. Therefore, when we restore the factory settings, we must first back up the important data on the phone. After the backup, we can perform the factory restore. Everyone must remember the setting operation and do not operate it blindly. Have you learned it? Come and try it now!

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