At every audio exhibition, visitors tend to feel that the sound system in a large space performs better, while it is relatively rare to hear good sound in a small room. On the one hand, the sound systems in large rooms are often relatively expensive, so the chance of good sound i

2024/06/2907:36:32 digitals 1093

At every audio exhibition, the audience often feels that the sound system in a large space performs better, while it is relatively rare to hear good sound in a small room. On the one hand, the sound systems in large rooms are often relatively expensive, so the chance of good sound is certainly greater. On the other hand, speaker placement and space management in large rooms are often easier, so good sound is a given. If a large room cannot produce good sound, it also means that the agency still has room to learn in terms of sound mixing skills.

In fact, you can also hear good sound in a small room in an audio exhibition, but the sense of scale of the music cannot be as surging as in a large room. In a small room, if there is proper diffusion and absorption, and the sound equipment itself is of good quality, you can often hear good sounds. However, if you want to go further and "see" the vivid Soundstage, you need to work hard on the choice of speaker placement and listening position.

Welcome to the Chongqing & Kunming Exhibition at the end of July

At every audio exhibition, visitors tend to feel that the sound system in a large space performs better, while it is relatively rare to hear good sound in a small room. On the one hand, the sound systems in large rooms are often relatively expensive, so the chance of good sound i - DayDayNews

Regarding Soundstage, those who have experienced it personally will know what I am talking about? If someone has never personally experienced it, I will not be able to understand it no matter how much I explain, because the specific Soundstage has never emerged in his mind. It's like a visually impaired person has never seen an elephant. No matter how you describe it, he can't have a real image of an elephant in his mind.

If you want to get a vivid Soundstage in a small space, in addition to proper sound wave diffusion and absorption, you only need to do two things. The first thing is to pull the speaker 2 meters away from the back wall; the second thing is to make the second speaker and the listening position form an equilateral triangle relationship, or an isosceles triangle close to an equilateral triangle. With these two conditions, a living Soundstage can emerge between the two speakers. You can hear the specific sense of depth, layering, positioning and height of instruments and vocals. Simply put, it is a 3D sound stage. .

At every audio exhibition, visitors tend to feel that the sound system in a large space performs better, while it is relatively rare to hear good sound in a small room. On the one hand, the sound systems in large rooms are often relatively expensive, so the chance of good sound i - DayDayNews

Maybe you want to ask: Why should the speaker be 2 meters away from the wall (counted from the rear edge of the speaker cabinet)? Isn’t 1 meter okay? Isn’t it 3 meters? In a small room, it is impossible to place the speaker 3 meters away from the wall, so there is no need to mention it. If it is 1 meter away from the wall, firstly, the direct sound emitted by the speaker forward and the reflected sound emitted backward by the speaker will not be able to form a good enough sense of depth; furthermore, if the speaker is 1 meter away from the wall, then there will be The low-frequency inversion offset that forms the boundary effect at 80-90Hz will cause a low-frequency depression here, making the low-frequency sound not solid enough and weak. Therefore, it is ideal to be 2 meters away from the wall, otherwise it should be at least 1.5 meters away from the wall.

What is the relationship between the two speakers and the listening position? Taking the example of the small listening room of the "Audio Forum" as an example, we set the distance between the two speakers (center to center of the speaker cabinet) to be 2.7 meters apart, and the rear edge of the listening position, that is, the position of the ears and the distance between the two speakers The distance is also 2.7 meters each, that is, the listener and the speaker form an equilateral triangle. In this way, you can hear a very specific Soundstage. Maybe you want to ask again: Isn’t it enough to be 3 meters away? Isn't it okay to be 2 meters away? Either way, if your room is big enough, a 3-meter equilateral triangle is fine; if the room is smaller, at least a 2-meter equilateral triangle should be placed. You can adjust it according to the situation.

At every audio exhibition, visitors tend to feel that the sound system in a large space performs better, while it is relatively rare to hear good sound in a small room. On the one hand, the sound systems in large rooms are often relatively expensive, so the chance of good sound i - DayDayNews

As for the Toe In angle, how much is it? This can also be adjusted by yourself, depending on your own listening experience. We all know that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees, and the angle between the listener and the second speaker in an equilateral triangle is 60 degrees. 60 degrees is a fairly large inward projection angle. You can adjust the angle yourself, based on your own sense of hearing. The only requirement is that the audio and video in the Soundstage must be very solid and condensed, rather than sounding like just sound but having a physical form. Vain.

Maybe you want to ask again: The queen at home does not allow me to pull out the speaker. What should I do? It is recommended that you simply put the speakers against the wall. At least this way you can get a very full low-frequency band, but the requirements for the 3D physical Soundstage have to be discussed.

At every audio exhibition, visitors tend to feel that the sound system in a large space performs better, while it is relatively rare to hear good sound in a small room. On the one hand, the sound systems in large rooms are often relatively expensive, so the chance of good sound i - DayDayNews

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