When learning Qi Men Dun Jia, there is a basic professional term called Nine Stars. Many new enthusiasts do not quite understand the meaning and good or bad luck of Nine Stars. Today Tianji Liuyao will sort out and explain the basics of Nine Stars from many aspects. Knowledge, ho

When learning Qimen Dunjia , there is a basic professional term called nine stars. Many new enthusiasts do not quite understand the meaning and good or bad luck of nine stars. Today Tianji Liuyao will sort out and explain it from many aspects. I hope the basic knowledge of Jiuxing can be helpful to everyone.
What is nine stars?

Speaking of nine stars, we have to mention the four disks in Qimen Dunjia, namely the divine disk, the sky disk, the earth disk and the human disk. They are arranged and combined to form Qimen Dunjia, and the sky disk is composed of nine stars. The Nine Stars are actually , the Big Dipper, , plus the two stars Zuo Fu and You Bi, collectively referred to as the Nine Stars.

The nine stars of Qimen Dunjia are arranged in order of time and stem, namely: Tianqin star, Tianxin star, Tianpeng star , Tianren star, Tianchong star , Tianfu star, Tianying star, Tianrui star, Tianzhuxingjiuxing.

The basic "original position" of the coordination between the Nine Stars and Bagua is: Tianpeng (Youbi) is in Kan, Tianren (Jumen) is in Gen, Tianchong (Pojun) is in Zhen, Tianfu (Wuqu) ) is in Xun, Tianying (greedy wolf) is in Li, and Tianrui ( Zuofu ) is in Kun. Tianqin ( Lian Zhen) is in the middle palace.

The good and bad luck of the nine stars

The nine stars can be divided into upper auspicious, minor auspicious, major inauspicious and minor inauspicious according to the degree of good and inauspicious:

Tianfu star, Tianqin star, Tianxin star.

Tianchongxing and Tianrenxing.
Great inauspicious

Tianpeng star and Tianrui star.

Tianzhuxing and Tianyingxing.

Qimen Dunjia needs to pay attention to an issue when judging good or bad luck based on the nine stars, that is, it must be comprehensively analyzed based on the "prosperity, phase, rest, prison, and death" of the nine stars and five elements. It cannot just rely on the rigid nine stars themselves. Judgment of good and bad situations.

For example, when the five elements are prosperous or in phase, when you encounter the auspicious stars and , you can go more smoothly. When you encounter major inauspiciousness, you can reduce the harm to a certain extent. A state that has no influence; on the other hand, if you encounter the situation of rest, imprisonment, or death, the evil stars will become more evil, and the fortune of the auspicious stars will become average, which will attenuate the good luck brought by the auspicious stars to a certain extent.

Therefore, the nine stars and five elements of "prosperity, phase, rest, imprisonment, and death" have a very large influence on the judgment of good or bad luck in Qimen Dunjia. You must not ignore it when looking at the arrangement of Qimen Dunjia.

The meaning of the nine stars

The principle of the nine stars is similar to that of the eight gates. They all follow the objective laws of the movement of the stars in the solar system of the opposition of the eight trigrams and the unity of opposites.

Tianxin Star is located in the open door, which means it is unobstructed; Tianfu Star is located in Dumen , which means it is blocked.

If the Tianpeng star is located in Xiumen, it means relaxation; if the Tianying star is located in Jingmen, it means busy.

If the Tianren star is located in the door of life, it means the mind is positive; if the star Tianrui is located in the door of death, it means the mind is negative and there are dead knots.

The Heavenly Opposition Star is located in the Shang Gate, which means you are energetic, impetuous, and impatient; the Tianzhu Star is located in the Jingmen , which means you are calm and not impatient.

Tianqin star is located in the 5th house of Wumen. 's five-element attribute is earth, which means down-to-earth.

The positions of the eight gates and nine stars in Qimen Dunjia are not fixed in a one-to-one correspondence. Any gate must return to a different star, so its meaning must be different when analyzing. For example, "生门" meets "Tianrui", "Open the door" meets "Tianfu", they all have different meanings.

Today’s knowledge sharing about the Nine Stars in Qi Men Dun Jia is over. What else do you want to know about Liu Yao Ba Zi and Qi Men Dun Jia? You can leave a message in the comment area!