The fortune of Taurus in the second half of 2022 has entered the second half of the year as a whole. Taurus attaches great importance to money and is very steady in doing things. He is a very trustworthy person, so they are also full of plans and expectations for the future. Betw

Taurus horoscope for the second half of 2022
Entering the second half of the year, Taurus attaches great importance to money and is very steady in doing things. He is a very trustworthy person, so they are also full of plans and expectations for the future. Between June and August, Mercury will go direct in the palace, so you need to be careful during this period. You will make mistakes at work due to small things, which will reduce your work efficiency and cause dissatisfaction with your superiors. From September to December, Uranus will go retrograde in the house of husband and wife and the house of children. During this period, the family atmosphere is not particularly good. Couples may quarrel and children will not be too obedient. Therefore, the trivial things in your life will be affected. A lot of it makes you restless, so you need to cheer up more to make your condition better and better.

In terms of career,
you actually work very hard and are willing to make sacrifices in the workplace. However, many times, you will not be rewarded for your efforts. Occasionally, you will show that you are unable to do what you want, especially when it comes to the hot summer. You may feel sleepy and tired at work, and you may be in a trance when doing things and unable to concentrate. Therefore, you may have some problems with details. In addition, you may be stubborn and not very good at adapting, and you may be less efficient at work. If it is low, it will not play a decisive role in promoting the development of the company. In addition, some Taurus may want to change jobs and find one that suits them, so you need to constantly improve your skills. For Taurus who are new to the workplace, they should learn more during work instead of blindly seeking rewards.

In terms of wealth,
Generally speaking, money may become increasingly tight. Although you have accumulated a certain amount of wealth, there are still many other aspects. The money you have earned through hard work may be lost in a certain period of time. There will be a lot of expenses, so you need to pay more attention to solving the problems around you. In addition, there may be some salary status that is not stable enough, or the company's development situation changes. Therefore, Taurus needs to work harder to delve into side jobs. , there may be some other income in the second half of the year, and you should protect your finances when you are away from home.

In terms of relationships,
has entered the second half of the year. The possibility of a happy and fast marriage is not very high, but my friends may not be willing to take the initiative to meet some new friends. In addition, my social circle is narrow, so , it is very difficult for you to get out of singles, but if you are willing to take action, you can have new gains. Married Taurus may have some minor conflicts in their relationship, and often have disputes over trivial things, which may eventually lead to The probability of breaking up will also be relatively high. Therefore, you need to adjust your mentality and not always get into unnecessary quarrels. But now if you want to be single, you need to improve your personal charm. You can constantly improve your skills and chatting methods, and don't always be limited to your own perceptions.

In terms of health,
's physical condition is relatively average, and there may be some minor problems. For children, they may need to pay more attention to minor skin injuries in the second half of the year. They should listen to the advice of people around them and avoid doing dangerous things. For the elderly, Taurus, their physical fitness may become less than ideal, and their resistance and immunity will become weaker and weaker. Therefore, they need to exercise more and go out and walk around when they have time. Don’t always Is staying at home or staying indoors.

Gemini's horoscope for the second half of 2022

The first half of the year has been spent quietly. In fact, there was a lot of unwillingness in the heart, and they all disappeared. Next, we will enter the second half of the year, and there will be some changes when things happen, but the overall situation is relatively stable. Especially in late August, many bad situations will slowly manifest. At this time, you need to pay more attention, especially at work. You may be very diligent, but you will not be recognized immediately, so you You need to adjust your mentality.Work status will also slowly decline, which may affect your financial fortune. Of course, you can plan in advance to reduce unnecessary troubles. In addition, you need to be more cautious when investing in the second half of the year, but you should not be too impatient.

In terms of career,
's overall fortune is pretty good, but good fortune does not necessarily happen all the time. Therefore, you may encounter some problems in August. In the workplace, you must work very hard to gain the trust of customer leaders. However, being too high-profile or expressive may also cause some resentment from people around you, so you need to adjust your state. In addition, they may engage in impulsive behavior under the stimulation of others, such as openly having some disputes with the leader. It is recommended that Geminis calm down and not be too impulsive all the time. They will gradually gain understanding and recognition from people around them.

In terms of financial fortune,
entering the second half of the year, Gemini's financial fortune may experience some downward trends, and in terms of regular wealth, it may also decrease significantly. Especially for office workers, bonuses or commissions may not be cashed out immediately. Therefore, You may not be particularly active at work, so the work content may be prone to errors. In addition, Geminis who start a business or do business need to be more cautious. They may not blindly invest in the second half of the year, which may easily put themselves into a loss-making state. Of course, for self-employed people, if they are not particularly familiar with the field, they should not blindly try it. It’s about making stable plans.
You have a very strong personality, so if you can't plan well in the second half of the year, a lot of your efforts may be in vain. Therefore, you need to make good plans to make your wealth more and more.

In terms of relationships,
Gemini’s relationships will also undergo some changes. Especially single people may be eager to get rid of their current predicament and need some new changes. But most of them, when faced with the opposite sex they like or the person they have been ambiguous with for a long time, If you are not able to express yourself bravely, at this time, you need to remind yourself not to think too much, but to act more. In September or December, your emotions will fluctuate greatly, especially when it comes to family and friends around you. You may lose your temper over some small problems, leading to some conflicts. At this time, you need to be more vigilant. Fortunately, your emotional intelligence is very high, and you will be aware of some problems and adjust your situation in time.

In terms of health,
Gemini is relatively stable in terms of health and usually does not have too many problems. However, you should also pay more attention to physical conditioning, relax your mind, don't think too much, and introduce some unnecessary social activities. Especially when going out alone late at night, you should pay attention to your personal safety. If you have some disagreements with others, you must make concessions to reduce unnecessary collisions. Developing some good habits can help you maintain a better mental state.

Pisces horoscope for the second half of 2022
You have a very easy-going personality. You don’t want too many lofty ideals in your daily life. You just want to live a small life in peace and stability. Entering the second half of the year, especially from July to November During this period, Neptune will move from the house of husband and wife to the house of brothers. During this period, you may feel a little lonely and have many thoughts in your heart that are not understood. In December, Pisces should pay more attention to the accumulation of wealth. During this period, wealth may continue to rise. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the way you get along with the people around you. Don't say harsh words in anger to avoid affecting the feelings of family members around you.

In terms of business,
has entered the second half of the year. You may need to pay more attention to the relationship with your colleagues. Although you are relatively easy-going in character and only want a stable job and don't have many other ideas, you should also pay more attention to the colleagues around you and maintain good relationships. Some colleagues may be influenced by your good personality and blame some people on you. At this time, you need to be strong, but be sure not to conflict with each other in terms of behavior. Learn to say no when it’s time to say no, and don’t just tolerate it.You should learn to be more flexible at work instead of always sticking to your original ideas, so that you can coordinate things well at work.

In terms of financial luck,
has entered the second half of the year. Your financial luck is not bad. Although outsiders always think that you don’t make enough money, and you spend money lavishly. You basically won’t have much spare money to save, but your If you have particularly strong financial luck, you will always encounter some unexpected financial luck. Therefore, you can develop your own side businesses. Some people who are lucky may be able to renovate some old houses or get some government demolition plans, thereby receiving a relatively generous compensation. In addition, your interpersonal relationships are very good, and at the same time, your friends around you are also willing to share with you, so you can get some good business opportunities. Of course, you must also stay low-key and restrained, and do not spend excessively, so that you can keep your money.

In terms of relationships,
feels like you always have mixed feelings. For single friends, there may be a lot of romance around you, both good and bad, so you need to consider it carefully, and you can make more like-minded people. Friends, if you have a significant other, they may not be able to make the other person feel your feelings during this period, so you should learn to care more and be considerate of the other person during this period. In addition, you should keep a certain distance from the opposite sex around you to avoid misunderstandings. For married Pisces, you must focus on your family in the second half of the year, so that the relationship can become more harmonious.

In terms of health,
, you know how to take care of yourself, so your overall condition is not bad. In terms of diet, you also eat some healthy food, and you also learn some health care methods in private, so your immunity and body resistance are improved. Not bad. Of course, don’t overeat or eat too much greasy food. Maintain a healthy work and rest state, so that your life can become better. For young people, they should also reduce staying up late at night, going to bars to drink, or other ways of socializing, and instead develop some more regular and reasonable schedules, so that they can make their bodies healthier and better.