Why does a person have an additional rising sign after having a zodiac sign? Is there a descending sign? And what is the sun sign? Today I will tell you what these constellations are!

Why after a person has a zodiac sign, he also has an additional rising sign ? Is there a descending sign? And what is sun sign ? Today I will tell you what these constellations are!

The concept of rising constellation

The rising constellation is actually the birth constellation, which refers to the constellation on the eastern horizon when we were born. Many people may not understand this, but in simple terms, the rising constellation is determined by your birth time and It is determined by the place of birth. If you want to know what your rising sign is, you must first know the time and place of your birth.

The concept of sun sign

What we usually call sun sign refers to the constellation where the sun was at the time of birth. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, it’s actually not very important. What’s important is your rising sign. If you want to understand your character and values ​​more accurately, you should pay more attention to your rising sign.

What is the astrological meaning of the rising sign?

The rising sign represents our external expression, which is what we often call the first impression. The rising sign determines your external behavior and the various ways you interact with people. The sun sign is actually our An expectation for yourself, just like you hope that you are decisive, but this aspect is not determined by your sun sign, but by your rising sign. The sun sign is just an expectation you have for yourself, and it is not determined by your sun sign. There is no way to do it.

The influence of the rising sign

1, external performance.

The rising sign reveals how we behave in front of outsiders. For example, you are obviously a Sagittarius and should be carefree and informal, which is not even compatible with perfectionism, but you usually listen to others saying how you are a bit perfect. ism and obsessive-compulsive disorder, it may be that your rising sign is Virgo, which gives people such an impression.

2 appearance.

The rising constellation will also affect our appearance and external image. For example, if you are a person with Virgo rising, they will generally cherish their appearance and often look younger than their actual age. They can maintain a relatively youthful appearance. Facial condition, and their figures tend to be slim because they care about their image.