Foreword: This week begins with the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 13th. This can be particularly emotional and may cause some defensive or reactive feelings. The key is to have healthy boundaries, not only with others, but also with yourself. By the weekend, you may be feeling P

Preface : This week begins with the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 13th. This can be particularly emotional and may cause some defensive or reactive feelings. The key is to have healthy boundaries, not only with others, but also with yourself.

By the weekend, you may be feeling Pluto in a major way, so be aware of obsessive and resentful thoughts and feelings. Remember: If you don't like this game, don't play it. Where your attention is, your energy flows. If your thoughts and actions are not constructive, you may need to step back and reevaluate.

Aries : This full moon in Capricorn might surprise you. Power struggles and conflicts may arise in ways that catch you off guard. Whether you need to take responsibility for something you've done or need to defend yourself, the last thing you should do right now is lash out. Get some data before you make any big waves, Aries, because a negative reaction may have the opposite effect on what you really want.

Taurus : Taurus, you must recover and recharge this week. If you've been pushing yourself too hard or taking on too much, it may actually be diminishing the positive potential you have in your life right now. There is still a lot of positive potential! In order for a plant to grow, it not only needs sunlight; it also needs darkness. Like a plant seeking sunlight, give yourself time this week to reboot.

Gemini : Knowing what you can and cannot do in a healthy way is crucial to successful growth. This week, it's not enough to know your limits; you have to work to achieve them. This may require you to rein yourself in, or allow yourself to get out more. No matter what, Gemini, it's fundamental that you take responsibility for how you participate. Don't let your situation cause you to take actions that are contrary to your best interests.

Cancer html The full moon on April 13 appears in your emotional sector, which will bring you strong emotions and motivation this week. Instead of trying to keep the peace or defend yourself, prioritize getting to the core of the problem. Do your best to listen to what others are saying and share everything you want honestly. If what you want is to be happy, you don't need to prove yourself. Choose your battles wisely, Cancer.

Leo : It’s easy to jump to conclusions this week, but that won’t help you at all. You're unlikely to have all the information you need to make sense of things, and you tend to misinterpret what you know. Here’s a recipe for things getting chaotic quickly! Take a measured approach to how you care for yourself and how you relate to others. Patience will take you far, Leo.

Virgo: You have been laying the foundation for meaningful changes that have the potential to enhance your life. Even if the stars are in chaos, Virgo, there is still a lot to support you in building value in your life. The key this week is to remember to bring creativity and curiosity to the things that matter to you. While it feels like some things are moving quickly, some things need to be much slower. There is no rush! Work with the flow of energy in your life and trust that it is enough.

Libra : Your boundaries are really important this week: your clarity about them, your ability to communicate them in a friendly and clear way, and your ability to maintain them. It doesn’t matter if others let you down or if you make mistakes yourself! These are the messages that will keep you motivated for what comes next. You can't always keep your peace, Libra, but you do balance your needs in your interactions with others.

Scorpio : Don’t ignore the things that spark joy within you! Indeed, you have very real problems to deal with, and it's not clear what you should do. But you really don’t know what you want. Scorpio, instead of focusing on action, go a little deeper. Think about what you really want and need, and pay attention to your own internal blocks and obstacles.This won't magically solve anything, but it will point you in the right direction to decide the best next step.

Sagittarius : Whether you are willing to face it or not, the facts are the facts. This week you may need to develop an acceptance of uncomfortable things or things you wish were different. It is important to remember that acceptance is not consent, it is simply awareness. When you embrace truth, you can manage yourself better and your life will go more smoothly, Sagittarius!

Capricorn : On the 13th, the full moon will appear in your sign, Capricorn, which is a powerful time to get emotional change. You don't need to make any sudden moves or big changes, but it's wise to stay grounded and consider how your life patterns and your own actions tie into your past. By understanding the root of your problems, you can use your energy more efficiently and effectively, no matter where you are.

Aquarius : If you can focus on what is truly important, you will make the most of your energy this week. You may be tempted to eat too much fat or overtax your body. The truth is, you can do it all, but you can't do it well if you do it all at once. Try to take a creative approach. Aquarius, it’s important to prioritize.

Pisces : This week may find you dealing with a lot of overload, which is not surprising given the chaotic nature of your fortune. Don’t forget to focus on self-care when you’re not feeling like your normal self! This means setting some limits, giving yourself space to rest and recover, and staying consistent with your hopes, commitments, and goals. If things get messy, that's okay; don't abandon yourself, Pisces.

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