Hello everyone, I am Qingying. Today I will show you the composite prediction for Capricorn babies in July. First of all, you need to refer to your own zodiac sign. The sun, rising, or moon sign will be more accurate. Here are two pictures. One deck is the fortune of the Capricor

Hello everyone, I am Qingying, so today I will show you the composite prediction for Capricorn babies in July. First of all, you need to refer to your own zodiac sign, sun, rising, or moon sign will be more accurate

There are two decks here, one is the fortune of Capricorn baby, and the other is the fortune of Ta in your heart. See if your love is still possible.

Let’s take a look at the deck of Capricorn baby, magician, moderation. Reversed, the Knight of Cups, the Queen of Wands reversed, the Devil card

card meaning shows that the Capricorn baby wants to control this relationship in the direction of his imagination, and also hopes that this relationship can be reconciled according to his own ideas. It's the same as before, but the Capricorn baby knows that this relationship is actually quite troublesome. When they are together, they are very strong physically and mentally, but after they are separated, many things will happen, and they are reluctant to let go of their worries. At the same time, the Capricorn baby is very worried about it. This feeling is that the communication between the two people has lost balance, and some friends have even stopped communicating. The baby feels that the person he cares about also has a very bad attitude towards him, is impatient, and does not want to see him. Although the Capricorn baby I care about this relationship very much, but I don’t know what to do now. But it doesn't stop the Capricorn baby from missing the other person in his heart and wanting to get closer to the other person. At the same time, he also sees that there will be good news that the Capricorn baby wants in the relationship in the future.

The opponent's deck of cards includes the Knight of Pentacles reversed, the Two of Pentacles, the Eight of Wands reversed, the Seven of Cups, and the King of Wands.

The opponent's cards are also shown. The opponent feels that the relationship between the two has stagnated, but the opponent does not. Let go completely. The other person is actually full of passion and love for the Capricorn baby, but it’s just the other person’s. The current state is that they are constantly weighing the conflicts between reason and emotion. At the same time, the other party always feels that it is easy to be with the Capricorn baby, and they will quarrel when they come into contact. , this is something that the other party is very concerned about. At the same time, what the other party wants in his heart now is not just a relationship, but also the development of his career, a house, food, etc., there are many extensions of desires, not just a relationship.

Here is a reminder card for Capricorn babies, which is the Emperor card. It shows that Capricorn babies don’t just love this relationship. In fact, you really want to be responsible for this relationship and want to protect each other and protect each other. It shows that the Capricorn baby is full of doting towards the person he loves in his heart, and at the same time, he hopes that this relationship can be under his control and get a good result in the way he wants.

Here we see the heavy Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Aries, energy in your and each other's rising, sun or moon sign, you can correspond to each other.

Here is the composite prediction for Capricorn in July. Friends who like it can like and follow me. If you feel any trouble or have any emotional confusion, you can send a private message to the teacher and contact Qingying to chat. According to you Based on your own situation, use tarot to give you some better guidance and help. Then we will stop here today. See you next time for predictions. Bye!