Hello, I am your spiritual healer Jane. So the theme of today’s public test is what changes will Capricorns experience in love and career in the second half of the year? Jane will give you some advice on career changes, love development, fortune trends, etc. The person you bring

Hello, I am your spiritual healer Jane. So today’s public test topic is Capricorn, what changes will usher in in love and career in the second half of the year? Jane will give you some advice on career changes, love development, fortune trends, etc. The person you bring in emotionally can be you or the other person. The public test is for reference only.

By the way, remember to connect with our tarot cards. You need to know the horoscopes of both parties or your combined charts. Whether you are a Capricorn rising, a Capricorn sun or a Capricorn moon, you can refer to it.

Five of Cups Temperance Ten of Pentacles Queen of Pentacles Two of Wands

Two of Swords Six of Swords The Devil Nine of Wands Eight of Cups Reversed

Capricorn’s more energy is a state of repair, repair after a breakup, and then sorting out self-emotions. You and he actually get along very happily, and the other person and you also have a mutual strength. It seems that you have determined that the other person is your true love. How can we let go of a relationship of true love?

At present, your right destiny has not appeared or come back to you. You may be a little discouraged and seem to be ready to give up. I think the main reason is that you are still in a state of adjustment. It can also be seen from Holy Cup Five that Capricorns are relatively sad and have some negative energy. These emotions may also be because you have just experienced a relatively sad thing, parting. Ah, maybe you were affected by things that didn't go well in your life, which amplified your negative emotions. Then even if there were some good opportunities or some unexpected surprises, you didn't feel it. Maybe your right partner is already by your side, but you haven't noticed his existence.

I think Capricorns don’t need to worry, the other person will come to you firmly. The passion between you and him will also be rekindled, and you will see hope that the relationship will continue to develop. This is a marriage arranged by God, so you must catch the other person, he will suddenly appear. I think you have been taking good care of this relationship, or you have been looking forward to it. The other person may be a little younger than you, relatively young, straightforward, and very honest. This relationship can come to you, it is the dream partner that you both expect, and it is an opportunity to achieve success. The constellation matching situation may be Gemini Aquarius , the air sign , or Aries Sagittarius, the fire sign. Of course, the specific situation will be analyzed in detail, combined with your horoscope and love chart.

The universe has given you a lot of energy to receive a love and go both ways with the other person. Capricorns can make wishes from the bottom of their hearts and convey to the universe what you want to achieve. Be sure to use the correct method. The method and time of making a wish are very important. If you and the other party have real problems, these obstacles involve long-distance relationships or sister-brother relationships, and there are differences between each other's families, and these differences will bring you challenges. You should also be hesitating and then want to say, should I give up or face it? You want to give up but can't let it go, but you find it difficult to face it. It is a painful choice and you fall into self-doubt.

Two of Swords is also a card that cannot see inner thoughts clearly. If you just have a romantic relationship and are not involved in marriage, perhaps this obstacle will be much smaller. What you need to face is only the pressure of life at this stage, or the adjustment of the mode of getting along. This obstacle should be faced together, and the other party has not completely given up, so I hope you also have confidence.

Look at this powerful and the Nine of Wands , you are probably a pair of lovers in the past life. Meeting and falling in love in this life is destined, which may be the reason why you can't forget him and are still looking forward to this love. In your past life, you have gone through several reincarnations, but you are still tied to each other and have a deep-rooted obsession. Of course, each person's specific past life is different. What is the relationship between you? You can also use hypnosis to trace past lives. See See if the other person is your perfect match.

The universe has arranged a destined person for you in the second half of the year, and you will have a good love life and career development.It just depends on how you handle your current relationship or how you repair your own energy. I think you can do some spiritual healing, measure the energy direction, and no longer be needlessly entangled, so that you can better move towards the next person.

That’s it for today, more about the other person’s thoughts and the direction of the relationship, spiritual healing or energy tuning. Jian En wishes every friend happiness, and thanks everyone for your support and trust in Jian En. See you next time~
