As the saying goes: You know people, you know their faces, but you don’t know their hearts. Many times, we don't know whether a person's superficial obedience means that he really thinks so in his heart. Some people are often good at hiding their thoughts. They know how to "play

As the saying goes: Know people, know faces, but don’t know hearts. Many times, we don't know whether a person's superficial obedience means that he really thinks so in his heart.

Some people are often good at hiding their thoughts. They know how to "do Tai Chi" and don't like to reject others obviously. It can be said that they are very intelligent people. So which constellations are there?


Cancer: Have strong empathy

Cancer people tend to have a docile appearance, and most of them tend to be easy to talk to, and even submissive.

But in fact, Cancer is a very independent and thoughtful person. At the same time, they also know how to reject others in an appropriate way.

However, rather than saying that Cancers are pretending, it is better to say that they have strong empathy and can speak into the hearts of others.

Even if Cancers have their own ideas, if they conflict with others, Cancers can integrate the two in their hearts. They can find a suitable way to implement their own plans without offending others.

Generally speaking, the way Cancer adopts is to obey others first, or make a certain low posture to express their humility and self-restraint, and then make the other person feel that they should also take a step back.

It can be said that Cancer is very good at capturing other people's psychology. At the same time, they know how to obey while silently carrying out their own plans behind the scenes.

They can walk on two legs, or achieve a harmonious and unified state with each other's demands. Cancers have always been wise in interpersonal relationships, and they are people who are good at communicating with others.


Libra : Know how to obey the right when things are urgent, and be gentle when things are slow

When a Libra person agrees to do something, it does not necessarily mean that he will go all out. Many times, whether something should be done or not, and how The way to do it basically depends on the hearts of Libras. They really agree when they agree in their hearts, not what they say with their mouths.

It can be said that Libras often have the wisdom to handle things with ease. They know how to make things "according to authority when things are urgent, and things are slow and smooth when things are slow", and take things slowly, rather than act too hastily.

Many Libras know how to control the pace and intensity of doing things. Even if they really want to do something, they may feel like they are half-assed, being pulled along, as if they have sold someone a favor.

In short, Libras cannot be urged or rushed. They may be able to cater and obey on the surface, but in fact they have their own opinions in their hearts.

They often seem to be easy to talk to, and they also know how to reject others for some extremely natural reasons, so as not to make people stand down.

Therefore, it is a very comfortable thing to negotiate or negotiate with Libra. Libra knows how to fulfill your dreams from your perspective without appearing eager for quick success or selfishness. You will even I feel like I got an advantage.


Pisces: good at hitting people's hearts

Pisces people are often very wise in interpersonal communication. They can use the most natural and beautiful words to achieve their goals, just like driving a nail or a stake in your heart. It touches the softest place in your heart.

Indeed, Pisces are very empathetic. Sometimes, their feelings may not necessarily be to impress others, but they can naturally fit in with the deepest demands of human nature.

This is often not directed at one or two people, but a group of people, a collective. When Pisces begins to show their tenderness, it is like an ocean wave that can spread far and most people can be moved.

It can be said that this is the power of Pisces to directly touch people's hearts. They are very good at exploring the weaknesses of others. Therefore, if Pisces wants to reject someone, they may not reject it directly, but use silence and euphemistic language to express that they do so. In fact, it's for your own good.

Pisces are very patient in persuading others bit by bit, and can also extract the things that the public sympathize with about. They can change public opinion and get many people to fight for themselves.

Therefore, the obedience of many Pisces does not necessarily mean recognition. It is more likely to be a way of retreating in order to advance. Ultimately, they want you to accept their own proposals and ideas. At this point, Pisces is like water dripping through stone, with bits and pieces. But very tough strength.