Adele's Weekly Horoscope June 29-July 5, 2022 Zodiac Horoscope Aries March 21-April 20 This week's Sky Theater highlights the gap between what you want now and what you want most of different desires. You didn’t come this far just to go this far. The journey is always hardest whe

Adele's weekly horoscope June 29 - July 5, 2022 Twelve horoscopes


March 21 - April 20

This week's Sky Theater highlights what you want now and what you want most of different desires. You didn’t come this far just to go this far. The journey is always hardest when the finish line is getting closer. Although you can’t see it yet, believe me, you have seen it. Take some time to be at home and get back to yourself, your family, or whatever you cherish most. Remember what you are doing and who you are doing it for.


July 21 - August 20

The new moon falls in one of the most secretive houses of your solar chart. With this in mind, it's best to take some time to stop, think and plan. While there are many demands on your time and energy now, this personal time will be critical to your success and progress in the coming weeks. Keep yourself grounded and centered before the cosmic weather changes.


November 21 - December 20

You're not known for material things, but let's be honest, we all have bills to pay and need money to do the things we want to do. This week, focus on your long-term goals and dreams and figure out what you need to do to achieve them. Adventure, whether traveling or studying, is never free. You may need to make sacrifices in the short term to get what you want.


4 April 21 - May 20

Since Venus energizes your money house, you can enjoy more of the good things in life. Deals, agreements and negotiations become much easier - whether making money, spending money or re-evaluating your resources, including time. Speaking of time, take some time this week to get your daily habits and rituals right. If you do this, the next week will be much easier because your energy will increase immediately.


htmlAugust 21 - September 20

Each New Moon sets in a different area of ​​the sky each month. This time, it falls in the luckiest area of ​​your entire horoscope. This is a powerful week for you to set intentions and be open to opportunities, as they are abundant now. It's true, you may have to put in a little effort to catch them, but if you do, I can guarantee they'll be worth it. Say “yes” even if you don’t see an end or result in sight at first.


December 21 - January 21

This week, personal and professional relationships will be in focus due to the new moon in Cancer. You may need to balance your own desires with those of others, including your family. In fact, the more you focus on others this week, the more satisfaction you'll get. Maybe it will help you remember why you work so hard. If you lack meaning and purpose, put love first.


May 21st - June 20th

Your stars look really inspiring right now. Friends, connections, and your biggest fans are waiting to meet you. You may be inspired by their actions, beliefs, or simply being around them. On the other hand, your friends may be the people who inspire you the most. While your curiosity is heightened and your ability to attract support is unparalleled, the new moon in Cancer reminds you that the insight you seek may come from within.


html September 21 to October 20

A new moon in your professional field will bring a fresh and expansive energy, which will be helpful if you want to be inspired or need to change direction. It's important to use your social charm and grace to gain influence. Taking on training or traveling can also improve your job prospects! Focusing on your work may help shift your direction, especially if relationships seem a bit strained or turbulent.


html November 21st - February 20th

Life can be quite stressful right now. Saturn, your ruler, is retrograde and the new moon falls in your busy, daily grind zone. It's hard to put yourself first when life pushes you against the edge, especially when it comes to health, fitness, and exercise. Still, that's exactly what you need to do. Taking a walk, eating a home-cooked meal, or doing a little meditation will make your week better.


June 21 - July 20

This week is all about you, as your annual lunar calendar arrives. The New Moon in Cancer is your perfect reset button if you've reached this point in the year where you need to reevaluate your goals and priorities. Maybe the tension between your career and relationships has taken its toll. Maybe you’ve been avoiding important questions—your needs, wants, and desires—that matter too. The new moon will help you remember this. Make your plans for the next six months.


October 21st - November 20th

If you are just satisfied with the relationship you have, you will not get the relationship you want. If you're in a relationship, this might mean improving your relationship through honesty, intimacy, and truth. If you're still single, stop messing around and find a long-lasting, stable relationship. This doesn't necessarily mean boring, but it will involve changing what you think stability actually means. With the New Moon in your romantic sector, you may meet someone new this week.


html December 21 - March 20

The new moon activates your fun and joy zone, and therefore invites you to think about ways you can do more of the things you love - and with whom. Romance, date nights, kids, hobbies, and fun are all provided for you. It's true, you may have to spend some money, but as a Pisces friend said to me this morning, "We all work too hard to have some nice things." Treat yourself this week!

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