"彖" says: In the family, the female position is inside, and the male position is outside. In the family, there is a strict ruler, which is called parents. "Xiang" says: Wind comes from fire, family members. "Family, benefit privet" - overall family management.

Zhouyi · Family

Family, beneficial to privet.

"彖" says: In family members, women's righteousness is within, and men's righteousness is outside. The righteousness of men and women is the righteousness of heaven and earth. The family members have strict rules, which are called parents. Father, son, son, brother, brother, husband, wife, if the family is upright; if the family is upright, the world will be settled.

"Xiang" says: Wind comes from fire, family members. A gentleman's words are meaningful and his actions are consistent.

1. "Family, beneficial to privet" - Overview of family affairs

The "family" hexagram discusses the "family", the most basic cellular organization of human society, and the mutual relationships among its members, and then proposes corresponding codes of conduct and guidance. People maintain integrity in their family ethics and realize the ideal social state of "upright family ethics" and then "the stability of the world".

(It should be noted that there is a big difference between the "family" in mainland my country today and the "family" in traditional China. Decades of family planning have led to the current social form centered on one-child families; however, , the Tao is not based on one thing at a time. When discussing the "family" hexagram, we must realize this and "not be afraid of clouds covering our eyes.")

"Family, benefit privet. " The way of "family", in general. "Benefit privet". What is the connotation of "Benefiting Ligustrum"? "Benefit refers to the harmony of righteousness; chastity refers to the doing of things." This is the definition of " classical Chinese ", and it is also the basis for accurately understanding the rich connotation of the three words "Benefiting Privet".

1. Family harmony and righteousness. "Profit" should take "righteousness" as the value orientation and "harmony" as the behavioral goal. First of all, maintaining the existence of a family and the family relationships among its members relies not only on material wealth, but mainly on the internalized family ethics, that is, the "righteousness" of the family; once this "righteousness" of the family no longer exists When the family is gone, the home will also disintegrate, or at least it will be an empty shell of a home with only a superficial appearance. Secondly, the reason why home has such a strong appeal to its members, why home is so beautiful and makes people reluctant to leave, is because of the tolerance and selfless giving among its members under the "righteousness" of home, thus forming a " and” family atmosphere.

2. Promote family and make peace. "Female" means woman, which also symbolizes femininity in Zhouyi philosophy. In the "family" hexagram, we should first follow the original meaning of "female" as a woman. How can a family come to a family without a daughter? Secondly, "female" is used as a symbol of femininity, which is an indispensable and important factor in the way of "family". Two aspects are crucial: on the one hand, home is not a place for disputes over interests. The principle of interest distribution in the home is always to support the strong and support the weak in the tacit understanding of "righteousness" and "harmony", with the interests of the weak as the key consideration; Due to disputes over interests, the existence of this family will be in crisis, and the meaning of the family will be greatly reduced. On the other hand, the family is not a place to be unreasonable. The etiquette of "father and father, son and son, brother and sister, brother, husband and wife" is the courtesy between each other and the tolerance and even temporary tolerance of the shortcomings of other members. Wrong tolerance; quarrels and quarrels among family members not only destroy the atmosphere of the home, but also easily lead to the infiltration of external negative factors. There is a Chinese folk saying that is both positive and negative. The positive side advocates that "all things prosper when a family is harmonious", while the negative side warns that "family members should not be bullied by outsiders."

3. Heirlooms should be passed down through generations. "Zhen" means "righteousness", which means "right way" and also means "firmness and perseverance". On the one hand, adhering to the right path is the principle that should be followed to do good things, and it is also the foundation for achieving a legitimate career; on the other hand, only persistence and perseverance can achieve ultimate success. The same goes for family ethics, which can be understood and implemented as follows: First, family members should be based on "righteousness", which is also emphasized repeatedly in the poem "彖". In a family that practices the right path and is full of righteousness, its members (especially the youngest children) will hear and see it day by day, be immersed in it for a long time, and be influenced by each other, and a family tradition based on "righteousness" will inevitably be formed. Secondly, taking "righteousness" as the foundation is not a one-time achievement, but must be persevered and passed down from generation to generation. In this regard, China's excellent family motto culture is fully reflected.

It can be seen from the above that the way of "family" is to "benefit privet", that is, to put justice and harmony first, to be feminine and tolerant, and to adhere to the right way as the sect. In this way, the family will be upright, the family will be upright, and the world will be settled. As I write this, I can't help but think of the turbulent years of the "Cultural Revolution", and also of the long-lasting turbulent era of Eastern Zhou countries - husband and wife turned against each other, father and son harmed each other, mother and son were suspicious of each other, brothers fought against each other, sisters deceived each other... the family tradition. The loss of ethics, the destruction of family ties is really frightening. It is true that if the family is in chaos, the world will be in chaos.

2. "If the family is in order, the world will be settled." - The family is connected to the sky

"Xi Ci Upload" says: "彖, the person who speaks like an image." The "彖" word of the "family" hexagram is based on Yidao and Yili. Based on the structure and symbol of this hexagram, hexagrams and lines are used to deduce the family tradition, from image to meaning, from small to large, and insights are put forward from four aspects:

(1) The great meaning of heaven and earth. Specific to a family, parents are always at the core, and parents are husband and wife to each other. The father is a male, strong and active, which is good for taking charge of the outside affairs of the family, so the man is in charge of outside affairs; the mother is a woman, soft and quiet in nature, which is good for taking charge of the affairs of the family, so the woman is in charge of the inside. The "six two" of "family" symbolizes the mother of the "family", with the yin position in the yin position, and the softness is righteous; the "nine five" symbolizes the father of the "family", the yang position is in the yang position, and the hardness is righteousness. This is what is said in "彖" that "the female position is internal and the male position is external", which is very auspicious. In the philosophy of Zhouyi, the way of heaven, the way of earth, and the way of humanity are interlinked; among family members in the human way, the father is like heaven and the mother is like earth. The father is the ruler outside and the mother is the ruler inside. Each is in its proper place, which is consistent with the way of heaven and earth and in line with heaven and earth. Righteousness. Zhouyi so-called "the great righteousness of heaven and earth" refers to the coexistence of heaven and earth, the coordination of yin and yang, and the complementarity of hardness and softness. It is the highest law that governs all things in the world and everything in the world.

(2) There is a strict king in the family. "If a family member has a strict ruler, they are called parents." People often say "a strict father and a loving mother." The father's seriousness and severity are understandable and acceptable. How could the mother also become a "strict ruler"? This is not only the systematic manifestation of Zhouyi philosophy, but also the embodiment of Zhouyi's "family" philosophical dialectics. Within a family, although parents have different temperaments and responsibilities, they work together to uphold family principles, maintain family interests, and coordinate family relationships. In fact, family relationships are a relationship of contradictions and unity. It is necessary to establish ethics through superiority and inferiority and form family authority with parents as the core. It is also necessary to harmonize family ties through mutual love and happiness to form a family atmosphere that is different from other social organizations. If parents are too serious, problems of respecting but not being close to each other are likely to occur; on the contrary, problems of being close to but not respecting are likely to occur, damaging the core of the family and its authority. A "strict monarch" composed of parents can effectively resolve this conflict. Although parents have different attitudes and methods in dealing with family relationships, they are united in their hearts, uphold the principles, and adhere to the same principles, and insist on mutual respect. Cooperate.

(3) Everyone is in their proper place. "Father, son, son, elder brother, younger brother, husband, wife, and the family is upright." Confucian philosophy has a blended origin with the Zhouyi philosophy, and the Zhouyi philosophy is more vital in dealing with family relationships. The family ethics of Confucian philosophy advocates that "the father is the guide for the son, and the husband is the guide for the wife." The master-slave relationship is more rigid than flexible, and the family relationship is rigid; the Zhouyi philosophy emphasizes that the father must be like a father, and the children must be like children. , a brother should behave like an elder brother, a younger brother should behave like a younger brother, a husband should behave like a husband, and a wife should behave like a wife, each should be in his/her place, each should do his or her own right, each should fulfill his/her family responsibilities and abide by the corresponding behavioral norms. It is in line with the family ethics of "upright family ethics".

(4) The family is well-established in the world. Human society has attached great importance to the relationship between family and "the world" (the perceptible human society) since ancient times, and this is especially true for the Chinese nation, which has a history of civilization that lasts for thousands of years. Confucian philosophy believes that "those who want to govern their country must first govern their family" and "the family is in order and then the country is governed." Zhouyi philosophy believes that "the family is in order and the world is settled." Both believe that the family is in order and the country is in order. There is a close relationship between each other. The foundation of "the world" is the family. If the family is upright (in harmony), then "the world will be determined". Family ethics is the foundation of the ethics of the "world".What is different from Confucian philosophy is that Zhouyi's philosophy of human ethics emphasizes "rectifying the family", and more implication is that each member of the family should correct their position through the conscious behavior of each subject, and on the premise of adhering to the overall principle of "benefiting privet" Each one follows his own family's path, thus being more flexible and adaptable.

3. "Words have things and actions have perseverance" - Family ethics

The elephant view hexagram Mingde of "family" summarizes the meaning of a hexagram, points out that "wind comes from fire, family members", and puts forward the "gentleman" The family principle of "Words have substance and actions have perseverance".

(1) Strengthen the foundation and cultivate the talent. The inner hexagram of "family" is the single hexagram of Li, and the outer hexagram is the single hexagram of Xun. Li is the fire, the middle daughter, Xun is the wind, the eldest daughter; the wind comes from the fire and instigates all things. When observing this hexagram, a gentleman should follow the principle of "everything has its origin and end, and everything has its beginning and end" to realize that the way of becoming a monk comes from the family. Internally, "strict monarch" should be the root cause. If the roots are upright and the internal uprightness is upright, the family tradition will be upright. In addition, the eldest daughter is virtuous, the middle daughter is soft and quiet, and the younger daughter is charming; the eldest daughter and the middle daughter are both "family members", "Kun is soft but strong when moving, quiet and virtuous", the eldest and middle daughter are virtuous and quiet. In the formation of family style, the beauty plays both a silent nourishing role of moisturizing things and a corrective role of slowing down rigidity and preventing mistakes.

(2) It has something to say. The family is a human social cell based on marriage and tied by blood relationships. It is different from other social organizations that are bound by common interests and bound by commonly recognized norms. Within the family, there is a hierarchy of respect for elders and younger ones. The joy of family bonding is the strongest and most lasting source of individual emotions. Home is not so much "a place for truth" as "not a place for empty truth". This is why Elephant advocates that "a gentleman speaks with substance"; the true love and responsibility between family members are the most important. The main manifestation is real actions, especially for the "Yan Jun" who has a special status in the family. What he says is both reasonable and reasonable and must be supported by facts.

(3) A noble family background. Family tradition has its own universal laws of formation, inheritance and advancement. The family tradition of each family is formed under the control of universal laws, but it is by no means an overnight achievement, but a long-term achievement that is persisted and passed down from generation to generation. For contemporary family members (especially the "strict ruler" of the family), they must take their own practical actions to take responsibility for the formation, inheritance and promotion of the family tradition, and consistently adhere to the correct family principles and corresponding behavioral norms; the "strict ruler" of the family must If you, "Jun", can consistently follow the right path, love your family, abide by family rules, and promote family tradition, set an example and be strict with yourself, you will naturally infect and guide your family, and achieve a prosperous family.

(4) Internal and external communication. Family is a relatively closed human social organization, with similar family backgrounds but unique family traditions. Family life is highly private, but every family without exception survives in contemporary society and accepts the influence of traditional family culture; In this sense, the family cannot be closed to itself, but is closely connected both internally and externally. The three hexagrams of "family" - mutuality, fault, and synthesis - provide a reference in this regard.

1. The mutual hexagram of the family is the Weiji hexagram: "Weiji, enjoy, the little fox is wet with water, and it has no benefit." His "Xiang" says: "Fire is on the water, not Ji. A gentleman should be cautious and discern. Things live in the right direction. "The hardness and softness of each hexagram of "Weiji" are out of place and they are out of place, but they are in harmony with each other. Especially the "92" and "65" that are in charge of the overall situation can both be hard and soft while maintaining the middle way. , showing a harmonious scene, so "enjoy". "Family members" should be inspired by this: it is the requirement of order, which is more applied to the level of social operation; family morality is based on harmony, and living in harmony and family harmony are the foundation for forming a family atmosphere. "Kindly hiding from each other" is both the advocacy of Confucian philosophy and the implicit meaning of Zhouyi philosophy. For this reason, the "strict ruler" of the family must be very cautious when dealing with the relationship between family members and outsiders, discern the truth, put the maintenance of family ties and the interests of the family as the first consideration, and grasp the direction and propriety.

2. The comprehensive hexagram of the family is the hexagram 睽: According to the " Preface Hexagram Chuan ": "If a family is poor, they must be good, so they are given the "睽"; those who are 睽 are also good."It is only people's good wishes to have a prosperous family and a long-lasting family. A poor family is an inevitable law for the development of family fortune. Mencius said, "Morality is passed down to the family for more than ten generations, farming and reading are the second best, and reading is the next best thing. Secondly, wealth can only be passed down to three generations. "Look, the fire moves up, the water moves down, the two women live together, and their ambitions are different." It shows a sign of divergence from top to bottom, but because "it is beautiful when it is said, it is bright, it is soft when it goes up, it is middle and it is hard." ", so "small things are auspicious". In other words, the time of "睽" does not mean that everything is cloudy and nothing can be accomplished. The "strict monarch" of the family should "differentiate according to the same". From the perspective of "the sky and the earth are the same, the men and women are the same." His ambitions are clear, and all things are visible and things are of the same kind." From "The time of seeing", he realized that "the family must be good if they are poor", and they must not give up on themselves, be willing to degenerate, or destroy their families.

3. The family member's wrong hexagram is the Jie hexagram: the Jie hexagram provides inspiration from the opposite side to the "family members" on how to respond when thinking about "Yi": First, "benefit the southwest." "Southwest" is Kun, which reminds the subject (especially "Yanjun") to stick to the feminine way among family members even when "罽", and not to act forcefully. The second is "Nowhere to go, it will come back to good luck" . "Don't act blindly because of the unfavorable situation when you are eager to get rid of "睽". Instead, stick to the middle road, analyze the situation calmly and objectively, and think rationally about ways to solve difficulties. The third is "If you have a promising future, you will have good luck. "To calm down and "go nowhere" is not to wait passively, but to take the initiative to recognize the situation clearly and have countermeasures in mind, seize the opportunity to take the initiative, and get rid of the difficulties in the "Yi" time as soon as possible and gain good fortune. The fourth is "The gentleman uses Forgive and forgive sins. "Facing the difficulties of "Yi", the "Strict Lord" of the family is often prone to irritability, and his attitude towards his family members will become more serious, and the discipline will be more severe; in fact, this attitude of the "Strict Lord" is different from that of the "Strict Lord". Behavior is not conducive to resolving the difficulties of "Yi". The correct approach is to treat family members with a more tolerant attitude and love and help each other from the heart

(Note: I systematically studied "The Book of Changes" five years ago, for reference. For some information, I made some reading notes based on my own insights at the time, especially for some hexagrams that I was interested in, such as Qian, Kun, Meng, Jiajia, Dun, Qian, Ding, etc., from the original hexagram, the mutual hexagram, the comprehensive hexagram, and the wrong hexagram. The hexagram direction has been interpreted in depth. What is released today is the personal insights excerpted from the "Book of Changes · Family". I hope Fang Jia will correct me for any mistakes)
