Sometimes, due to various internal and external factors, we are unable to see through our true selves. When making decisions, psychological defense mechanisms often appear, resulting in various chaotic voices in the heart, making you unable to determine which one is buried deep i

Sometimes, due to various internal and external factors, we are unable to see through our true selves. When making decisions, psychological defense mechanisms often appear, resulting in various chaotic voices in the heart, making you unable to determine which one is the right one. What’s interesting about the true thoughts buried deep in the mind is that through some situation settings, the deep psychology in the subconscious will be revealed inadvertently.

Question: Imagine that you participated in an island summer camp arranged by a friend, which planned some exciting and adventurous activities. When you were experiencing canoe , a sudden burst of rapids appeared. You followed the trend and paddled all the way to the end of the river. What will you see at this time?

A, A vast and boundless ocean

B, A deep valley with steep and towering mountain walls on both sides of the canyon

C, A large waterfall that is about to fall

D, Trapped on a sandy beach, it is difficult to move forward and backward

A. You are someone who encounters difficulties and You are a person who thinks positively when faced with setbacks. Therefore, you are prone to conflicts with other people. You have a bold and generous personality. You always hold the idea that just keep doing it. Normally, what others say will not enter your heart. You You are an optimistic and cheerful person by nature, but because you are too optimistic, you ignore some warning signs or crises around you, and your colleagues around you will worry about you and give you advice.

B. You are always very careful and cautious when doing things or making decisions. When encountering difficulties, you will be more calm and calm than usual. You will comprehensively evaluate the incident from beginning to end. You also have a strong sense of responsibility. You are very popular and practical. If you are strong, others are willing to trust you and work with you.

C. You always think about the worst possibility when doing things. To some people, you are a pessimist who thinks twice before acting. Of course, because you think carefully, when there is an emergency, you are You are a reliable person in the team, but compared to others, you will also be seen as overly pragmatic and cautious, leading to you not daring to take risks, and inexplicably losing many opportunities to receive applause.

D. You have been thinking about what may happen in the future before things have even started. You are not only pessimistic, but also sentimental and have a concern for the country and the people. This has led to many interesting and creative creative projects, and other colleagues are afraid to interact with them. You discuss that although your original intention is to prevent possible situations in advance, your pickyness makes others think that you are negative about the prospects and affects the morale of the team. Only people who really know you know that you are not such a person.