The more you like, the more alienated, the love of Scorpio

Love is the most mysterious emotion in the world, sweetness, sadness, happiness, pain, love, it is an inseparable tangled emotion. If you love someone, do you always get close to them involuntarily, and don't let go for a moment? I think most people are like this, but only Scorpios don't, and the more they like it, the more distant they are, why is all this?

Scorpio is a mysterious and powerful constellation. The IQ and EQ have reached a certain level. It can be said that a strong and calm Scorpio is omnipotent. However, people have weaknesses, and the weakness of Scorpio is love. Nine and a half out of ten Scorpios will be trapped by love and hurt by love. In fact, the rationale of Scorpio is to understand that if the one who loves him loses his mind, he is destined to be hurt. So the scorpion will try to stop the loss and prevent himself from being hurt. And their solution is to stay away from the source of the damage before they get deeper and deeper.

Therefore, when they love someone deeply, they will show indifference and disdain, and they will take the initiative to distance themselves from each other. This is Scorpio's rational choice to stop loss. It's not that they don't love, but they don't dare to love. This is the true idea of ​​Scorpio in the face of love. But in this case, why are there so many Scorpios injured? In fact, the reason is very simple. Scorpio not only has calm rationality, but also impulsive sensibility. Once the sensibility is out of control, Scorpio will completely fall into love and cannot extricate himself.

The ending is that the deeper the love, the more irrational it is, the deeper the love, the easier it is to get hurt. When there is a fierce conflict between sensibility and rationality, Scorpio will also be far and near in love. So if the scorpion you love makes you feel sweet for a while and makes you feel lost for a while, don't give up, because only when you feel your persistence, will the scorpio have the courage to love, and your love will be able to go to the end Happy ending, have you learned?