What is auspicious day? As the saying goes, "You don’t have to worry about riches and honors when you are born." What is a day when you are rich?

Although every day is twelve hours and twenty-four hours, every day is different. Sometimes the sun is shining and sometimes it is rainy. Therefore, before major ceremonies are held, people will choose a good day to choose auspicious days. What exactly is a good day? As the old saying goes: "You don't have to worry about wealth and honor when you are born." What is the day when you are born?

What is ecliptic auspicious day?

Good days and auspicious days are also commonly referred to as "Auspicious Days of the Zodiac". As the name suggests, they are good days on the Zodiac. "Zodiac" is a large circle that people stand on the earth and watch the sun's trajectory in the sky for a year. It is a large circle imaginary based on earth revolution as the reference object. This large circle is the "ecliptic".

One circle of the ecliptic is a tropical year , which is the time when the earth revolves around the sun once. Since the time of the earth's revolution is 365 days, 5 hours and 48 minutes, the ecliptic circle lasts more than 365 days and 5 hours. And every day is like a scale on the ecliptic, and people call this scale the solar eclipse.

When the sun is running on the ecliptic,It takes about one day for each scale, 15 degrees is a solar term, 30 degrees is a month, 90 degrees is a season, and a circle is the four seasons of the year. Starting from vernal equinox , the sun's yellow longitude reaches zero degrees and is above the equator, so the day and night on the vernal equinox are as long as night.

After the vernal equinox, the sun continues to walk north, and the daylight in the northern hemisphere begins to grow longer; at the summer solstice, when the sun walks to the far north and begins to move southward, the daytime reaches its longest and begins to shorten; At the autumnal equinox, the sun moves above the equator again, and the day and night are the same length. After the sun continued to go south, winter solstice reached the southernmost point and began to return north, so the winter solstice night in the northern hemisphere was the longest, and then the sun began to walk north again. This is the trajectory of the sun on the ecliptic.

During the course of the sun, each azimuth corresponds to a different star. If it travels to a bad star, the corresponding day If the moving stars are good, that day is a good day. For example, the " zodiac day" that people often say is that the sun is just right at: The location of the six stars of Qinglong, Tiande, Yutang, Siming, Mingtang, and Golden Chamber , because of these six The stars are all good, that is, auspicious days.

In addition to the stars, people also call the in the "Twelve Value Days" the small ecliptic day ,Later, people deified all these stars, that is, imagined them as gods in charge of auspiciousness in the sky, so encountering these is the auspicious day.

What is the expensive day?

Tiangui is also called Tianguixing , which is the auxiliary star of Tianyue, representing wealth and wealth. Because Tianyue is the big axe used by the emperor, it is a symbol of power, and it represents officials and wealth. "You don't need to worry about wealth when you are born" means that if the date of birth is the day of heaven, you will be prosperous and prosperous.

The heavenly days are determined according to the four seasons produced by the movement of the ecliptic. They are: spring Jiazi day , summer Pingzi day, autumn boxing day, winter Mizi day. Because spring belongs to wood, and Jia is Yangmu, and Zi starts from earthly branch, it also represents the generation of Yang Qi and complements spring. Similarly, it belongs to fire in summer, and C is sun fire; in autumn, it is gold, and G is sun gold; in winter, it is water, and Ren is sun water.

These four days coincide with the five elements of the four seasons, and also correspond to the nobility of the stars. Therefore, it is easy to be noble to be born on the precious day of heaven,Of course, other conditions must be matched. So there is the saying "When you are born, don't worry about wealth and honor" .
