The psychologist said: The reason you don't like to eat watermelon will expose your character, super accurate!

2020/03/3119:36:02 constellation 201

The psychologist said: The reason you don't like to eat watermelon will expose your character, super accurate!

The psychologist said: The reason you don't like to eat watermelon will expose your character, super accurate! - DayDayNews

Test title

In the hot summer, the cool and refreshing watermelon is the first choice for many people to quench their thirst, but some people do not like to eat watermelon.

If you are a person who does not like to eat watermelon, then, which of the following is the reason why you do not like to eat watermelon?

1. I feel the need to keep spitting melon seeds, which is very troublesome.

2. Such a big watermelon is very troublesome to refrigerate.

3. I don't like the taste of watermelon.

4. After eating full of water, the feeling of wanting to go to the bathroom is very annoying.

The psychologist said: The reason you don't like to eat watermelon will expose your character, super accurate! - DayDayNews

Test results-psychology tells you the truth

Option 1: Disguise to send

You are a disguise, you care about watermelon seeds Have a tendency to fetish (because of the sexual desire caused by the opposite sex's underwear and accessories). I often wear various accessories and fashion accessories, such as slave-like clothing, queen-like colors, collars, tattoos... This is because of my desire to change my body into other things, wearing only leather clothes or racing cars , Are also formed based on the same desire. This type of person has gorgeousness and artistic talent.

choose 2: rigorous pie

you are a rigorous pie, even if you eat watermelon, you must choose the best one to eat, otherwise you will not eat well, and people like you will usually be restrained by yourself Imagine space. In terms of masochism, if you are not bound by rules and predetermined schedules, you will not be able to settle down and expect to be treated completely deprived of your freedom of control. Although I hope to be bound by school rules or rules in my heart, it is easy to hate these rules due to resistance. People of this type are popular.

The psychologist said: The reason you don't like to eat watermelon will expose your character, super accurate! - DayDayNews

Choice 3: Pain Pie

You are a pain group. Among the five senses, the sense of smell is relatively slow, but people who care about the smell of watermelon usually have a sharp sense of smell. People like you are stuck on directly rebuking all physical and sensual things. You want to challenge the painful things in your heart, and you want to be trained. People who abuse their bodies by climbing or exercising may also have this tendency. Many of them just exercise for the pain of love. This type of person is self-motivated and resilient.

Choice 4: Disgrace

You are a disgrace. We often associate the bathroom with shameful impressions such as swear words and dirt. People with such a strong sense actually expect to be scorned (or contemptuous of others) and humiliated (or humiliating others) mentally. Kind of ashamed as possible. This type of person has self-confidence and pursues ideals.

The psychologist said: The reason you don't like to eat watermelon will expose your character, super accurate! - DayDayNews

- The End -

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