Confucius explained it this way in Classical Chinese Biography: Confucius said: "The dragon virtue is hidden, it is not easy to be in the world, it is not famous, it is not bored in the world, it is not boring when it is not seen, it is true when you are happy, and you go against

2024/07/0102:39:32 constellation 1568

Confucius explained it this way in Classical Chinese Biography: Confucius said:

This article continues to talk about the Qian Gua Yao Ci.

Let’s first look at the line:

The ninth day of the lunar month: Qianlong, don’t use it.
92: Seeing a dragon in the field is a good way to meet an adult.
93: A gentleman works hard all day long and is alert at night. Li Wujiu .
94: You may jump into the abyss, there is no blame.
Nine-Five: The flying dragon is in the sky, which is good for seeing adults.
Shangjiu: A strong dragon, with regrets.
uses nine: it is auspicious to see a group of dragons without a leader.

The ninth day of the lunar month: Do not use Qianlong.

Yang is in the Yang position. The literal meaning of

seems to be that the dragon lurks in hidden places, so don’t use it. It would be completely wrong to understand it this way. If all the hidden dragons are not used, won't the dragons have to keep diving? Then what’s the point of this world?

This line actually means that at the stage of the hidden dragon, do not put it in the awkward position of "using" .

Therefore, Little Elephant said: Don’t use Qianlong, because the Yang is down.

Confucius in Classical Chinese Biography Confucius explained it this way:

Confucius said: "The dragon virtue is hidden, it is not easy to be in the world, it is not famous, there is no boredom in hiding from the world, there is no boredom when you don't see what is right, you can do it if you are happy, and you can do it if you are worried. If you go against it, it is indeed unstoppable, and it is like a hidden dragon. "

Because it is the first appearance of the hidden dragon, and the energy accumulation is not enough, if you show yourself rashly at this time, the decision you make will inevitably go against the truth, but will be ridiculed by others. So it's not that we don't use it, but we give Qianlong an opportunity to enrich and enrich himself. The longer you lurk, the greater your achievements will be in the future. As the saying goes, you are a late bloomer. ( latent is not waiting for )

example: Leaders or colleagues who are new to a new organization, no matter how talented they are, should stay temporarily dormant to fully understand the current situation, analyze the current situation, and accumulate energy. The more accumulated in this position, the higher you can jump when conditions are met.

How to deal with people or things at this stage:

A gentleman's behavior is to become virtuous, and his behavior will be seen day by day. "Hidden" means words, hidden but not seen, action but not completed, so a gentleman cannot use it. A gentleman learns by gathering together, asks questions by debating, is generous by living in them, and is benevolent by practicing.

In fact, it has been made clear above. When you are at this stage, you should always remember to enrich yourself, ask questions frequently, be tolerant to interpersonal relationships, and do not rashly talk about people and things in the temple.

Insert an example: Sha Ruijin in the TV series " In the Name of the People " When he first arrived in Handong, although he was the leader of Handong Province, the first thing he did was to go to various places to conduct research, and he only listened but did not talk. After fully grasping the actual situation in Handong Province, we made precise efforts to break the situation in one fell swoop.

Therefore, the ninth grade is not necessarily a position for young people, and everyone may encounter it in every period. It should be analyzed based on the specific situation and must not be applied mechanically.

92: Seeing a dragon in the field will help you meet an adult.

Yang is in the Yin position. After

's ability was recognized by the public, he was promoted in the 95th Five-Year Plan, so he had the opportunity to show himself. Because Yang is in the Yin position, you must remember not to be too strong, but to serve the king with gentleness.

Confucius said: "The dragon's virtue is the right one. Believe in what is said, be cautious in what is done, keep sincerity in the idle evil, be kind to the world without cutting it off, and be virtuous.

At the same time, we must also remember to choose a virtuous person. The selection criteria for a gentleman are to be "true to his word", "rigorous in style", "treat others sincerely and avoid evil", "well versed in worldly affairs but not tactful", and have extensive virtues. This is what a gentleman should do in the 92nd line. .

Just as Xiaoxiang Zhuan said: Seeing the dragon in the field, De Shi Pu also.

Jiu San: A gentleman works hard all the time, and he is cautious at night.

Yang is in the Yang position.

The Master said: "A gentleman is in virtue. Study. Loyalty is what leads to virtue. Rhetoric establishes sincerity, so it is a career. If you know how to achieve it, how many can you compare with it? Knowing the end, you can keep the meaning. This is because when you are in a high position, you are not arrogant, and when you are in a low position, you are not worried. Therefore, Qian Qian is alert because of the time, and there is no fault even if he is in danger. "

At this stage, we must always be vigilant and not make any mistakes. If we are at a high position, we should not be proud. If we are at a low position, we should face it calmly and don't worry. It is precisely because of this stage that we can be vigilant at all times. , so although it is dangerous, there is no hidden danger.(The blame is sequelae and hidden dangers)

Ninety-Four: There is no blame for jumping into the abyss.

Yang is in the Yin position.

Confucius said: "The upper and lower are impermanent, which is not evil. There is no constant progress and retreat, and it is not a departure from the group. A gentleman's pursuit of virtue and career is timely, so there is no blame."

This stage is at the boundary between the lower hexagram and the upper hexagram. Here we must Pay attention to self-examination, whether to stick to your own points and stay in the next hexagram or try to jump on the edge of the cliff.

  • If you stick to your duty, keep the "seeing the dragon in the field" that you have already obtained;
  • If you want to try hard again, then consider the consequences. It would be great if you can achieve the "flying dragon in the sky". Can you accept it if you can't succeed and will be shattered into pieces?

Once you have thought about it, then work hard to do it. Of course, there is no blame.

Nine Five: The flying dragon is in the sky, which is good for seeing adults.

Yang is in the Yang position.

successfully reached the pinnacle of life.

Mr. Li Jian means to quickly cultivate a core team that suits you (because it does not correspond to 1992). At the same time, if you listen to , you will understand .

Confucius said: "The same voice corresponds to the same breath, and the same breath seeks each other. The water is moist, and the fire is dry. The clouds follow the dragon, and the wind follows the tiger. The sage makes all things beautiful. Those who are based on heaven are close to each other, and those who are based on earth are close to the bottom. Then each one According to its category: "

on the ninth: overpowering the dragon, there are regrets.

Yang is in the Yin position.

Confucius said: "Noble but no position, high but no people, sage in the lower position but no help, so move and regret."

Any good thing will eventually come to an end. So at this stage, if you still ask for and take too much, you will be looking for trouble and regret. Because he has become so noble that he has no status, and there is no one around him who can help support this high position.

advises companies or executives who have reached this position to do anything when they reach a high position, they will inevitably suffer backlash.

Summary of Qian Gua

After analyzing the lines one by one, it can be seen that Qian Gua is not inherently noble as we imagined, but is full of dangers everywhere. One wrong move and you could be shattered to pieces. It is enough to see the importance of Qian Gua as the source of all things in the world.

The middle lines of the upper and lower hexagrams are both and yang lines . It can be seen that both 92 and 95 have to rely on themselves, and the two do not form a complementary and corresponding trend of one yin and one yang. (The other two groups are also inconsistent)

But if something goes wrong at a certain stage, how to remedy it? Don't worry, if Yang changes to Yin, the hexagram has changed. After you understand the hexagram and see that a certain line has changed, you should make constant corrections according to your own situation at any time.

The Book of Changes is like this: Just being upright may not necessarily lead to all perfection, because being upright can only prevent you from making mistakes; but such a life, although it is ordinary, does not have "unexpected disasters". Isn't this also a kind of perfection?

(This is the temporary analysis of Qian Gua, and the analysis of Kun Gua will begin in the next article)

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