Love Luck: ★★★ Money Luck: ★★★ Career Luck: ★★★★☆ (★★★★★ is full mark, ☆ is half mark) Unveiled with the 'Full Moon in Capricorn' and the auspicious omen: 'Venus/Saturn triad' The prologue, however, is the annual warning: 'Mercury/Pluto opposition' throughout this week. The colle

2024/06/1901:09:33 constellation 1788

Love Luck: ★★★ Money Luck: ★★★ Career Luck: ★★★★☆ (★★★★★ is full mark, ☆ is half mark) Unveiled with the 'Full Moon in Capricorn' and the auspicious omen: 'Venus/Saturn triad' The prologue, however, is the annual warning: 'Mercury/Pluto opposition' throughout this week. The colle - DayDayNews

Love luck: ★★★

Money luck: ★★★

Career luck: ★★★★☆

(★★★★★ is full mark, ☆ is half mark)

With 'Full Moon in Capricorn' and good omen: 'Venus/Saturn' Trine' kicks off, but is preceded by the annual warning: 'Mercury/Pluto opposition' Throughout this week, the collective desire for stability, belonging and health in the Moon sign of 'Cancer' will be due to the happiness planet Venus on the one hand. There is positive development due to entering 'Cancer'; on the one hand, it appears weird and worrying because of the two annual super warnings from July 18 to 20: 'Mercury/Pluto opposition' and 'Sun/Pluto opposition'. This is a period of growing pains that, although not peaceful, is well suited to rising from the ashes.

10 major astrological events include:

July 13: 'Venus/Saturn triad' (seeking progress in stability); 'Full Moon in Capricorn' (invincible perseverance)

July 14: 'Mercury/ Uranus sextile' (seeking change breakout); 'Venus/Neptune opposition' (fairy tale shattered)

July 17: 'Sun/Mercury conjunction' (turn of the road); 'Mercury/Neptune triad' (good things come around)

July 18 : 'Sun/Neptune triad' (Buddha's kind thoughts); 'Mercury/Pluto opposition' (hidden worries); Venus moves into Cancer (love is returned)

July 19th: Mercury moves into Leo (conductor if (Definitely)

The positive and negative signals of the 10 major horoscopes will appear this week, which is dazzling. The intensity is the highest in the whole month. The two main axes that can be drawn are the 'Mercury/Pluto' opposition, which symbolizes the volatile 'Mercury effect' and the destructive 'Pluto effect'. In terms of interpretation of astrology, when the 'Mercury effect' is negative, it is often associated with intensified chaos in the world; while the negative 'Pluto effect' is usually a hazy period with strong pain points. After all, God is merciful, and there is still a kind force worth gratifying. Cherishing everything, cherishing blessings and being grateful is a kind of spiritual salvation.

In terms of finance, this week Venus moves into Cancer (preserving capital and value), Mercury/Pluto opposes, and there is a haze of negative signals from major financial stars. The need for a safe haven based on the Cancer astrology continues to become the market investment sentiment. The ‘Pluto effect’ still has strong potential to shake things up and should not be taken lightly. Astrology observers reiterated that this will be another strong shock wave before the market overhaul between mid-August and November, and investors should be cautious.

As far as individual zodiac signs are concerned, this week with dark clouds and storms about to come, before the Cancer month enters its countdown, there will be a mixture of sorrow and joy, violent ups and downs, and some adjustments in fortune rankings. The best fortune belongs to Capricorn. During the 'Full Moon in Capricorn' period, the aura becomes stronger and the combat effectiveness reaches the top. With the joint support of the guardian star and Venus, career, emotion and wealth are one after another breaking away from the existing pattern, and there are great prospects. Breakthroughs, striving for victory, and greatly increasing your chances of becoming a winner.

The second-ranked Taurus has dreams of taking off and the world is infinitely broad. It is a period of opportunity to swim into the sea, improve oneself, and become a small fish into a big fish; the third-ranked sign of fortune is Cancer, who lives up to the name of the star of the month and has the natal palace. The three stars of the Sun, Venus and Mercury are present at home to help you. You have high morale, can do things on time, and have auspicious people and auspicious aspects. You can achieve excellent results by combining your career vertically and horizontally or supporting the overall situation alone, and you are extremely competitive. As long as there is an opportunity, it will be the moment when your career will take a turn for the better.

This week, the first-level warning with extremely high pain index suddenly increased. The headwind star that bore the brunt fell in Scorpio, where the natal star successively opposed Mercury and the Sun, and the scale of the potential crisis was slightly larger. Next is last week’s low-tide stars: Gemini and Virgo. They are prone to encounter villains, disputes, grudges or conspiracies. If you are not careful, you may have to pay a heavy price for it. Be careful.

Constellation ranking:

Capricorn: Uniquely blessed, outstanding, rising from the ground (the strongest rise)

Taurus: Good at the right time, smooth journey, wide open access (the best luck)

Cancer: Taking advantage of opportunities, Prosperous and successful (most noble people)

Pisces: Competing for courteous treatment, charming, and social events (the hottest market)

Aries (March 21st to April 19th)

The merits are complete, and the tired bird returns to the forest. During the period when I successfully completed a certain stage of the task and turned on the short-term sleep mode, I fought a good battle and delivered high-quality results. This is a great consolation and deserves a good vacation. Enjoy a short, lazy intermission. Maintaining success in business operations is more important than developing. We strive to support the core business, maintain existing standards and reputation, and keep everything on track. It's a pity that there is little follow-up. When managing your finances, you should pay attention to living within your means and controlling costs. Love is a physical and mental settlement.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Aims in all directions and is at ease. During this period when your career continues to reach its peak, your career options are greatly expanded, you experience many new attempts, you pass smoothly along the way, and you grow in surprises. This is the glorious moment to extend your tentacles, bravely pursue your dreams, and enter a bigger stage. Opportunities come and go, and the situation is promising. This is the best opportunity to make a fortune this summer, so don't set limits on yourself. First you win, speed is everything. Personal network information comes in handy, but unfortunately the cost still increases. Love is a wandering mood.

Gemini (May 21st to June 20th)

The plan is a done deal, step by step. During the period when your natal star is conjunct with Mercury and opposed to Pluto, you may encounter extraordinary situations with great contrast in a short period of time, with mixed joys and sorrows and a variety of emotions. Proudness and disappointment are bombarded in turn, neither of which can be controlled by oneself. It is wise to strive for the best conditions within the existing restrictions and make allowances for changes. Only by taking retreat as a step forward and taking a long-term view can the business landscape be favorable and avoid disaster. Disputes and disputes are resolved. Prevent loss of money. Love is a lingering feeling.

Cancer (June 21st to July 22nd)

The world is easy to change, and many joys are coming. During the period when the Sun, Water, and Venus join forces to bless you in your natal palace, it will instantly turn into a magnetic field of good luck. The ' law of attraction ' will show its power, and happy events will never end. It is the most auspicious month of the year, and professional cooperation has greatly expanded the market structure and competitive advantages. Fortune and fame are just around the corner. Don’t say ‘no’ to any opportunity that comes your way. Since the 'Cancer Month' has entered the last week of countdown, without further ado, you might as well lock in your favorite projects and give it a try, and your career will have the momentum to rise to the top and soar into the sky. It is unique in its own way and does not blindly follow the kitsch. Instead, it wins the favor of the market and gains both fame and fortune. Financial management brings happiness to the soul and abundant financial resources. Love is spring personified.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Things must be reversed when they are extreme, so be on guard against the slightest change. During this period when the guardian planet was in lucky angle with Mercury and Neptune, it reached the high point of fortune in recent weeks. It was a smooth journey and a happy mood. However, the ecstatic end of fortune will soon come to an end as the natal star and Pluto oppose each other, causing the situation to reverse in an instant and catch you off guard. It is necessary to plan ahead and prepare for rainy days. Career talent and wit are recognized, and strength is the best backer. There are courteous visits and a lot of extracurricular expenses. Love is a face that blooms late.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and things can change according to the circumstances. During the period when the natal star first conjuncts the Sun and then opposes Pluto, the mood is like going through spring, summer, autumn and winter in a short period of time. The emotional ups and downs are not small, and it is difficult to calm down and let go. There is a big gap between ideals and reality, and what you want, need, and obtain may not always be in sync, and you need to adjust yourself and follow the trend. The career is about to jump into a fierce competition to show off the heroes. It is a zero-sum game where the winner takes all. The purse loses blood easily. Love hovers on the edge of happiness.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Xingye is a big exhibition, and every inch of land must be fought for. During this period when the guardian planet was in conjunction with Saturn and then in opposition to Neptune, you were focused on serious goals such as success and fame, ranking, and survival, and had no energy left to dream. The reward is that the career has taken advantage of the home field to reach the annual satisfaction point. There are signs of securing the throne, looking forward to promotion, eliminating dissidents, and striving for better opportunities. The territory of power and professional leadership were re-established. If you have poor financial luck, avoid speculation. Love is a protective umbrella.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Be prepared and act according to the opportunity. During these days when the guardian planets are in opposition to Mercury and the Sun, which are warning signs, there may be several waves of tough battles coming one after another. Only by being aware of the crisis and deploying in advance can you escape unscathed. It is the key time of the year for career expansion, assessment or promotion. Although the strength and voice are high, the small actions of competitors are also negotiable. There is no need to confront evil directly, but you must be on guard. Stay away from controversies, scandals, and inappropriate temptations. Increased overhead. Love is traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers.

Sagittarius (November 22nd to December 21st)

throws ideas and gives great value. During this period of auspicious signs in the Wealth Palace, the "cornucopia effect" created by both good and partial wealth comes into play. Not only is professional value highly valued and sought after, non-professional income and passive income are also increasing day by day. This is a period of appreciation for many people who re-evaluate their worth and transform into alchemists. The business becomes smoother and more refined, and projects such as retro innovation, strategic alliances, revision and transformation are like turning decay into magic. The secret weapon is amazing. Love is a happy spell.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

is prosperous and will never look back. During this period when the guardian star and Venus join forces to bring blessings, the 'Full Moon in Capricorn' shows its power, everything is ready, and the east wind comes again. It is the time for your career to take advantage of the trend and show off your talents. After a long time of planning and preparation, the opportunities have now matured. In specific fields, there will be opportunities to stand out, be selected, or lead the pack. Successfully disrupt the existing ecological order, grab the top spot, and get the admission ticket. In addition to his excellent conditions and strong will to fight, he also has amazing teammates to assist him, and the team has excellent chemistry. The business alliance is even more powerful, and it is expected to add a few more wins to the team's success. Cooperation will lead to mutual benefit, division will lead to mutual defeat, and coexistence and common prosperity are the top priority. Wealth luck is good, and financial management will be stable. Love is a declaration and a confession.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Remove the old and create the new, smooth and up to standard. During these days of wind and rain, passing by at low altitudes, more is worse than less. We will use strategies such as streamlining our luggage, eliminating the weak and keeping the strong, and prescribing the right medicine to save the situation. Although there are still many variables in business operations, making it difficult to make sudden decisions and act hastily, the good news is that some mistakes have been successfully stopped, and the ongoing projects have been successfully completed on schedule and concluded successfully. Work efficiency and quality return to their due level. Wealth fortune will go from low to high. Love is being in the same time zone.

Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)

stands out from the crowd and is rare. During this period of time when the desire for performance and the sense of achievement are simultaneously enhanced, thanks to the lucky blessings of Mercury and the Sun, both self-image and external evaluation are at the peak of the year, and the charisma and potential to get out of singles reach the highest level of the year. Suitable for falling in love, making good connections, charming everyone, or actively creating. The career 'dream fulfillment index' has skyrocketed, with ideas, strategies, and support teams, and the performance is outstanding. If you have a small house and a big house, you will have no shortage of material things. Love is a beautiful luminous body.

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Love Luck: ★★★ Money Luck: ★★★ Career Luck: ★★★★☆ (★★★★★ is full mark, ☆ is half mark) Unveiled with the 'Full Moon in Capricorn' and the auspicious omen: 'Venus/Saturn triad' The prologue, however, is the annual warning: 'Mercury/Pluto opposition' throughout this week. The colle - DayDayNews

Love Luck: ★★★ Money Luck: ★★★ Career Luck: ★★★★☆ (★★★★★ is full mark, ☆ is half mark) Unveiled with the 'Full Moon in Capricorn' and the auspicious omen: 'Venus/Saturn triad' The prologue, however, is the annual warning: 'Mercury/Pluto opposition' throughout this week. The colle - DayDayNews

Love Luck: ★★★ Money Luck: ★★★ Career Luck: ★★★★☆ (★★★★★ is full mark, ☆ is half mark) Unveiled with the 'Full Moon in Capricorn' and the auspicious omen: 'Venus/Saturn triad' The prologue, however, is the annual warning: 'Mercury/Pluto opposition' throughout this week. The colle - DayDayNews

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