Let us foresee the future of constellations together! Click [Follow] Jupiter has begun to stagnate and is about to enter the four-star retrograde. Where you were originally too optimistic, you suddenly feel blocked. Things are no longer taken for granted and you need to think mor

2024/06/1806:36:33 constellation 1047

Let us foresee the future of constellations together! Click [Follow]

Let us foresee the future of constellations together! Click [Follow] Jupiter has begun to stagnate and is about to enter the four-star retrograde. Where you were originally too optimistic, you suddenly feel blocked. Things are no longer taken for granted and you need to think mor - DayDayNews

Jupiter begins to stagnate and is about to enter the four-star retrograde. Where I was too optimistic, I suddenly feel blocked. Things are no longer taken for granted and need to be thought about more. Wood and soil are at an angle of 45 degrees, and major social events will occur, triggering public attention and discussion and the impact of political events. Mars is in Taurus, people's livelihood and economy are affected, and they are concerned about prices and inflation, which arouses the desire to make money and changes life plans for the sake of money. Uranus, and Aquarius are touched, so you should pay attention to the movements of groups and communities.

Wave after wave of challenges that "push people out of their comfort zones" are coming. The only thing we can do is to strengthen our psychological endurance and know that no one can rely on us. Then, be more brave and proactive!

The power of "Creating the T-Triangle" is like a heavy punch, shattering people's sense of security. But this strong force will also push us to clean up our mood, keep up with the pace, and accept the new situation. Therefore, we cannot stand still. "Creating the T triangle" destroys the old order and causes discomfort, but it also plays the role of "creating new situations" and promoting new possibilities.

To respond to the ball of change thrown by the world, what we can do is to face and respond to the ball. There is no other plan, especially not to avoid it.

There are two periods of eagerness to create new games this year, one in July and one in October (autumnal equinox). I hope everyone can understand that the stars are not here to cause shock, but have a deeper meaning, for "advance and renewal."
Let’s take a look at the important horoscopes this week!

Jupiter begins to stagnant

Violence will eventually be condemned. People who are always happy can do whatever they want, and those who are overly egoistic must eventually restrain themselves. What we should reflect on is that if this Jupiter stasis "makes people feel extremely uncomfortable", maybe we should reflect on "Is it right?" It was too good in the past, so you are not used to it when you can no longer run wild?

wood stagnation also makes people feel hindered by the self-righteousness of "what should be done right". You will be stopped by the traffic police because you are speeding. It does not work because there is a problem. You are being treated because you are rude and can't understand the situation. .

Remember, the world does not revolve around you. When you are unhappy, maybe the problem is with yourself.

Personally speaking, the combination of wood and earth also makes people "rethink their career." I can't help but think, "Is it suitable to stay here? Is it good to change direction? Is there a future? What is the meaning?" etc., these university questions actually It's anxiety-provoking, but this anxiety is also the force that pushes us to leave our comfort zone and move forward, so cherish it!

In addition, Mars has entered Taurus and is heading towards the "Fire-Uranus Conjunction".

Are people around you starting to talk about investment, financial management, and money? Or someone’s “cold, plain talk and realistic attitude” shocks people and makes them feel indifferent? It’s time to wake up. No matter how much you deceived yourself before, you will now be hit hard by reality and have to face reality. In fact, this is quite good, because no more acting, you can quickly tell who is good and who is bad, simple and clear.

As for society, it has also entered the wave of "anxiety about money and the whole people fighting for the economy". People's livelihood, economy, food, and health are all areas where the energy of "fire and heaven" will explode from time to time, so inflation, currency Fluctuations in the stock market and new waves of epidemics are all issues that must be paid close attention to and cannot be ignored. We also have the urge to "suddenly want to spend money or invest for no apparent reason." Money is hard to make, so when it comes to money-related matters, it's better to be pragmatic.

Due to the approach of Mars, "Uranus, Aquarius are touched", social media, political fields, and various circles are more active, or there may be Mars-style emergencies, resulting in unknown chain effects.

Let’s fasten our seat belts together, keep a normal mind, and strive to live a good life, which is the best contribution to the world.

Taurus should be more restrained in front of others, while Scorpio has overseas or cross-field opportunities; who has the opportunity for friendship to sublimate love? Who needs long-term care?

Work attention: Aries , Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn

Let us foresee the future of constellations together! Click [Follow] Jupiter has begun to stagnate and is about to enter the four-star retrograde. Where you were originally too optimistic, you suddenly feel blocked. Things are no longer taken for granted and you need to think mor - DayDayNews

Aries: There is a collision of ideas, which is also a kind of stimulating thinking

Taurus: The momentum is restrained to avoid obstacles in work

Scorpio: There is overseas or cross-field cooperation. Opportunities

Capricorn: You have superiors and elders, you can be promoted.

Peach Blossom Attention: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo

Let us foresee the future of constellations together! Click [Follow] Jupiter has begun to stagnate and is about to enter the four-star retrograde. Where you were originally too optimistic, you suddenly feel blocked. Things are no longer taken for granted and you need to think mor - DayDayNews

Gemini: Have the opportunity to be cared for by others

Cancer: Friendship sublimates, seize the opportunity to seize love

Leo: Get together with young people Too many divorces, or troubles caused by mistakes

Virgo: lack of interest, create romance at home to enhance feelings

Financial attention: Sagittarius, Pisces

Let us foresee the future of constellations together! Click [Follow] Jupiter has begun to stagnate and is about to enter the four-star retrograde. Where you were originally too optimistic, you suddenly feel blocked. Things are no longer taken for granted and you need to think mor - DayDayNews

Sagittarius: Investment has ups and downs, take good care of money

Pisces: care too much about investment, pay attention to increasing income and reducing expenditure

Health attention: Libra , Aquarius

Let us foresee the future of constellations together! Click [Follow] Jupiter has begun to stagnate and is about to enter the four-star retrograde. Where you were originally too optimistic, you suddenly feel blocked. Things are no longer taken for granted and you need to think mor - DayDayNews

Libra: If you have health problems, take long-term care and take a good rest

Aquarius: Be careful about traffic problems, pay attention to eye conditions

Let us foresee the future of constellations together! Click [Follow] Jupiter has begun to stagnate and is about to enter the four-star retrograde. Where you were originally too optimistic, you suddenly feel blocked. Things are no longer taken for granted and you need to think mor - DayDayNews


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