Because the ancients attached great importance to the birth date and horoscope, there was a saying that the destiny was determined based on the birth date and horoscope. The so-called "March 8" does not refer to a day, but to the three days of the 8th, 18th, and 28th of each mont

2024/06/0500:15:33 constellation 1914

Because the ancients attached great importance to the birth date and horoscope, there was a saying that the fate was determined based on the birth date and horoscope. The so-called "March 8" does not refer to a day, but to the three days of the 8th, 18th, and 28th of each month in the lunar calendar. Calculated, there are 36 days in a year.

Because the ancients attached great importance to the birth date and horoscope, there was a saying that the destiny was determined based on the birth date and horoscope. The so-called

"A man will definitely be successful in the 38th day of the lunar month", which means that according to the ancients, if a boy is born on the eighth, 18th or 28th day of the lunar month, he will be rich and successful in the future. "Female occupancy is bound to be a widow", which means that in ancient times, girls who were born on the eighth, eighteenth, or twenty-eighth day of the lunar month were likely to lose their husbands at an early age and then become widows after they grew up and got married.

Because the ancients attached great importance to the birth date and horoscope, there was a saying that the destiny was determined based on the birth date and horoscope. The so-called

Anyone with some scientific knowledge can tell that this view is extremely wrong. It has no scientific basis at all. It is simply untenable now. Getting rich depends on opportunity and vision, while the happiness of marriage depends on the harmony of two people. , just relying on one sentence to decide the fate of others is hard to convince people to be honest.

"A man who occupies 30% of the population will definitely win, and a woman who occupies 38% of the population will be widowed." This saying is just caused by the feudal tradition of the old society. In modern civilized society, this saying has not been passed down. You can listen to it casually. Just don’t take it seriously.

Because the ancients attached great importance to the birth date and horoscope, there was a saying that the destiny was determined based on the birth date and horoscope. The so-called

Today is an equal and open society. Boys and girls are born the same. How much achievements a person can make depends on his own efforts and has little to do with his birth date. In other words, everyone has equal opportunities to make a fortune. How to discover it, what do you think?

Because the ancients attached great importance to the birth date and horoscope, there was a saying that the destiny was determined based on the birth date and horoscope. The so-called

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