The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation.

2024/05/2306:48:32 constellation 1404

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on December 21, 2020 was in Aquarius , which affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. Use hobbies and interests to seek new development, and transform your career path through accumulated experience and self-improvement over the years.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

The fifth house is about self-creation, hobbies, and self-creative expression. The original house of Leo is ruled by the Sun. Its core meaning is: the need for self-recognition, emphasizing the unyielding self-independence, starting to shine like the sun. When the lion obeys the command of his open heart, like the sun, thousands of rays shine upon everyone.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

From Chairman Mao, we can see the light and heat like the Leo sun. Chairman Mao's passion for life and call to vision inspired the masses through powerful magnetic attraction, presence and leadership. His charisma, dignity and foresight enabled Chairman Mao to truly "strengthen mountains and rivers". He did something unprecedented in history and established a new China. From then on, the Chinese people straightened their backs and became truly independent and self-sufficient.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

The spirit of the martyrs laid the foundation for our peaceful age today, and they exchanged countless sacrifices for today's peace and stability. It may be meaningless to pursue history, but when drinking water, one must remember its source.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

The fifth house means that we want to be different, want to choose to listen to our inner voice, be able to use our perseverance to follow our noble soul, and gain greater recognition and respect with our originality. Show up through total self-expression and self-absorption, blooming into your truest self.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

In the coming Aquarius Air Age, the widely accepted way of thinking is often wrong. Because human history is " chronological history ". The fundamental driving force in the world of living beings now is ambition and desire. Human beings can only survive and pursue happiness by fighting each other, preying on the weak, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and pretending to be greedy and controlling slaves. The supremacy of money and self-enjoyment is the theme value of modern humans. The values ​​​​of the older revolutionaries represented by Chairman Mao, whose main theme is " serving the people", are being subverted.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

Those who stand on the pyramid have never paid attention to the farmers who produce food when playing civilization. The choice of the domestic rich and elites is to deceive the common people into thinking that they are "number one in the world" and let them be honest and simple migrant workers to accelerate their wealth accumulation. Instead, they spend their free money from migrant workers. The value goes abroad. Strengthening foreign economic development brings more competition and violence.

In fact, since ancient times, the people who have been able to survive on this land for a long time and regard it as their permanent home are the pedantic old men in the family who always use a cane with a dragon head; it is the farmer who does not know how to read and only knows how to cultivate the land. ; It is the spiritual home of every Chinese people who dedicated themselves, sacrificed themselves, endured hardships and stood hard work in the previous generation. Thinking about the source, condemning, defending and comparing cannot solve the fundamental problem. A fundamental revolution is necessary. This revolution can make people everywhere have enough food and clothing, have a place to live, and make education more popular. Only by awakening the gene to bring conscience and ability, be proactive and creative, can we be aware of the vastness of the world and be more sympathetic to the green grass and trees.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

In today's colorful metropolis, everyone lives under the spotlight, making it difficult for them to see the world outside the light. In order to prove one's "greatness", one fights and conflicts with others, and regards oneself as the "center of the universe". What follows is domineering and selfish behavior, and all the energy is spent on establishing a "tall" image. . We all mistakenly believe that true strength and nobility must be displayed and made others look at us. We tend to get confirmation from the outside world, so that everyone recognizes our greatness and uniqueness. When the source of self-confidence is the sense of superiority of " sees all the mountains and small ", self-confidence turns into arrogance. In such behavior, we are not acting out of patriotism and noble character, but are instead driven by jealousy and hatred.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

A true lion is very happy to be given a smaller kingdom to protect by his leader, loves his territory and swears to be loyal to his duty. Love must be the source of strength for Leo, it is not just a slogan. If we long for a good society, we will neither fight externally nor internally, and we will not try to escape and become a hermit or a monk in a commune, a temple, or in a deep mountain forest. You are bound to discover the truth about this world. The reason why greed, selfishness, bullying and slavery continue to exist is that the world's military, economic, technological, and political power is not used to eliminate poverty, crime, misery, and the disparity between the rich and the poor, but to satisfy the obsessions and desires of dictators.

The eleventh house opposite the fifth house, the evolutionary process from Leo to Aquarius, is a person's enlightenment process from "it turns out that I am not the center of the world" to "it turns out that everyone is a world". No matter which stars or constellations this axis touches, you can feel the journey from "creation to appreciation", "from subjectivity to macro", and finally to "all-encompassing sublimation" in different ways.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

The independent thinking ability of the air element allows us to gain the blessing of wisdom and help us see ourselves. After gaining the perspective of Aquarius in the 11th house, returning to creation will impress more people. The essential meaning of life is to create, expressing the joy that comes after we devote ourselves wholeheartedly to it. In the Age of Aquarius, today, as we are becoming more and more connected with the world, families and governments can no longer bear the fate of individuals. The lifestyle that relies heavily on families and governments will be rectified in the Age of Aquarius. Everyone must learn to take responsibility for their own destiny, strive for a mature, independent self, be self-sufficient, and take responsibility for their own life.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

For decades, I have always insisted on being independent and self-sufficient. With a correct ideological awareness, think about the attitude towards survival that an independent and complete person should have. The reason why our lives are stagnant and we dare not take the "first step" towards new life is often due to the solidified cognition in our minds. When we rely on this familiar barrier that we have accumulated mentally, physically, and psychologically, we don’t want to break it anymore, even if it has restricted our growth. Because staying in the comfort zone does make people experience a placebo-like sense of happiness, confidence and gain.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

The thinking ability and the way of thinking about problems that have been changed by Uranus will help us free ourselves from these old cognitions and regain freedom. Establish a self-sufficient life and a stable sense of order. When you truly become the master of your own life, you will still be able to ensure the solidity and love of life when facing any changes in the future.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on December 21, 2020 affected my fifth house. After getting married in 2019, I started content creation. - DayDayNews

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