The Twelve Immortals describe the entire life process of a person's "birth, old age, illness and death", and are also a metaphor for the entire process of the emergence, development, decline and death of all things in the world. The Twelve Immortals correspond to different life s

2024/05/2221:49:33 constellation 1619

The Twelve Immortals describes the entire life process of a person's "birth, old age, illness and death", and also metaphors the entire process of the emergence, development, decline and death of all things in the world. The Twelve Immortals correspond to different life stages.
Twelve Immortals

The essence of Twelve Immortals is the twelve fortunes of Yin Yang and Five Elements, so it is also called the Twelve Lucks. It mainly uses the ten heavenly stems and the twelve branches that move around to express the prosperous and declining fortunes and directions.

The twelve immortals in order are: longevity, bathing, crown belt, Linguan, emperor prosperous , decline, illness, death, tomb, death, fetus, and nourishment.
The meaning of the twelve immortals
1. Immortality

Immortality is in the first place, representing the scene when things are just born, such as a baby just born, with a thriving atmosphere. It contains the meaning of birth, growth, origin, starting point, etc., and to a certain extent, it also means the beginning of new things.

The Twelve Immortals describe the entire life process of a person's

2. Bathing

Bathing means that things have just appeared, and there are still many imperfections. The dirt must be washed away after the baby is born; it means that new things are coming and starting again.

3. Crown band

Crown band represents that things have entered the stage of development, which refers to children to young people who can wear clothes and hats and look dignified; new things have also entered the stage of gorgeousness.

4. Linguan

Linguan is also called "Jinlu", which means that things have developed and matured. When you grow up, you can embark on an official career or make money to support your family; new things have also matured, and your status is increasingly consolidated.


Diwang represents the most prosperous stage, which means that when a person reaches the prime of life, his body and intelligence have reached the peak stage, and he can best play a person's role; but prosperity must decline, and the top means decline. start.

6. Decline
Decay means a period of qualitative change. At this point, people feel weak and weak, and they are powerless; new things have become old things, and it is time to face the challenges of other new things.

7. Diseases
As people age gradually, they are prone to a variety of diseases; old things are riddled with holes and are hard to get back. The meaning of disease includes disease, focus, plague, disgust, hatred, enemy, hatred, shortcomings, shortcomings, etc.

8. Death
After a person ages, physical death follows. It contains the meanings of death, turning a corner, inflexibility, inability to adapt, stagnation, end, doom, acceptance of death, one road to the dark, no room, depression, lifelessness, lack of vitality, dullness, etc.
9. Tomb

Tomb means that after the death of old things, the remains are sent to museums or collected in warehouses, also called "warehouses".
10. Absolutely

is also known as "receiver" and "cell". Before a person is conceived, the mother's womb is empty; before all things are produced, they are formless and without form. Jue means no retreat, danger, desperate situation, desperate situation, cliff, breakup, severance, etc.
11. Fetus

Conception refers to when a person is conceived, or when all things sprout in the earth. It means conception, brewing, initial planning, planning, formation, congenital, innate, hard-to-change nature, primary, connection, concern, etc.
12. To raise

is to take shape. Man is formed in the mother’s womb, and all things are formed in the earth. It has the meanings of birth, growth, sustenance, adoption, recuperation, recuperation, rest, nutrition, etc.
The table of prosperous life and death

The Twelve Immortals describe the entire life process of a person's

Illustration of twelve immortality

"The table of ten days of prosperous life and death" is to put the conditions of the ten days in different months, and match them with the conditions of food, clothing, housing and transportation in the world.

mainly shows the actual situation of the five elements of and in the month, whether it is prosperous or weak, and it is suitable for the same ten as longevity, shower, crown, Linguan, emperor, decline, illness, death, tomb, death, fetus, and nourishment. The process of development trend changes in the two situations reflects the regularity of the development trend changes of the personnel department. The prosperity and decline it represents have different names.

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