(Refer to rising and sun signs) Last week in Aries was the new moon in the house of home and family. We have said that new moons often bring some new news and new trends, including some of your own new thoughts, ideas, and plans. Don’t you know what new changes have occurred amon

2024/05/1919:15:34 constellation 1213

(Refer to rising and sun signs) Last week in Aries was the new moon in the house of home and family. We have said that new moons often bring some new news and new trends, including some of your own new thoughts, ideas, and plans. Don’t you know what new changes have occurred amon - DayDayNews

(refer to the rising and sun signs)


Last week was the new moon in the house of home and family. We have said that the new moon often brings some new news and trends, including some of your own new thoughts, ideas, and plans. Don’t you know what new changes have occurred among your family members, inside and outside your living environment, and in your personal mood? Mercury enters your home and home sector this week following the new moon. This is a good time to press the "pause button" appropriately for life. It is not about escaping from reality and burying its head in the sand like an ostrich, but about sorting out and digesting the thoughts and thoughts that have been encountered recently, and observing the current state to see what satisfactions and dissatisfactions there are. Is it consistent with earlier settings? How should we evaluate it, and what new plans do we hope to make? This is also a good time to discuss things that are important to you as a family. Under this astrology, family members often visit each other, have dinner together, and travel to communicate with each other about their current situation. Listen to the voice in your heart and say what you think is necessary. In particular, don't let the pressure you encounter in the outside world - study, work, social life - accumulate in your heart, because this may make your future life more chaotic. The House of Home is the house of the zodiac sign Cancer, which means that during this period, it is easier than usual to express inner feelings and emotions. Your thoughts may also keep returning to what happened in the past, and you wonder why you can't focus on the present. This indicates that some aspect of the past is still affecting the present, and in some way reminds you if there is any solution. method. So you might as well look for it and see what connections it has with your current thoughts and life? This may help solve the current problems we are facing. Mars enters the money house this week. To put it simply, this may bring several effects. You will become more insistent on what you believe (at least what you believe at the moment) and the value of someone, something, or a relationship. Even if it is incomprehensible in the eyes of others, there may be arguments because of it; when making decisions on something, there is a tendency to maximize material interests; there may be impulsive consumption and spending money because of excitement; wealth brings security, Having and earning more money means you feel more secure, so it may inspire some people to perform better in their careers and proactively seek opportunities for salary increases and promotions.

Emotionally, you may not be too active in emotional interactions, but as mentioned before, now is a good time to digest previously unresolved emotional thoughts. You may be able to discover what kind of relationship or relationship you would rather have. What kind of people to walk hand in hand with.


Last week’s new moon occurred in the third house, which is most closely related to daily life. It means that there are some new ideas, new plans, or some new status, which is about your study, copywriting work, and discussions and chats with others. Discuss transactions, or about travel, logistics, etc. This week, Mercury will also enter this house. Because this house governs thinking, expression, and communication, it is naturally the house of Mercury, and Mercury entering here will strengthen this effect. For example, your ideas are like turning on a switch in the circuit of circulation, and they keep coming, and the things you have to do, such as the copywriting to be written, the lessons to be memorized, the people to be met, the words to be spoken, and the various tasks to be completed. You may appear busy with trivial matters, such as opening a dam. On the one hand, this is a very good time to talk, discuss something, and exchange opinions with others, but it is best not to draw final conclusions about something, especially important matters. Now may not be a favorable time to draw final conclusions. . Also, if you do find that this week is fast-paced, try to give yourself a break from it, relax or take a break to adjust, as it may cause you to be constantly distracted from thinking properly. Mars enters Taurus this week, and it's like someone is cracking the whip behind the slow-moving cattle: Run, faster! Of course, this motivation may also be spontaneous on your part. You start to be motivated about what you think is most important at the moment. This is a good time to use your action to bite the hard nut. This may also be a time to express your stance and determination to the outside world.As a reminder, if you are not a very sensitive person, it may not be easy for you to detect behaviors that hinder others or cause resentment to others in the process of completing your personal tasks. Pay attention to your interactions with the people you value. A harmonious relationship requires each other to pay attention to each other's needs, but this astrology may make you care less about this. In other words, if you can do something independently without relying on others, you might as well do it yourself.

Emotionally, be careful not to let your significant other feel that you are overbearing and inconsiderate of other people's thoughts and status. You may be more proactive and expressive in front of the person you like than usual.


The new moon in Cancer last week, for Gemini, occurred in the house of money, which usually means new ideas, new plans, and new trends in money matters. Or, you may have a new attitude towards someone or something, or a new value judgment, because this house also represents values. This week Mercury follows the new moon and enters your money house. This is a great time to research, organize, discover, and discuss matters related to your income and expenses, insurance, debt, investments, salaries, reimbursements, and business dealings. Process related documents, bills, contracts, documents, etc. Mercury sextiles Mars at the beginning of the week, and you will see efficiency in these things. Mars enters the hidden house of Gemini this week. In the personal chart picture, if Mars falls in the hidden house, especially when Mars is restrained at the same time, it is easy to become depressed, put pressure on oneself, and deny oneself. If the meteor comes to the Hidden Palace, it will have a similar state in stages. Therefore, for Gemini, there may be some inexplicable troubles, as if some energy is hindering your progress in something, but it is not clear where this energy comes from. Maybe it was caused by an oversight in the past that you were not aware of, or maybe even if someone tried to stop you, he would not stand up or speak out, so he was considered a "villain" by some people. House position, "enemy in the dark". In this case, the best way is to complete the work independently. Don't be overly suspicious of others, and avoid being overly dependent on others. You can hide in the studio, library, or laboratory and do your own research with peace of mind. Avoid asserting or evaluating someone or something in public, as this may give viewers a wrong impression that does not match your original intention, and it may not be easy for you to detect it yourself.

Emotionally, during the period when the money palace is emphasized by the stars, it is a good time to consider and discuss common financial topics.


The new moon was in Cancer last week, and Mercury enters Cancer this week. If you have some new plans or plans about yourself in the near future, now is a good time to consult, discuss, and evaluate. Mercury in good condition usually represents rational thinking in astrology. This is a good time to do some self-evaluation. At the same time, it is also suitable for issuing declarations, participating in discussions, designing processes, and splitting the whole into modules to make your actions easier to execute and your goals clearer. Mars and Mercury are in sextile at the beginning of the week, which also gives you flexible thinking and verbal expression, which is powerful and persuasive without being overbearing. Mars enters the interpersonal palace this week, which represents the team. This astrology indicates that during this period, "team work" should be emphasized and "working alone" is taboo. If a reasonable balance can be achieved between personal interests and team interests, it is easier to see gains. But this doesn’t mean you have to give up your personal opinions or be overly obedient. Mars entering the interpersonal palace also means active interpersonal relationships. In more social situations, you need to cooperate with others to accomplish something, or you may meet a "Mars-like" friend in life, that is, energetic, sporty, and competitive. Strong-minded, straightforward and full of action. In addition to being called the interpersonal palace, which governs interpersonal relationships, the eleventh house also represents personal social goals, because career goals can be observed with the career palace, and the next house behind the career palace is the interpersonal palace, which means A goal vision that is less mercenary and more socially responsible.Therefore, there may be some similar consciousness emerging, and in the future, I hope to use my abilities to seek benefits for others, the small environment in which I live, and even the entire society.

Emotionally, eloquence and expressiveness help you become more enthusiastic in emotional communication, and you are more willing to talk and be more honest, but you also need to listen more.


If you feel there is something you should say, don't hold it in your heart. For example, you may feel that something is embarrassing and someone is using it to make a fuss, or some of your plans may have been guessed even though you have not stated them publicly, and they may have an opinion. At this time, it is very important to say everything you think you should say to dispel other people’s doubts and uncertainties about you, including your doubts and uncertainties about the situation. Conservative opinions can easily reduce other people’s confidence in you. . Mercury entering the hidden house sometimes brings about a tendency to reserve personal opinions and be unwilling to communicate with others, even if it is something that should be communicated. Generally speaking, this is a good time to do research on your own, work independently, and think alone, but at the same time, don't shrink back because you are afraid of confrontation and confrontation. It is not disadvantageous if you make your situation public. Mars enters the career palace this week. This is a great astrological sign for pursuing recent work efficiency. It is like an accelerator, coming to tighten the clockwork for you. Whichever house Mars falls in, you want to seek a sense of personal fulfillment in the field represented by this house. If Mars enters the career house, you desire a sense of career fulfillment. Therefore, ambition will be enhanced and you will usually have more desire to win or lose. Because Mars represents action, it may also make you feel busy and you need to take action. In some cases, the probability of heated discussions or even disputes with supervisors and superior units may increase. However, it is also the most conducive time to achieve career results.

Emotionally, we should also pay attention to couples not to omit necessary communication, thinking that what the other party understands may not be the other party's true feelings. Don’t rely on guesswork when communicating.


The new moon of the previous week was in the interpersonal palace. Perhaps there was new news, new trends, and new situations in communities, teams, and interpersonal relationships. This week, Mercury followed the new moon and came to this palace. The planet that governs The stars of communication, communication, thinking, and insights bring about something. You may need to have more verbal communication with others to exchange ideas and opinions on something. Sometimes you will play the role of a wise person in a team or circle of friends, because you can contribute more suggestions, or act as an atmosphere group to make everyone active. It may also be time to re-evaluate your relationships with people and team members, who are worth working with and who are obstacles. Mars enters the house of migration, which governs studies, examinations, travel, law, publishing, and foreign affairs. It also represents a person's cognitive concepts. When Mars enters any house, they hope to gain a sense of personal achievement in the field represented by this house, so they will force themselves to take action and achieve results. Therefore, some people may take the initiative to sign up for courses, develop skills, and further their studies to recharge. Explore various subjects of interest with the purpose of broadening the boundaries of knowledge. Sometimes, it also represents travel plans in the future, usually a longer distance trip. When Mars comes to this house, it is easy for some people to appear preachy and forcefully export their personal values ​​to avoid giving others the impression of being nagging.

Emotionally, you will be quite active this week in social situations and in your circle of friends. Maybe someone will fall in love with you because of the way you express your thoughts.


The new moon of the previous week was in the career palace. This week, Mercury follows the new moon and also enters the career palace. If there are any new ideas or plans in the work field recently, then this week is a good time to discuss and evaluate this idea. Mercury will have several manifestations when it comes to the career palace. For example, it is very suitable for handling work-related copywriting, forms, documents, contracts, negotiations, reports, etc. Secondly, it is suitable for communicating with your supervisor and superior units. Suitable for active learning of work-related skills to help you improve work efficiency. There will probably be some new changes in work in the near future compared with the previous ones.If you do not have a job, or have not yet worked, the career palace actually reflects your personal status in the social environment such as the group you are currently in. Mars and Mercury are in sextile at the beginning of the week, which will make your expression and speech in public more energetic and persuasive. If you are dealing with work and study tasks, you will also be more efficient. This week Mars will enter the eighth house of Libra. Sometimes Mars in this position will cause people to encounter some troubles. The trouble comes from dealing with a relationship with someone. You may have to make compromises or changes if there are differences. And if you are very persistent, friction will easily occur and affect the relationship. For example, with a lover, partner, or business partner. Your points of disagreement at this time are often some resources you share or some responsibilities you share. It can only be solved through communication. This house also governs finances, so problems to be dealt with in relationships may also come from money matters such as loans, deposits, debts, insurance, investments, etc.

Emotionally, Mars entering the eighth house can easily bring about some gaps between partners. Mars is a planet with a little ego and will highlight personal will. If any one person in the relationship is too prominent, it may not be harmonious. It drives you to reach a dynamic balance with the other person. Mars and this house also governs sex, and this aspect may also make you concerned about your own or your partner's sexual performance.


Last week’s new moon was in the house of migration, and this week Mercury will follow the pace of the new moon and enter this house. The new moon in the migration house may bring new ideas and changes in the direction of studies, examinations, further study, recharging, legal affairs, overseas affairs, travel, publishing, etc. After Mercury enters, there will be an increase in thinking and discussion on the above topics. , assessment and process handling. Now is a very good time to learn new knowledge, whether it is taking exams, taking exams, or just improving your professional skills to improve your competitiveness in the workplace. When Mercury enters the Migration Palace, he often encounters things that broaden his horizons or open his mind. For example, through conversations with people with rich knowledge and experience in a certain field, he learns more about an unfamiliar field, or a book, a program, or a program. This activity opens the door to a new world, which also means that you are more likely to be attracted by these new knowledge and phenomena at this time. Mercury stays in one house for about four weeks, which is not very long, so it is often a good time for traveling, or it is easy to explore new geographical and cultural environments that arouse great interest. Mars enters the relationship sector this week, ruling partnerships and partnerships. Mars is a planet that emphasizes personal will, but this does not seem to be an advantage in a balanced relationship. One party may encounter opposition because of insisting on his own opinions, or may lose his temper because of sudden injustice in something. In a sense, arguing is just a means rather than an end. It is better to have a beneficial argument than to endure it for a long time and build up resentment. This will make each other clearer about each other's boundaries. But not everyone can prevent an argument from turning into a quarrel.

Emotionally, some people may find it difficult to compromise and give in in front of their other half, but in any intimate relationship, there are often too many compromises, and real complaints and dissatisfaction will not be expressed, which will weaken a good relationship in the long run. Relationships, now is the time to release this dissatisfaction and inhibitions and perhaps clear the tense air between you. If your relationship is harmonious, this is a good time to put your energy into work.


The new moon of the past week is in the eighth house of Sagittarius. The secular significance of this house is related to finance, loans, debts, insurance, taxes, budgets, reimbursements, sponsorships, scholarships... business cooperation , financing, dividends, etc., so after Mercury follows the footsteps of the new moon and enters this house this week, there may be more considerations, discussions, evaluations, contract procedures, etc. on financial-related issues.From a psychological sense, this palace is called the "Palace of Life and Death". Of course, the coming and going of life cannot be determined solely by the single astrological sign of Mercury, so this "life and death" also represents changes in ideas, states, and attitudes. For those who Cut off the useless people and things that hinder your progress and give yourself a new look, or those that once worked for you. As you grow and progress, you need to adjust or change your strategies. They will gradually become a hindrance to you. the elements of. Encourage you to make brave changes to familiar and adaptable environments. Mars enters the sixth house of Sagittarius this week, which is the house in charge of the workplace and health. If your work and business become busy, you must physically complete tasks that consume energy and physical strength, or you may need to take responsibility for more difficult problems. , whichever house Mars falls in will awaken the competitive spirit in the field represented by this house, and gaining recognition of one's business abilities from the people around you will bring great satisfaction. Therefore, it is often a period of time when work becomes active and hard-working. In terms of health, pay attention to gastrointestinal and inflammation problems.

Emotionally, on days when the Sun and Mercury are in the eighth house, your mind usually becomes more emotional than usual, and you can better feel the psychological motivations of the other person, including yourself, to say something or do something. This kind of astrology is very suitable for two people to have in-depth and heart-to-heart communication.


Last week, the new moon was in the relationship house of Capricorn. New opportunities, new atmosphere, and new changes may come from a certain relationship, cooperation, relationship, colleagues, friends, or with your lawyer, consultant, etc. Redefine a relationship or start a new one. Mercury enters the relationship house this week, which is a very suitable time for consultation, talks, discussions, and consultations, because this will make both parties appear more rational and care about fairness. This is often a favorable time to sign or renew a contract. It is also suitable for clarifying and explaining an issue to the people closest to you. Rather than thinking on your own, consult another person to get feedback on your ideas and statements to get a clearer picture of your thinking. This is also a good time to resolve any previous issues you have experienced in your intimate relationships. When Mars enters the fifth house, the house of Leo in the zodiac, you will ask yourself to "be yourself", express and show your truest self, and hope that others can accept and affirm your true self. This is a very suitable time for public speeches and performances, because this state will make people around you like you who are confident, full of sensibility and expressiveness. Usually this is not the advantage of Capricorn itself. Sometimes this astrology is more likely to be expressed in interesting ways, such as being attracted to a certain interest or hobby in life, and getting involved in it, you feel that this is your "real self". This may manifest itself in many similar scenarios. If you have children, conflicts with your children may be highlighted during this period. You are easily angry because of your children's performance, and the parent-child relationship is more difficult to get along with than usual. It is best to keep yourself and your children busy. This is also the release of Mars. An appropriate way of energy.

Emotionally, it seems that it is quite suitable to start a new relationship now. You can communicate with each other in a relaxed, interesting and peaceful way, which means that two people will feel very comfortable together.


Last week, the new moon was in the house that governs the workplace and health. New opportunities and new trends are likely to appear in the work environment, workplace relationships, as well as daily life and health. This week, Mercury follows the new moon and enters this house. It is a good time to communicate, discuss, evaluate, and negotiate on workplace and health-related topics. For example, it is very suitable for sorting out work processes, making plans, evaluating efficiency, and sitting down with people you work with to discuss recent work priorities and each other's work progress. Now is also a good time to perfect a certain work skill that can improve efficiency, and to handle various research, organization, copywriting, and approval matters. Some may attend training or travel. Mars enters Aquarius’ house of home and family this week. In addition to representing home in the physical sense, that is, family, house, and living environment, it also represents inner security.In some cases, you may feel inexplicable anxiety and irritability, and you don't know the cause clearly. Because this house also has the meaning of history, foundation, etc., it may also be due to a certain knot caused by something that happened in the past, and you don't know clearly. Be aware and solve it well, and when encountering a similar situation, it evokes a certain period of consciousness at the time, which may lead you to make inappropriate behavioral reactions. Of course, this is a certain interpretation in astrological theory and is for your reference only. No matter what the reason is, it may be simpler to just focus on whether the current approach is appropriate and reasonable. When Mars travels through a house, you will always hope to gain a sense of accomplishment in the field represented by this house. Mars' arrival in the home house will also convey the theme of Mars. You will pay more attention to your family and your residence. For example, repairs and modifications of room equipment to make them more in line with your requirements, discussions with family members about something important to both of you, and some people may be related to moving.

Emotionally, there is no obvious astrological sign of emotional interaction. During the time when career and family-related palaces are emphasized, relationship-related news may also be related to colleagues, people with whom you interact at work, or family members.


Mercury enters the fifth house, which is a suitable time to express yourself, tell and convey your thoughts to others, or make public speeches, clearly express your views and stance on an issue to others, and There is no shortage of relaxed and humorous atmosphere. It's a bit like what Mercury feels like when it's in its own sign. The fifth house is the house of self-expression, the house of Leo on the zodiac, and the house of confident expression. At this time, you are also willing to talk to others about topics that interest you, or you may be more interested in reading, writing, or publishing personal works. But at the same time, I also remind myself that when I should listen, I must also have the qualities of a listener. Don't use your own personal interests to speculate on other people's interests. That is, what you think is interesting may not be interesting to others, and may also be regarded as bad taste. So the serious conversation should be less playful. But for parties, entertainment, spending time with friends, or falling in love, this is a good astrology. Mars enters the third house of Pisces. The third house also governs communication and expression, and is also related to studies, examinations, transactions, signings, travel, logistics, etc. When Mars comes here, people often feel that the pace of life has become faster, like a clockwork. During this period, there are many necessary meetings, discussions, conferences, or copywriting or running work. The house where Mars is located will have an inner need to gain a sense of achievement in the field represented by this house, and it will also highlight personal will. Therefore, during the conversation, you may not compromise or give in easily, and you may insist on your personal opinions more than usual. Or have a greater enthusiasm for learning than usual. It is recommended to give yourself some time to temporarily withdraw from the busy rhythm to organize and digest your thoughts, because it is easy to distract yourself and hinder your thinking. But Mars will make you more efficient in dealing with the matters represented by this house.

Emotionally, your talents, ideas, expressions, and eloquence may make people feel that being with you is relaxing and fun. This seems like a good time to flirt.

* As for the monthly fortune, I will suspend it for a month because I am preparing some things that I need to spend time preparing...so, please forgive me.

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