For thousands of years, the study of fortune-telling has a long history. From ancient times to the present, the eight-character numerology has been arranged with four pillars, which go round and round, endlessly, and are still used today.

2024/05/1604:23:32 constellation 1715

text/Junzidao Yang Shanjun

For thousands of years, the study of fortune-telling has a long history. From ancient times to the present, the eight-character numerology has been arranged with four pillars, which go round and round, endlessly, and are still used today. - DayDayNews

For thousands of years, the study of destiny has a long history. From ancient times to the present, the eight-character numerology has been arranged with four pillars, which go round and round, endlessly, and are still used today.

In the long history, there are many people with the same name, the same surname, the same age and the same age. Do they all have the same fate? It's obviously impossible.

The four-pillar method of numerology horoscope arrangement evolved from ancient astrology. Ancient people believed that heaven, earth and man were corresponding.

China is called Kyushu, and the distribution of Kyushu in the region also corresponds to the stars in the sky; all living beings also correspond to the stars.

The ancients believed that the basic elements that make up the material world are gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and there are also corresponding planets in the sky: Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn. The sun represents yang and the moon represents yin. In this way, the yin and yang five elements theory is combined with astrology to form a complete numerology theoretical system.

For thousands of years, the study of fortune-telling has a long history. From ancient times to the present, the eight-character numerology has been arranged with four pillars, which go round and round, endlessly, and are still used today. - DayDayNews

The ancients believed that a person's destiny is determined by the aura of the five elements of the astrology. Different people have different auras of the five elements of the astrology, so everyone's destiny is different.

The four pillar prediction is composed of heavenly stems and earthly branches , yin and yang and five elements, four seasons and four directions, twelve palaces , stars and gods, and their relationships, forming a group with longitude and latitude, time and space, innate and the destiny map of the day after tomorrow.

Same age, same age, same surname and the same name, do they have the same fate? Each will have significant changes in addition to their normal fate characteristics. The factors that directly affect the destiny of life include other factors besides one's own destiny, Feng Shui and study.

For thousands of years, the study of fortune-telling has a long history. From ancient times to the present, the eight-character numerology has been arranged with four pillars, which go round and round, endlessly, and are still used today. - DayDayNews

① Factors of changing times

For the same horoscope, if you were born thousands of years ago, and if you were born today or in the future hundreds of years from now, you will definitely have different destinies. Even if there is a difference of several years or ten years, there will be a big difference. . The

era is the general trend. Personal horoscopes cannot compete with the trend of the times. The era has distinct humanistic laws and laws of time and space, which are powerfully institutionalized and seriously dominate human behavior and habits. Therefore, many people are vague and evasive when explaining this issue.

The reason why the eight-character theory of destiny is called metaphysics is because of this. The horoscope theory of fate must not be divorced from the real society, the changes of the times, or the present moment.

② Factors that offset each other

Numerology can predict the trajectory of a person's fortune in life, and for some major events, it is very difficult to make precise predictions, and few or no one is willing to predict them.

For example, if two people are of the same age, same age, same place, same surname, and have exactly the same eight characters and four pillars, deviations may occur due to acquired fortune, but the basic internal factors will not change much.

For example, if two people have the same numerology or are weak, but the two have a greater proportion of wealth luck, the person with more wealth will definitely have a frustrated marriage, and the weak person will be in trouble. Wealth represents wealth, and it also represents a man’s luck with wives and concubines. This world treats everyone equally. Those who have less will make up for you, and those who have more will take it away or consume it in disguise.

For example, if there is bad luck in the fate of two people, some are serious and some are mild due to acquired factors. Although Feng Shui, social environment, interpersonal relationships and other conditions change some external attributes, the basic essence still exists. Loss and gain cancel each other out to a certain extent.

In terms of happiness, everyone has gains and losses. This is the same horoscope indicating that they have the same or short-sighted destiny curve.

For thousands of years, the study of fortune-telling has a long history. From ancient times to the present, the eight-character numerology has been arranged with four pillars, which go round and round, endlessly, and are still used today. - DayDayNews

③According to the same voice, the same Qi Lianzhi factor

Feng Shui layout can affect the degree of wealth and poverty of a person. A good environment will definitely bring good luck to a certain extent.

But in numerology, if a person has a disaster, even a good Feng Shui layout cannot prevent you from the disaster. It can only reduce it at most. It is impossible for all things that exist objectively to disappear. Unless the energy of the external factors of the layout is strong enough to change the qualitative change of the internal factors.

If there is wealth in the horoscope, the Feng Shui layout can make more wealth. But it is impossible to turn a pauper into a billionaire. Regardless of Feng Shui layout, or horoscope predictions... these things all have a phenomenon of information synchronization. When

is unlucky, I will choke on the water.When you have good luck, whatever you wish for will come true. This is the specific reflection of the same sound and corresponding and the same energy connecting branches in numerology, and it is also an important factor that affects destiny.

④ The willingness factor of life cultivation

A person who does good deeds and accumulates virtues will be in trouble as well as a person who does many evil deeds. If the numerology of the eight characters is the same, a good person may just be sick, and a bad person may be in catastrophe.

In ancient times and old society, many monks were doomed to die young or committed serious sins and became monks or Taoist priests because of their horoscopes. This is called "jumping out of the three realms and not in the five elements." As a result, he did not die in infancy, and he later received blessings. This is a kind of power of wish, a positive force that can correct one's own destiny.

Although doing good deeds and accumulating virtue cannot resolve all disasters, it can at least alleviate them and increase blessings. This is also a truth that ancient people have concluded over thousands of years.

For thousands of years, the study of fortune-telling has a long history. From ancient times to the present, the eight-character numerology has been arranged with four pillars, which go round and round, endlessly, and are still used today. - DayDayNews

Many things are fixed. Human life is like a car, it has its life time and cycle. The way people practice to accumulate blessings is to maintain a car. Therefore, if you are destined to be blessed, cherish your blessings and nourish them, and you will become more and more blessed. If you are destined to be blessed, if you do more good deeds, you can accumulate blessings and change your luck, so that you can live a happier and happier life!

(Thank you for reading, please ignore if you don’t like it)

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