Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods)

2021/04/0722:33:17 constellation 1841

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews

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_span2p _span12

_span9 The horoscope lacks fire and lack of vitality;

the horoscope lacks soil and has no feeling for money;

_span14 pspan _span14 _span14 _span14 p2p It’s not easy to express feelings due to lack of water;


_span is not a kind of strength but a lack of strength of 14span, but a strong ?

Before answering this question,Let us first talk about what "lack of elements" means here.

lack of elements represents an interesting astrological rule-that is, if your horoscope does not have any star on an element, it will The phenomenon of "Element Void" is also commonly referred to as "the lack of elements" or "the lack of an element in the astrolabe".

Some astrologers believe that if we do not have any stars falling on a certain element, we will not be very good at or not paying attention to the field represented by this element. However, this perception in the eyes of astrologer Jennifer Zahrt may be completely opposite-

We are not lacking this element, strong The elements;

We are not bad at it,

, but don’t need to practice it.

The element is blank, hiding a grand truth. It represents the mastery that we can gain effortlessly but reluctantly.

It is our lonely talent .

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews

Why 2021

you must understand "element blank"?

Don’t think that if there are no missing elements in your horoscope, this question is not important. In 2021, the urgency of this issue deserves everyone's attention. Because, we are in a "lack of fire" in 2021 .

This year, except for the Sun, Moon, and the accompanying Mercury and Venus that will pass through the fire element in a specific month, for most of this year, there will be no exoplanet in Aries and Leo. And Sagittarius (in traditional astrology, and Mars are also regarded as outer planets).

Three months ago, Mars left Aries on January 6 and will not enter the fire sign Leo until June 11. Therefore, especially in the first half of 2021, we will usher in a blank period of fire elements. And children born in this period, enterprises founded in this period, will also get a "missing fire" birth chart .

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews


12span What does “blank” mean?

blank, very common on astrolabes.

Such as empty palace.We only have 10 stars, but there are 12 houses, so there must be empty houses. But this does not mean that an empty 5th house cannot make a person a parent. We can also explore the story of becoming a parent through the ruler of the 5th house.

element is the same, if an element in the horoscope does not have any stars, it does not mean it is "bad". On the contrary, they may be very good at it. The real problem is that they don’t realize how good they are in this area.

Many of the opinions in this article are based on the discussion of the famous astrologer Lyons Meier. Lyons was both an astrologer and a nurse, and was deeply influenced by Hippocratic philosophy.

When it comes to "emptiness" or "lack" in the astrolabe, it often gives people a sense of defect. But Lyons was convinced that there must be something positive lurking around this void, so she began to look for these "disappearances". In the end, through a large number of cases of patients and visitors, she studied the top 10 stars, and came up with an interesting discovery -

We are not lacking that element. , But has become the master of that element.

Because, we have a "hidden element" . This is not missing, but the "presence" missing from .

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews

why we

invisible "missing Elements"?

Let us use the following figure as an example.

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews

What do you see?

is a vase?

or two faces?

Assuming that there are no stars falling on the water element in our horoscope,Namely Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The vase represents the stars that we have, falling on the elements of fire, wind and earth. Then the space around the vase is the water element that we "don't see".

You will find that if you allow the brain to flip the image, those "blank" spaces will become two faces, and the vase will become the background- the missing water element , Has become a key structure in the astrolabe.

This is like when we first look at the astrolabe, only focusing on the astrolabe symbols we see. However, this hinders our attention-the star in a particular element prevents us from seeing other elements. The astral elements we have prevent us from seeing "the elements we have but invisible".

has a "big triangle of invisible elements" 59 span14span 59 _spanemspan _strong62 strong59 59 _strong62em12

What does it mean to have an invisible element?

This cannot fail to mention the harmonious aspect that is often "envied"- trine .When two stars form a trine, it means that there is a sense of rapid flow between them, and this ability is precisely because the two stars are in the same element. Fire can ignite fire, soil can pile up soil, wind can stir the wind, and water can aggregate water.

An astrolabe pattern extended from this is triangle pattern , that is, the three constellations of the same element all fall into stars, forming a 120° phase with each other, forming one Element closed loop. When the big triangle of the same elements appears in the astrolabe, a self-sufficient circuit appears in our life journey.

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews

Mars, the moon, and Saturn in the above picture form a large triangle pattern of wind elements

span12 has a large pattern of human elements Self-consistency and self-sufficiency can be achieved without relying on relationships and externalities. More importantly, they don't have too much conflict or tension in the life field governed by the big triangle.

Lyons believes that "element blank" also has the talent brought by this trine, and they have an "invisible triangle pattern."

Why is "element blank" _strong62 strong 172 _em12span _em12 strong

just,This "hidden" talent is accompanied by a lonely quality .

For example, if you are already proficient in trigonometric functions, your math teacher may allow you to take a break in the trigonometric function class. But the other children in the class are still in class and they will be jealous of you. But even if you go to that class, you are just daydreaming, because you know everything.

is absent and becomes a kind of "mastery." But it is this kind of mastery that prevents you from integrating into the group.

Therefore, people with blank elements have a talent that can be easily mastered in the field represented by this element, but we are reluctant to master it.


Because of this "blank element" experience, it has not been integrated into our self-awareness. We paid attention to the vase, but ignored the gap. We pay attention to the planets that are revealed, but it is difficult to claim the grace that has not been revealed.

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews

if an element has only

a star How to do?

Lyons research,The basic principle is the reincarnation of souls popular in the 1970s.

She believes that if a person's birth chart does not have any stars falling on a certain element, it means that they have completed their homework for this element in their previous lives. In this life, the master of the astrolabe focuses on those "obstacles" (the elements that the stars fall on). The element lacking in is a kind of possession and possession, which represents the parts they have already learned .

Similarly, Lyons believes that if there is only one star in a certain constellation in the chart, it means that they are in the introductory stage of learning that element. If there are more planets in an element, it means that the person has a higher degree of mastery of the element, until they no longer need any planets to appear in this element.

In other words, a certain element has only one star, like a first-year student, and the constellation and element where the stars are like a high school graduate. Therefore, people in Libra do not naturally understand balance, they are learning balance!

Will people really be attracted by the lack of elements of

12span strong em2p12span?

It is often said thatWe will be attracted by the lack of elements.

But understanding the "invisible triangle", you will know that "lack" does not mean "absence". When a person with a blank element of wind is surrounded by people with stars and wind signs, who is looking for whom?

Combining the discussion just now and my consulting experience, the facts may be the opposite.

If a person "there is no wind element in the astrolabe", but many people around him, the astrolabe has strong wind element characteristics, perhaps it is precisely because, those who need to learn the wind element People with special qualities are attracted by the qualities displayed by this "wind element blank" person, because the latter has mastered it.

Those who are surrounded by the "wind element blank" are just to satisfy their inner desire to learn the wind element.

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews

  • write at the beginning:

how to identify you Have element blanks?

Step1: backstage reply key word [astrolabe],Follow the steps to generate the astrolabe;

Step2: According to the following table, count the elements of the 10 stars in the astrolabe. Ascending point, pivot point and other virtual points are not calculated;

earth element

the element of fire

wind element

water element _strong62_strong 894 span _strong62_strong 942 trd trdt894 2span Aries












If there is no star in an element,It is the "element blank"

No star falls on fire Element: natural leader _strong62_strong _sp0 pbr9 _span0 pbr9 _span2 _span0 pbr9 _strong62_strong _span0 pbr9 _span0 _span0 pbr9 _strong62_strong _span0 pbr9 _span1 Reach the highest point. If you don't have any stars in the fire sign, it means you have an "invisible fire triangle".

Lyons said that they are "natural leaders" and they share freely without asking for rewards. They are easy to express inspiration, enthusiasm, and belief. They motivate people to take action by maintaining a firm belief in something and spreading this belief to others. They have a natural vitality, and when they are threatened by disease, they will quickly regain their vitality. They can show a tendency to arouse the interest and attention of others, which is a natural leadership quality.

US President Ronald Reagan is like that. Looking at his natural acting skills and excellent leadership ability, you can't imagine that he doesn't even have a fire element star. After all, whether it is performance or leadership skills, it requires a very strong passion.

They are like "shining lighthouses", and they have a strange luck when they hit the ground.Although they don't think it themselves. However, if you ask those who have no fire element to review the pessimistic situations they have gone through, they will realize how many difficulties they have overcome. These people are too easy to believe in others, and of course this may also lead to the use of others. They tend to give generously, just as the sun freely gives its light.

No stars fall on the earth element: inspiring chairman The people of "Triangle" are called "inspiring chairman". They use their ideas and determination to show the power of organization. They can manage large-scale projects with skill and have a natural understanding of how to coordinate and organize work.

These people hardly consider money or savings, and they have a liquidity experience in financial support. They have some abilities to become gold. It is very interesting that when people with blank soil elements need to apply for financial support for college, they usually get scholarships instead of loans.

They will be attracted to free finances instead of having to act to repay anything. When I ask people who don’t have a planet on the earth element, if they have encountered any problems when they need money, they always say, “I have never really encountered a problem. I don’t know what’s going on, and the money comes."_Span14span

You will find that those who do not have a star on the earth element always seem to change. This may be because they are good at controlling the material world, so they can be more free. They are liberated into the material world. In order to understand how material reality works, they don’t need to experience the feeling of staying in one place. The whole world is their playground, and they know that the earth is always under their feet.

People who have a large triangle of invisible earth elephants will have trust in material reality. They can shape reality. Just like the famous contemporary astrologers Mark Jones and Dan Ruiel, they don’t have any stars falling. The earth element has shaped our reality in the field of astrology .

However, in order to show their pioneering nature, people with the invisible earth elephant triangle can’t easily meet and cannot “fit into” Social environment.

No stars fall on the wind element: Cohesion Magician

179 Due to the epidemic,We are paying attention to air more than ever. Wind or air can spread and spread things, such as viruses and information.

But it also connects us together.

People who have no stars falling on the wind element are like community leaders, tactical experts, and they are usually those who can remain calm in a crisis.

I had a friend in college. She did not have a star falling on the wind element, and the astrolabe earth element is very strong. She single-handedly won a proposal to sew a special costume for her graduating class. The clothing (on the body) shows her attention to earth elements, but these influences have created a campus spirit for the students.

When she blamed herself for her “lack of wind”, I asked her to recall this story, and she reluctantly admitted that she did have a leadership role in creating this social cohesion.

There is another story. I have met an air force soldier who is also blank with wind elements. His astrolabe mainly emphasizes water and fire elements. His job is to use radio to control aircraft in combat airspace. At the peak of his career, he was awarded a military medal for his outstanding commanding skills.

more typical,And Helen Keller. You can say that she is a model of amazing communication skills. Although there is no wind element in Helen Keller's chart, she is world-renowned for overcoming the stubborn deafness and muteness from childhood.

Lyons believes that the wind element blank has a kind of "magic cohesion". They can show foresight, just like a falcon that can only see far away, they can quickly distinguish the things that are invisible on the ground. They have a sixth sense and can bring unmanifest things into consciousness.

However, with this ability, color blindness, cataracts, or varying degrees of blindness may also occur. This is like the blind prophet Theresias. This encounter can make them discover The new light speaks new truths that cannot be perceived.

No stars fall in the water element: strong attraction _em179_p The shape of the container changes. It reflects the surrounding environment, but it is incredibly difficult to grasp.

Lyons call the water element blank individuals, possessing "a power that cannot be ignored".These people can show emotional restraint, and their ability to interact and attract people is immense. Look at Stephen Hawking. If you talk about cosmology, at some point, you have to mention him.

Another example is Helena P. Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, who is a landmark existence. Theosophy is everywhere, and it has had an impact on almost every aspect of modern occultism.

Blavatsky not only incorporated global religious and intellectual traditions into his theosophical vision, but also spread it around the world. A large amount of information has penetrated through national borders through printed materials-Germany, the United States, India, the United Kingdom... Until now, we are still facing the power of her work.

The charm is another aspect of people with "hidden water elephant triangle".

Imagine how tempting it is to watch the sunset on the water. The water was sparkling and rippled. The sunset of these people in the evening also attracted our attention. Sometimes this power can be used to control or manipulate others, or to create a field to prevent true intimacy.

Generally speaking, people with blank water elements can create a space to achieve great healing if they develop well.

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews

spanIt allows us to interpret the astrolabe from an integrated perspective. Because, blank is also part of the astrolabe , only in this way can we see the clearer picture expressed by those emphasized elements.

In consultation, I rarely emphasize an "invisible triangle"; but if students or clients are discouraged by "lack of a certain element", I will use this positive description to transform them The belief that was once "bad".

You will find that this kind of cognitive shift can create huge changes in life .

Today in 2021, we are marching on a day when most of the "fire elements are blank". This reminds me of the summer of 1776-July 4, the day the United States was born, when no stars fell on the element of fire.

Opportunity and spiritual freedom have supported that country to this day, but it also means a blind and narrow self-interest.

Perhaps, the blank period of the fire element in 2021 is an invitation from the universe. invites us to deal with the trauma suffered by the group that is excluded from the founding vision.

From a global perspective, the first half of 2021 is providing us with an opportunity to showcase creativity, vitality and generosity, and this opportunity will eventually emerge from the "blank fire element" "In, burning out infinite tolerance and conscious creativity.

Are you ready to manifest it?

author | Zheen · Zhahe Te

compiled | shepherd

typesetting | Qing Yi

Lack of water and fire in life? Your truly advanced hidden talent is here (super dry goods) - DayDayNews


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