To apply for a small car or a small automatic car, you must be at least 18 years old. Those with visual impairment in one eye, good naked vision or corrected vision above 5.0 on the logarithmic visual acuity chart, and a horizontal visual field of 150 degrees can apply for a moto

Summer vacation is here again

The driving test is the same as this summer.

It is very popular

Many college entrance examination graduates and college students

have joined the driving test team

The driving test is at its peak

What are the tests to get a driver's license? What are the requirements for

? What is the minimum score for

to be considered qualified?

The following guide will answer you one by one

What are the requirements for applying for a driver's license?


To apply for small cars (C1) or small automatic cars (C2), you must be 18 years or older.


For those applying for C1 or C2 approved driving types, the naked vision of both eyes or the corrected vision should reach 4.9 or above on the logarithmic visual acuity chart. Those with visual impairment in one eye, good naked vision or corrected visual acuity of 5.0 or above on the logarithmic visual acuity chart, and a horizontal visual field of 150 degrees can apply for a motor vehicle driving license for small cars (C1) or small automatic cars (C2). .

3 color discrimination

no red-green color blindness .


Both ears are 50 cm away from the tuning fork and can identify the direction of the sound source. Those who have hearing impairment but can meet the above conditions by wearing hearing aids can apply for a motor vehicle driving license for small cars (C1) or small automatic cars (C2).


The thumbs of both hands must be sound, three other fingers on each hand must be sound, and the movement functions of the limbs and fingers must be normal. Those with incomplete fingers or three intact fingers on their left hand and intact palms of both hands can apply for a motor vehicle driving license for small cars (C1) or small automatic cars (C2).

Both lower limbs should be sound and have normal motor functions, and the length should not exceed 5 centimeters. If the left lower limb alone is missing or has lost its motor function, but the right lower limb is normal, you can apply for a motor vehicle driving license for a small automatic transmission car (C2).

6 There is no motor dysfunction in the trunk and neck


What is the process of driving test?

  1. Driver's physical examination

  2. Sign up for driving lessons

  3. Take the motor vehicle driver's test

  4. Receive a driver's license

Exam content

The motor vehicle driver examination content is divided into: road traffic safety laws, regulations and related knowledge examination subjects (hereinafter referred to as "Subject 1") , field driving skills test subject (hereinafter referred to as "Subject 2"), road driving skills and safe and civilized driving knowledge test subject (hereinafter referred to as "Subject 3").

knowledge points: What is commonly known as " subject four " is the subject of subject three safe and civilized driving knowledge test. The contents of the

subject one examination include: road traffic, traffic signals, road traffic safety violations and traffic accident handling, application and use of motor vehicle driving licenses, motor vehicle registration and other regulations, as well as other road traffic safety laws, regulations and rules. The subject one test is in the form of computer paperless test . The full score of the test is 100 points. Those with a score of 90 points are qualified. There are two opportunities to take the test on the day of the test. If you fail to pass twice, you must reschedule the test. The contents of the

subject two examination include: small car C1 - reversing into the parking lot, fixed parking and starting on the slope, side parking, curve driving, right-angle turning; small automatic transmission car C2 - reversing into the parking lot, side parking, curve driving , right angle turn. The full score for the subject two exam is 100 points. For exams C1 and C2, those with a score of 80 points are considered qualified. There are two exam opportunities on the exam day. If you fail to pass twice, you must reschedule the exam.

Warm reminder: Starting from June 1, 2021, the "Ramp Fixed Stop and Start" item will be canceled in the C2 Subject 2 exam. Friends who are taking the C2 driver's license test can skip this item.The content of the

subject three road driving skills test includes: preparation for getting in the car, starting, driving in a straight line, operation of adding and subtracting gears, changing lanes, pulling over, going straight through intersections, turning left at intersections, turning right at intersections, passing crosswalks, and passing school zones. , pass a bus stop, meet a bus, overtake, turn around, and drive at night; the test mileage shall not be less than 3 kilometers; if the night test is not conducted, a simulated night light test shall be conducted. The full score of the exam is 100 points, and those with a score of 90 points are considered qualified. There are two opportunities to take the exam on the day of the exam. If you fail to pass both times, you must reschedule the exam. The content of the

subject three safe and civilized driving knowledge test includes: safe and civilized driving operation requirements, safe driving knowledge in bad weather and complex road conditions, emergency response methods in emergency situations such as tire blowouts, knowledge on preventing secondary accidents, and knowledge on first aid for the injured. wait. The exam is a computer-based paperless exam, with a full score of 100 points, and those with a score of 90 points are considered qualified.

Note: During the validity period of the driving learning certificate, the number of appointments for the subject 2 and subject 3 road driving skills tests shall not exceed five times respectively. If you still fail the fifth examination, the results of other subjects that have passed the examination will be invalid.

Candidates can make independent appointments through

" Traffic Management 12123" APP

After passing some subject examinations

If the place of residence has changed

you can apply to change the examination place

Make an appointment for other subject examinations at the current place of residence

After reading this guide

If you want to learn to drive and get a driver's license, do you feel more at ease?

It's better to take action than to take action.

Hurry up and sign up.