Recently, the Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the Provincial Department of Finance jointly issued the "Notice on Continued Implementation of Policie

text: Understand Chedi Original Xing Qiuhong

[Understand Chedi Original Industry] Recently, the Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the Provincial Department of Finance jointly issued the "On the Continuing Implementation of Policies to Promote the Consumption of Cars and Home Appliances" "Notice", three measures were introduced to promote the accelerated recovery of Shandong's consumer market.

Image source: Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce

The "Notice" clarifies that Shandong Province will issue a new 200 million yuan in passenger vehicle consumption vouchers in July, and the total amount of 120 million yuan in commercial vehicle consumption vouchers will remain unchanged. The funds that have not been written off in the previous period will continue to be used. When issuing consumer vouchers, the issuance time will be extended to the end of July.

The issuance standards of consumer coupons continue to be in accordance with the "Notice on Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption" (Lu Shangfa [2022] No. 4) and "Notice on Several Measures to Promote Commercial Automobile Consumption" (Lu Gongxinfa [2022] No. 2) implement. Automobile consumption vouchers are issued, reviewed and verified by each city. The funds required for issuing automobile consumption vouchers are subsidized by the provincial finance at a rate of 50%, and the remaining funds are borne by each city.

Shandong Province will issue a new 200 million yuan passenger vehicle consumption voucher in July

Shandong Province issued "Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption in Shandong Province" and "Several Measures to Promote Commercial Vehicle Consumption in Shandong Province" on May 22 and June 9 respectively. 》, which clarifies the rules for using consumer coupons. Among them, the following policies have been introduced for passenger cars:

First, for individual consumers who purchase new energy passenger cars (except second-hand cars) and register them in the province, and purchase more than 200,000 yuan (inclusive), each car will be paid 6,000 yuan consumer coupons, 4,000 yuan consumer coupons for each vehicle purchased between 100,000 yuan (inclusive) and 200,000 yuan (exclusive), and 3,000 yuan consumer coupons for each vehicle purchased below 100,000 yuan.

The second is for individual consumers who purchase fuel-powered passenger cars (excluding second-hand cars) and register them in the province. If the purchase is more than 200,000 yuan (inclusive), a 5,000 yuan consumption coupon will be issued for each vehicle; if the purchase is 100,000 yuan (inclusive) For purchases up to 200,000 yuan (exclusive), a 3,000 yuan consumer coupon will be issued for each vehicle; for purchases of less than 100,000 yuan, a 2,000 yuan consumer coupon will be issued for each vehicle.

For the purchase of new energy vehicles worth more than 200,000 yuan (inclusive), a 6,000 yuan consumption coupon will be issued for each vehicle.

The third is to purchase new cars (except second-hand cars) by scrapping old cars. For individual consumers who purchase cars in Articles 1 to 2 , the amount of consumption coupons issued per vehicle will be increased by 1,000 yuan.

previously stipulated that this policy measure will be implemented from the date of release and will be valid until June 30, 2022. The latest notice has extended the write-off time by one month.