First, the increase in international oil prices has led to an increase in transportation costs. Due to the poor business of cargo owners due to the epidemic, freight rates will not increase in the short term, which will reduce drivers’ income;

The recent news about the suspension of trucks has been included by many platforms. I have also listened to various complaints and suggestions from drivers. In summary, there are three main reasons:

Firstly, the increase in international oil prices has led to an increase in transportation costs; Due to the epidemic, the cargo owner's business is poor and cannot increase in the short term, which has reduced the driver's income;

Secondly, the platform's commission is not low, often hundreds or thousands of yuan, but if you want a sports car, you need a platform to dispatch orders. , so we can only be forced to accept it;

Finally, the freight market is relatively saturated, and many drivers blindly enter the freight industry, even if they borrow hundreds of thousands, so they have to enter, resulting in more truck drivers. Some of them want to pay off their car loans and support their families. You have to pay a low price to get an order. In fact, this is an important factor leading to outage.

So how to solve these problems?

First of all, international oil prices are now falling, and my country's oil prices have also been lowered in response, and will soon return to the range that drivers can afford;

Secondly, the platform recommends lowering the commission ratio, which is controlled by the state. A rising tide cannot lift all boats, and the freight rates provided by cargo owners are high. The platform The increase in cash withdrawals is a bit like the rent increase by the landlord of a physical store, which should be controlled;

The last step is to accept the normal survival of the fittest in the market and control the number of freight drivers. Those who are ready to enter this industry should stay away for the time being and wait and see the changes in market supply and demand. Those with poor service quality and poor vehicle condition should quit;

The outage incident is actually mainly caused by market supply and demand. Drivers who are about to be eliminated by the market have invested too much and will lose too much to escape if they quit, which leads to Outage events may occur, so every move must be carefully considered.