The myth about domestically produced cars continues. The UNI-V 2.0T unveiled at the Chongqing Auto Show shows everyone the sincerity of the Chinese brand. While equipped with a "large-displacement" engine, it can also be equipped with rich technological configurations and is avai

The myth about domestically produced cars continues.

The UNI-V 2.0T unveiled at the Chongqing Auto Show shows everyone the sincerity of the Chinese brand. While equipped with a "large displacement" engine, it can also be equipped with rich technological configurations, and at a relatively low price. All consumers.

Even with this kind of product power, it is not easy for Chinese brands to achieve healthy profits.

Chinese brands have developed at a rapid pace in recent years, which is not only reflected in the mainstream and improvement of power systems, but also in the creation of design, technology, and comprehensive quality.

So what we see is a brand new family car market. Domestic cars such as Shadow Leopard, UNI-V, and B70 have reached their limits in terms of family product capabilities.

If we only look at the perspective of family cars and do not consider brand factors, then at present, with a budget of around 130,000, we will definitely be able to choose a top-notch household compact product.

The contrast is actually very strong.

Recently, Volkswagen launched three new compact cars, Lavida , Bora and Sagitar . They serve the user group in the traditional joint venture car state, with an operating mechanism of brand first and product strength second. It is destined to still have obvious shortcomings in daily use.

For example, Bora is brand new to the market.

Bora, with a guide price of around 130,000, is equipped with a 1.2T small-displacement turbocharged engine . Although the technical performance is good, the shortcomings of the displacement doomed this engine to be unable to bring surging power, especially the ability to accelerate at high speeds. The lack is evident.

At the same time, the sense of technology and comfort are lacking. Compared with mainstream domestic cars, there is obvious room for improvement.

For example, 2.0T UNI-V and 1.2T Bora. There are obvious differences in the power structure of

. The 2.0T engine can be the best in its class in terms of acceleration and re-acceleration capabilities. In fact, the current 2.0T engine is already the limit for family cars, even in medium and large models. 2.0T turbocharged engine.

Perhaps it’s not that Bora’s 1.2T engine displacement is too small, but that the Chinese brand is once again at the forefront of the industry.

has a higher demand for profits, which is the core key to higher pricing and smaller displacement of joint venture cars. The joint ventures between the two parties each have 50% control requirements on profits. To split the profits of a car between two companies, it is necessary The shaping of product strength is more inclined to premium prices.

For example, Bora, Volkswagen of Germany and FAW Group all have to share part of the profits.

Judging from its own Pentium B70, FAW 's own self-developed models only need the product to have a suitable profit margin, so it can do better in terms of power system and configuration performance.

In addition, Chinese brands are going through an important stage of opening up new markets from SUVs to sedans.

SUV models have completely overwhelmed foreign brands. Foreign-funded products no longer have market dominance in the passenger car market with a price tag of less than 150,000 yuan. However, the sedan market is still a passenger car market dominated by foreign brands.

The high prices and low configuration of foreign brands are, in a sense, freeing up space for Chinese brands to develop, and they are also a petri dish for Chinese brands to grow.

Taking this opportunity, more Chinese brands are also using sincerity to demonstrate their brand advantages.

The three cores of traditional fuel vehicles are engine, gearbox, and basic configuration advantages. Chinese brands that have entered the era of comprehensive AT and 2.0T have been able to attract a new generation of young consumers. This means that foreign brands that stick to the traditional market have been lost. Market growth space in the next five years.

For the industry, in the process of domestic cars' 2.0T directly competing with foreign brands' 1.2T and 1.4T power structures, it is actually a process in which the market share of foreign brands is being eroded step by step.