Oil prices are rising again, with No. 95 gasoline approaching 10 yuan/liter, and No. 92 gasoline nationwide expected to exceed 9 yuan/liter. This is already the tenth domestic oil price increase, which is heartbreaking for fuel car owners. The car owner was secretly happy. Both f

Oil prices have risen again. No. 95 gasoline has approached 10 yuan/liter, and 92-proof gasoline will also exceed 9 yuan/liter nationwide. This is the tenth domestic oil price increase. This is simply heartbreaking for fuel car owners. Electric car owners are enjoying themselves secretly. Both fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles are cars that run on the road, but there is one fee that only fuel vehicle owners pay, and electric vehicle owners do not have to pay a penny - this is the road maintenance fee.

Highway maintenance fees (referred to as road maintenance fees) are special business fees levied from vehicle-owning units and individuals for highway maintenance, repair, technical transformation, improvement and management in accordance with the national principle of "maintaining roads by road and using special funds for special purposes". According to the "Highway Law of the People's Republic of China ", the state converts existing road maintenance fees into "fuel surtax" and implements bundled charges. Since the current road maintenance fee is generally charged based on tonnage and operating income, it actually forms a fixed fee.

For cars, there is a big gap in road usage. Because it is impossible to measure the road usage rate of each car, experts said that fuel tax converts the road maintenance fee paid by each car into a tax by bundling the road maintenance fee into the fuel price, which embodies the principle of "use more, pay more, use less, pay less" "Principle of fairness.

Calculated based on the current price of 92-proof gasoline at 9 yuan per liter, the tax to be paid per liter of gasoline is as follows:

Gasoline consumption tax: 1.52 yuan per liter; Value-added tax: 9 yuan x 13% = 1.17 yuan; Urban construction tax : ( 1.17+1.52)*7%=0.18 yuan; corporate income tax, calculated based on a profit rate of 15%=9*15%*25%=0.33 yuan.

Calculated in this way, the surcharge of 9 yuan per liter of oil is 3.2 yuan, reaching 35%. And if you deduct this 35% tax, how much money can you save in a year?

Based on the current oil price, one liter of oil after deducting taxes and fees is about 5.8 yuan. With a fuel consumption of 7 fuel per 100 kilometers, the fuel cost for 100 kilometers is 40.6 yuan. Calculated based on the average driving mileage of 20,000 kilometers per year for most people, the annual fuel cost is only 8,120 yuan; plus taxes and fees, the annual fuel cost is 12,600 yuan, and the tax is 4,480 yuan. The annual insurance cost for a car worth about 150,000 yuan is more than 4,000 yuan.

At present, the cost of using new energy vehicles is much less than that of fuel vehicles. Calculating the calculation based on popular new energy vehicles, a 70kWh battery capacity can reach 500~600Km, which is equivalent to 1kWh of electricity that can run 7.5Km. The electricity price is 80 cents per kWh, and the cost of 1Km is about 10 cents. , the charging cost of a new energy vehicle for 20,000 kilometers per year is more than 2,000 yuan. This can save 10,000 yuan in driving costs compared with fuel vehicles.

Why don’t new energy vehicles also pay road maintenance fees through other means?

1. The sales growth of new energy vehicles in the past two years has actually always relied on policy subsidies and is still in the promotion period. If various additional taxes are added at this time, there will be no dividends for new energy vehicles, and sales may not increase.

2. The number of fuel vehicles in my country has reached 300 million. The latest data on new energy vehicles shows that as of 2021, the number of vehicles will only be 7.84 million. The proportion of new energy vehicles only reached 2.6%.

3. There are two ways to replenish energy for new energy vehicles: public charging piles and private charging piles, and the electricity prices at different charging piles are different, making it impossible to achieve unified collection.

Therefore, the continued rise in oil prices means that road maintenance fees are also rising, while new energy car owners can sit back and relax: no matter how the oil price rises, it has nothing to do with me anyway. This naturally arouses the envy and jealousy of many fuel car owners. How does

solve the problem? Only buy new energy vehicles.

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