Tesla Model 3 has higher battery life under the new standard. CLTC working conditions are more virtual or more real?

On October 8, the cruising range of Model 3 Performance on the official website of Tesla quietly changed. The cruising range was changed from 605km to 675km. I believe many people were surprised at first sight. of. However, I took a closer look and found that the original NEDC operating mode endurance standard was replaced with the CLTC operating mode endurance standard.

Since the publication of this standard in October 2019, CLTC operating conditions have always been criticized for the cruising range calibration of pure electric new energy vehicles. As the current mainstream NEDC operating conditions in China The cruising range display of the car is not very accurate.

In the case of the same model with little or no increase in battery capacity, the cruising range can be increased under the CLTC working condition standard. Everyone can realize that the battery life display of electric vehicles under this working condition standard has become better. "Virtual".

What causes the CLTC working condition standard to be so "virtual", what kind of situation is the working condition calibrated, and what is the difference compared to the mainstream working conditions in the world, this article will give a detailed analysis .

1. The development of CLTC in line with the times

Compared with CLTC, what everyone is more familiar with must be the NEDC working condition standard. The whole process of NEDC is "New European Drivig Cycle", that is, "New European Drivig Cycle". In the early days of Europe, the NEDC working condition standard was adopted.

Benefiting from the NEDC working condition standard test speed, less content, less variables, etc., this standard was adopted in the early days of our country. With the development of time, the United States, Japan, the European Union and other countries and regions jointly launched the WLTP working condition standard in 2015. Its strictness is much higher than that of NEDC. Therefore, it should become a working condition recognized by most countries in the world. Condition standard,Our country is no exception.

Because NEDC's rough test standards are no longer applicable to China's complex road traffic conditions, National Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will also replace the working condition standards in two steps. In March 2015, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the project requirements, and China Automotive Research led and organized industry experts to carry out a three-year research and development of China's working conditions. The draft was completed in 2018 and released in October 2019. Official standard.

So the Chinese Driving Condition (CATC) was born under this condition, which includes China Light Vehicle Driving Condition (CLTC) and China Heavy Vehicle Driving Condition (CHTC), while light vehicle driving Operating conditions (CLTC) are divided into light passenger vehicle operating conditions (CLTC-P) and light commercial vehicle operating conditions (CLTC-C).

China Automotive Driving Conditions (CATC)

While steadily advancing CATC conditions, the State Administration for Market Supervision and Administration, National Standardization Administration also approved the release of GB19578-2021 " Passenger Cars" Fuel consumption limit ", that is, before 2025, the test conditions of traditional energy passenger cars, plug-in hybrid electric passenger cars will be switched from NEDC to WLTC.

WLTC is the WLTP standard, but WLTC in China only tests the fuel consumption of the above models, so I won’t repeat it in the article. Pure electric and fuel cell vehicles are directly included in the CATC. It is worth noting that after 2025, the WLTC standard for fuel consumption testing will also be replaced by the continuously improved CATC.

2. Comparing local conditions between CLTC working conditions and world mainstream working conditions

After a brief introduction,I believe that everyone has a preliminary understanding of the birth of CLTC working conditions, but what is the difference between this working condition and several mainstream working conditions in the world, because each set of working conditions has extremely complex and rigorous calculation of energy consumption and battery life The formula and method of, so below we will give a detailed answer from the simple and clear test cycle curve of each working condition.

1. NEDC operating conditions

NEDC I believe everyone is already familiar with it. As a working condition standard formulated in the early European region, since China needed a standard to test fuel consumption/power consumption data, NEDC operating conditions should be reasonable Since being introduced into the country and existed so far, our common fuel consumption per 100 kilometers and the cruising range of electric vehicles are calibrated based on this working condition. Let's take a look at the standards.

First of all, NEDC's test link is only urban and suburban scenes. There are 4 urban loops and 1 suburban loop. The test will be conducted indoors, and the vehicle will be placed on a roller platform for the full test. The drum in contact with the wheel has a built-in motor to simulate the resistance under different road conditions, and a blower is placed in front to simulate driving airflow.

However, in general, the NEDC operating conditions are relatively rough, and the air-conditioning and other in-vehicle power-consuming equipment will not be turned on when driving. When driving in urban conditions, the top speed will not exceed 50km/h, and the average speed will be maintained at 18.5km/h; the suburban conditions will simulate unobstructed and high-speed scenarios, with a top speed of 120km/h and an average speed of 62km/h. .

It can be seen from the following chart that the urban operating condition is cycled every about 195 seconds for a total of four cycles; the suburban operating condition is only performed once, with a time of 400 seconds, and the total NEDC test time is 1200 seconds. In addition to the relatively short time, the vehicle also tends to travel at a constant speed under this working condition, which cannot well simulate urban congestion and traffic light scenarios.

NEDC working condition test curve

This is why the fuel consumption data per 100 kilometers measured by NEDC working condition of fuel vehicles will be much lower than daily use, and the cruising range of pure electric vehicles will be better than actual The direct reason for the much higher mileage.

2, WLTP working condition

Due to the various drawbacks of the above NEDC working condition,As well as its increasingly marginalized situation, the European Union, Japan, the United States and other countries have jointly participated in the formulation of WLTP (World Light Vehicle Test Procedure), the world light vehicle test procedure, which consists of two major parts, the WLTC cycle working condition and the test procedure. It was officially launched in September 2017.

Compared with NEDC operating conditions, WLTP adopts more stringent test conditions and procedures. Although it is still carried out on an indoor test platform, WLTP operating conditions take into account vehicle load, fuel vehicle gear, etc. All of them are considered; there are four simulations of low-speed, medium-speed, high-speed, and ultra-high speed during the test cycle, and more acceleration and braking scenarios have been added, and the maximum speed of the vehicle has also been improved.

Xiaopeng P7 WLTP working condition standard endurance display

Xiaopeng P7 NEDC operating condition standard endurance display

The operating conditions can be seen from the following chart in NEDC. The more regular test curve, WLTP obviously adds more variable factors, the top speed of the four-stage operating mode from low to high is 56.5km/h, 76.6km/h, 97.4km/h, 131.3km/ h. Especially the high-speed top speed is much higher than the 120km/h under NEDC. The test time has been increased to 1800 seconds, and the test mileage has also been improved.

WLTP operating condition test curve

From 2021, the fuel consumption of traditional fuel vehicles and plug-in/non-plug-in hybrid vehicles in China will be calibrated using WLTC operating conditions. The vast number of fuel car owners and hybrid car owners who value fuel consumption is undoubtedly good news.

Ideal ONE NEDC operating condition endurance display

Ideal ONE WLTC operating condition endurance display

WLTP or WLTP operating conditionsUnder this working condition, the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers of fuel-fueled vehicles has increased a lot, which is more suitable for actual use. The fuel consumption level calibrated based on this working condition is also of more reference significance for consumers; the same is true for electric vehicles . Many new energy vehicles only seem to "reveal their true shape" when the cruising range is displayed under WLTP operating conditions.

3. EPA working conditions

EPA's full name is "Environmental Protection Agency", which is , the working condition standard established by the US Environmental Protection Agency , which can be said to be the most stringent working condition standard in the world, and its acceleration and deceleration Compared with WLTP working conditions are more frequent, the test conditions, time and mileage are the most and the longest. Take pure-electric models as an example. Compared with NEDC and WLTP models that support the display of EPA operating conditions, the range of endurance has been reduced a lot.

EPA operating conditions include a total of four test items, namely urban road conditions (FTP-75), high-speed road conditions (HWFET), severe driving conditions (US06), and high-temperature air conditioning operating conditions (SC03).

Through the urban road conditions (FTP-75) curve, it is not difficult to see that the sharp ups and downs are due to the large number of accelerations and decelerations added to the urban road conditions to simulate the stop-and-go scenario in the city. However, the maximum speed in urban conditions reached 91.25km/h, and the average speed was 34.12km/h. The mileage was 17.77km and the duration exceeded 1800 seconds.

followed by the high-speed operating condition (HWFET), under which the vehicle will maintain an average speed of about 78km/h, the driving range is 16.45km, and the duration is 765 seconds.

Severe Driving Condition (US06) was established to compensate for the insufficient simulation of intense driving and high-speed driving under urban conditions. The maximum speed of this condition is about 129km/h and the average speed is 77.9km/h.The mileage is 12.8km and the duration is 598 seconds.

The use of high temperature air conditioner is to simulate the energy consumption and emission of the vehicle when the air conditioner is turned on. The laboratory temperature will be set at 35 ℃ during the test, and the vehicle air conditioner will be in full load working condition .

Take the recently announced Mercedes-Benz EQS EPA working condition endurance, EQS 450+ is 563km, EQS 580 is 547km. Compared with the previously announced results of 770km and 676km under WLTP conditions, it has shrunk a lot.

In general, thanks to more detailed test conditions and longer test time and mileage, the cruising range of pure electric models measured under EPA conditions is higher than that of NEDC and WLTP. It is more stringent and fits the actual road conditions in the United States.

4. CLTC-P working conditions

After reading several mainstream working conditions in the world, we will finally introduce the working condition standards specified according to the road conditions in China, because the CATC working conditions also include Chinese light Automobile driving conditions (CLTC) and China's heavy-duty vehicle driving conditions (CHTC), while light-duty vehicle driving conditions (CLTC) are divided into light passenger vehicle operating conditions (CLTC-P) and light commercial vehicle operating conditions (CLTC- C). Therefore, our detailed explanation is based on the light-duty passenger car operating condition (CLTC-P) that is more suitable for consumers.

China light-duty vehicle test cycle CLTC (China light-duty vehicle test cycle) is based on 3,832 model samples in 41 cities in China, with a cumulative experimental mileage of 32.78 million kilometers, and referenced 2 billion GIS (traffic low-frequency big data) , The resulting standard operating conditions are more in line with domestic road laws and driving habits.

Compare the NEDC operating conditions used in the previous period,CLTC-P operating conditions are adapted to China’s roads and traffic conditions. From the test curve, it can be seen that the entire operating cycle is divided into three parts, namely low-speed, medium-speed, and high-speed operating conditions, with a duration of 1800 Second, the average speed of the total working condition is 29km/h, which is the lowest in the mainstream working condition, and the idle (stop) time accounts for more than 20%, and the maximum speed of the high-speed working condition is only 114km/h.

CLTC-P operating condition test curve

It seems that CLTC-P operating conditions are more stringent for fuel vehicles, with frequent accelerations and decelerations, lower average speeds, and longer idle speeds Time will increase the fuel consumption of the vehicle during the test, but this will also be more practical, and the calibration of fuel consumption per 100 kilometers will also usher in changes in the future.

However, for pure electric vehicles, a low average speed is beneficial to the energy consumption performance of pure electric vehicles, not to mention that pure electric vehicles will not generate excess energy consumption except for on-board electrical appliances when stopped. The resulting reduction in energy consumption also explains why the cruising range measured by pure electric vehicles under CLTC-P conditions has become longer than that of NEDC.

For example, the Tesla Model 3 Performance high-performance version is calibrated to 605km in the NEDC working condition, and the battery capacity is 76.8 kWh; after changing to the CLTC-P working condition, although the battery capacity has increased by 1.6 kWh to 78.4 kWh, But the cruising range has increased by 70 km.

Its official website also shows that the CLTC-P operating mode endurance of Model 3P is based on the new national standard GB/T 18386.1-2021 electric vehicle energy consumption and cruising range experimental method. This document has detailed various factors in the experiment process, including air-conditioning cooling and heating, vehicle power mode and so on. It is worth noting that this document only explains the battery life calculation formula and various variables in the test, and the overall working condition test is still carried out according to the CLTC working condition cycle.

and Xiaopeng P5 is the most recent new car that supports three different operating range display models, the battery capacity is 71.4 kWh, and its NEDC operating range is 570km under full power, CLTC The cruising range under working conditions is 590km. There is a difference of 20 km of cruising range between the two. NEDC and CLTC show the difference between the actual cruising range and the actual cruising range, which is about 87% and 15%. The difference between the two is not too great.

Xiaopeng P5 shows battery life under different working conditions

It can be seen that the two models have a certain increase in the subsequent mileage after switching to CLTC working conditions, although the Tesla Model 3P battery capacity has increased It’s 1.6 kWh, but compared to Xiaopeng P5, it seems that the battery life is more than a little bit better. This is based on the greater power of the Model 3P motor.

Although these two cars have been tested based on the CLTC-P working conditions, each car company still has to make changes in the test details according to the characteristics of its own models while following the basic test cycle. Understandably, thanks to Model 3P's non-adjustable kinetic energy recovery and excellent energy consumption performance, it is not surprising that the battery life under CLTC-P conditions has been improved.

III. Intending to lay out the macroscopic Interpretation of CLTC working conditions from the dual integration policy

After reading the introduction of CLTC and other working conditions, I believe everyone has some preliminary understanding of it. But even ordinary people can see that the CLTC operating conditions have indeed become more "virtual" for the cruising range calibration of pure electric vehicles, so why does the country insist on adopting it instead of using WLTP or the most stringent EPA? ? Let me give you a brief explanation from a personal subjective point of view. If you have better insights, you are welcome to leave your comments at the bottom of the article.

"Double Points Policy" may be more or less understood by everyone,As early as 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments jointly issued the “Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Companies and New Energy Vehicle Credits”. After continuous improvement in recent years, two credits for fuel consumption and new energy have been formulated. By demarcating the energy-saving assessment of auto companies, positive points will be obtained, otherwise negative points will be obtained.

According to the current "Dual Points Management Measures" rules, car companies can only produce new models with traditional fuels that are within the fuel consumption limit before offsetting their own negative points. In order not to affect their own production and operation, car companies can only use self-produced new energy vehicles or internally average vehicle fuel consumption. Of course, buying points from new energy car companies with a large number of positive points is also an option.

Through the double points policy, we can see that the pressure faced by traditional car companies has also been increasing in recent years. Taking new energy points as an example, the familiar traditional car companies are basically on the list (negative points), and FAW-Volkswagen topped the list with negative 139,200 new energy points in 2020. In 2020, Tesla is far ahead with positive 860,000 new energy points, and it has also made billions of dollars in profits through the sale of positive new energy points.

The introduction of CATC (CLTC) working conditions is more like tailor-made for traditional car companies. The setting of cycle working conditions such as slow average speed, high idle speed, frequent acceleration and deceleration will inevitably calibrate the fuel consumption of various fuel vehicles. "Hit back to its original shape." Once this happens, the negative points of these car companies will only rise even more. In the current environment where the selling prices of positive points continue to rise, this will also force traditional car companies to develop and produce more energy-efficient products or new energy vehicles to offset the double-point policy. Impact.

In general, the entire CATC working conditions are still being improved. Although it is not friendly to the majority of new energy vehicle consumers for the time being, the country is also accelerating the transformation of auto companies from another level through CATC. This is also of great help to the continued expansion of the new energy vehicle market, and it is also the country's efforts to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutral goals.

Concluding remarks

It is estimated that by 2025, vehicles manufactured by various car companies will be tested under CATC conditions.Now with the continuous expansion of the new energy vehicle market and the continuous popularization of models, I believe that in the future there will also be separate operating conditions for new energy vehicles. Let us wait and see.
