On July 7, at the State Council's regular policy briefing, Vice Minister of Commerce Sheng Qiuping reviewed the "On Revitalizing Automobile Circulation" recently issued by the Ministry of Commerce in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Minist

2024/06/0901:15:33 car 1203

7On July 7, at the State Council’s regular policy briefing, Vice Minister of Commerce Sheng Qiuping commented on the "On Invigorating the Economy" recently issued by the Ministry of Commerce in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and other 16 departments. "Several Measures for Automobile Circulation to Expand Automobile Consumption" were interpreted. In particular, the state continues to put pressure on areas that have not lifted restrictions on the relocation of second-hand cars as required, and further promotes the construction of new energy vehicle consumption and supporting facilities for charging.

On July 7, at the State Council's regular policy briefing, Vice Minister of Commerce Sheng Qiuping reviewed the

Restrictions on the relocation of second-hand cars have finally been fully implemented

At the State Council’s regular policy briefing, Vice Minister of Commerce Sheng Qiuping said that invigorating the circulation of second-hand cars can revitalize the stock of cars, stimulate the increase in new car consumption, and drive the automobile aftermarket. Promoting automobile echelon consumption plays a very important role.

Sheng Qiuping introduced that my country’s car ownership has exceeded 300 million, ranking first in the world. In 2021, my country's second-hand car transaction volume reached 17.59 million units, which is less than 6% of the total car ownership and is far lower than the proportion of the international mature car market. Second-hand car movement is restricted across regions, product attributes are unclear, and distribution business is highly restricted. This problem has seriously hindered the development of the second-hand car market.

Therefore, we hope to completely clear up the obstacles and difficulties in the circulation of second-hand cars, so that second-hand cars can gradually become like new cars, with standardized transactions, free circulation, and safe consumption, and introduce measures that cover almost all aspects of second-hand car circulation.

On July 7, at the State Council's regular policy briefing, Vice Minister of Commerce Sheng Qiuping reviewed the

All regions have strictly implemented the policy of comprehensively canceling the relocation restrictions on second-hand cars. Starting from August 1, 2022, the relocation restrictions on small non-operational second-hand cars that meet the National V emission standards will be lifted nationwide to promote the free circulation of second-hand cars. It facilitates cross-regional operations of enterprises and facilitates people’s buying and selling of second-hand cars in different places. It is worth mentioning that in accordance with the requirements of the "Notice on Several Measures to Energize Automobile Circulation and Expand Automobile Consumption" from 17 departments including the Ministry of Commerce, the announcement to cancel the National Five second-hand car relocation restrictions was stated as "including the national clear air pollution prevention and control measures". "Key areas", namely the Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Yangtze River Delta regions.

It is understood that Guangdong Province announced in late June that it will completely cancel the national five second-hand car relocation restrictions in the Pearl River Delta region. Yan Fei, president of the Guangdong Automobile Dealers Association, said that this is of great significance for revitalizing the circulation of second-hand cars in the Greater Bay Area. From 2017 to 2019, Guangdong is preparing to implement the "National VI" in advance. In order to promote the mutual migration of second-hand cars in the Pearl River Delta, after multiple communications between industry associations and the Provincial People's Congress, the Environmental Protection Department, the Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Commerce and other departments, Guangdong Province issued the "National VI" in June 2019. There is a 4-year transitional period policy for second-hand cars under the National Five "National Five" to be transferred to each other in the nine cities in the Pearl River Delta. There is only one year before the expiration of this policy. After Foshan took the lead in canceling the national five second-hand car relocation restrictions, the nine cities in the Pearl River Delta have also fully relaxed the restrictions. “Previously, every time the country emphasized the complete lifting of restrictions on the relocation of second-hand cars, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta regions with the most developed second-hand car transactions were not included in the relaxation of restrictions because they were key areas for air pollution prevention and control. This This time it is finally completely cancelled,” He Qiming, chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Second-hand Car Dealers Association, told reporters from Nandu Bay Financial News that Guangdong Province has started to implement it in late June, which has a negative impact on the second-hand car industry that has been in a downturn this year. It is undoubtedly a major benefit.

On July 7, at the State Council's regular policy briefing, Vice Minister of Commerce Sheng Qiuping reviewed the On July 7, at the State Council's regular policy briefing, Vice Minister of Commerce Sheng Qiuping reviewed the

The Pearl River Delta region has finally announced the full relaxation of the National Five second-hand car relocation restrictions.

The "Notice on Several Measures to Energize Automobile Circulation and Expand Automobile Consumption" by 17 departments including the Ministry of Commerce also requires that starting from October 1, 2022, registered automobile sales companies that purchase second-hand cars from natural persons will be allowed to reverse the situation. Issue a unified invoice for second-hand car sales and handle transfer registration procedures based on this. In order to promote the commercial circulation of second-hand cars, it is clarified that car sales companies should conduct accounting accounting of second-hand cars purchased and used for sale in accordance with the " inventory goods " account in accordance with the national unified accounting system . Starting from October 1, 2022, when registered car sales companies apply for transfer registration of small non-operating second-hand cars, the public security organs will implement separate endorsement management and issue temporary license plates. For cities with car purchase restrictions, it is clarified that second-hand cars purchased by car sales companies and used for sales do not occupy license plate quotas.

In this regard, Yan Fei believes that the introduction of this regulation will not only make second-hand car transactions more humane in cities with purchase restrictions, but will also be of great help to temporary property rights in cities without purchase restrictions. This means that second-hand car transactions do not need to be completed twice. According to existing regulations, even in non-purchase-restricted cities, when trading second-hand cars, you need to transfer the ownership to your own license plate. Let second-hand cars return to their commodity attributes now, just like new cars, and can be used for loans and mortgages without the need to transfer ownership. However, Yan Fei believes that since the relevant regulations will not be implemented until October, the impact on the market has not been reflected so quickly, but he believes that it will have a significant stimulating effect during the peak sales period at the end of the year from November to December.

Effectively stimulate the consumption of new energy vehicles

In addition, the country will further promote the deployment of new energy vehicles in the countryside and the construction of supporting facilities for charging.

According to the requirements of the "Notice on Several Measures to Energize Automobile Circulation and Expand Automobile Consumption" from 17 departments including the Ministry of Commerce, the state supports the purchase and use of new energy vehicles. It is clearly stipulated to promote free circulation across regions and eliminate local protections in the new energy vehicle market. Regions are not allowed to set local new energy vehicle model registration catalogs, and are not allowed to set unreasonable vehicle parameter indicators for new energy vehicle product sales and consumption subsidies.

Moreover, in order to effectively support the consumption of new energy vehicles, the issue of the extension of the exemption from vehicle purchase tax for new energy vehicles policy after expiration will be studied. Carry out in-depth activities of bringing new energy vehicles to the countryside, encourage qualified places to introduce support policies for going to the countryside, guide enterprises to increase preferential activities, and promote the consumption and use of new energy vehicles in rural areas.

In addition, actively support the construction of charging facilities, accelerate the construction of charging facilities such as residential communities, parking lots, gas stations, highway service areas , passenger and freight hubs, and guide charging pile operating companies to appropriately reduce charging service fees. Zhang Yan, head of the Building Energy Conservation and Technology Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, introduced at the press conference that from January to May this year, 8,940 charging piles were added in the renovation of old urban residential areas. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has clarified that 100% of newly built residential parking spaces must be equipped with charging facilities or reserve construction and installation conditions.

In terms of promoting the consumption of automobile renewal, various localities are encouraged to comprehensively use economic, technological and other means to promote the withdrawal of old vehicles. Regions with conditions can carry out the replacement of old vehicles with new ones to speed up the elimination and renewal of old vehicles. We will also improve the scrapped motor vehicle recycling system and support qualified companies to obtain scrapped motor vehicle recycling qualifications. For enterprises that have obtained qualifications before the implementation of the " scrapped motor vehicle recycling management measures ", if they are unable to re-complete the qualification certification as scheduled due to the impact of the new coronavirus epidemic, the period can be extended to March 1, 2023.

Parallel import of cars business, support the development of parallel import of cars business in the automobile import port area. After the provincial people's government approves the automobile parallel import work plan and reports it to the Ministry of Commerce for filing, the automobile import port can carry out parallel import of automobiles. Import business, and improve the compulsory product certification and information disclosure system for parallel imported cars , allowing companies to make commitments that imported models continue to comply with National VI emission standards , and continue to implement on-board diagnostic systems for parallel imported cars during the environmental information disclosure process (OBD) Policy requirements for testing and data information.

In addition, many measures have been proposed to optimize the car usage environment. For example, we should improve urban parking facilities construction planning, develop automobile cultural tourism and other consumption, increase credit support for automobile consumption, develop automobile financing leasing in an orderly manner, encourage automobile production companies, sales companies and financial leasing companies to strengthen cooperation, and increase the supply of financial services.

Written by: Nandu·Wancaishe reporter Liang Luozhe

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