Source: China Economic Net Wang Yueyue is halfway through 2022, and five new domestic car-making forces have handed over their "report cards" as scheduled on the first day of July. Among them, Xpeng Motors won the "double" championship in single-month and cumulative sales in June

2024/05/2600:43:33 car 1971

Source: China Economic Network Wang Yueyue

2022 is already halfway through, and five new domestic car-making forces have handed over their "report cards" as scheduled on the first day of July. Among them, Xpeng Motors won the "double" championship in single-month and cumulative sales in June. This is good news worth celebrating, but in the opinion of He Xiaopeng, chairman and CEO of Xiaopeng Motors, it is not the "most comfortable". In contrast to Xiaopeng Motors' troubles with happiness, NIO is currently trapped in a whirlpool of public opinion.

Looking forward to the second half of the year, the five new forces have prepared new products for "decisive battle". Weilai ES7 and ET5 will be delivered in August and September this year; Lili L9 plans to start new car delivery before the end of August; Xpeng G9 will start pre-orders in August and will be officially launched in September. It will be launched soon. User delivery has started; Leapao C01 and Nezha S will be launched in the third and fourth quarters respectively.

2022 is already halfway through, and five new domestic car-making forces have handed over their "report cards" on the first day of July as scheduled. Data shows that in June, the sales of Xiaopeng , Nezha, Ideal, NIO and Leapbo were 15,295, 13,157, 13,024, 12,961 and 11,259 vehicles respectively, a year-on-year increase of 133% and 156% respectively. , 68.9%, 60.35%, 185.7%; the cumulative sales in the first half of the year were 68,983 vehicles, 63,131 vehicles, 60,403 vehicles, 50,827 vehicles, and 51,994 vehicles respectively, representing year-on-year increases of 124%, 199%, 100.3%, 21.1%, and 265% respectively.

Source: China Economic Net Wang Yueyue is halfway through 2022, and five new domestic car-making forces have handed over their

Overall, despite being affected by negative factors such as repeated local epidemics, chip shortages, and rising prices of battery raw materials, the five new forces have achieved positive growth in the first half of this year. Among them, Xpeng Motors won the "double" championship in single-month and cumulative sales in June. This is good news worth celebrating, but in the view of He Xiaopeng, chairman and CEO of Xpeng Motors, it may not be the "most comfortable".

He Xiaopeng said frankly in an interview with the media recently, "Building a car must be a typical marathon. Don't be too far ahead at the beginning. The first two and three are the most comfortable, and you can work harder in the middle and later stages." He also said, "In the ten years from 2025 to 2035, smart cars will completely change people's lives. And in the period before 2025, what Xiaopeng has to do is to maintain its formation and become the main force in the first echelon."

From this point of view, winning the first place may have deviated from the "most comfortable" state for Xiaopeng Motors; but for other competitors, it has always been a "small goal."

In complete contrast to Xpeng Motors’ troubles with happiness, NIO is currently mired in a whirlpool of public opinion.

It is reported that on the 22nd of last month, a NIO test vehicle fell from the third floor of the Shanghai Innovation Port parking building, killing two digital cockpit testers, one of whom was a company colleague and the other a partner employee. In response to this, NIO officials responded at 20:33 on June 23, "Based on the analysis of the scene, it can be preliminarily confirmed that this was an accident and has nothing to do with the vehicle itself."

In the response, "it has something to do with the vehicle" "It has nothing to do with it" triggered controversy among netizens. NIO immediately deleted the above statement and re-issued the statement at 9 o'clock that night, modifying it to "This was an accident (not caused by the vehicle)."

One wave after another! On June 28, Grizzly Research, a well-known short-selling institution, issued a report stating that NIO achieved its goals by exaggerating revenue and increasing net profit margins.

In response, the relevant person in charge of NIO said in an interview with the media that "the report is full of false information and misunderstandings of the information disclosed by NIO." Affected by the short-selling report, NIO's stock price once plunged, but fortunately it stabilized later.

Although it has been plagued by negative news, NIO's sales do not seem to be greatly affected. According to NIO, as the supply chain further returned to normal, delivery volume in June hit a new high. According to the plan, NIO ES7 and ET5 will be delivered in August and September this year, which will undoubtedly further boost NIO’s sales growth.

More than that, NIO Chairman Li Bin revealed at the first quarter financial report that "Neo Park's second factory has fully completed the production line and entered the vehicle manufacturing verification stage, and will be officially put into production in the third quarter as planned." . This will provide production capacity guarantee for NIO’s sales growth.

In fact, in addition to Weilai Automobile, the other four new forces have also prepared new products for the "decisive battle" in the second half of the year.According to He Xiaopeng: "Currently, G9 is advancing step by step according to the original plan. Pre-orders will be launched in August and will be officially launched in September. User deliveries will start soon after the launch."

On the evening of June 21, Ideal Auto released its first The second mass-produced car is the Lili L9, and it plans to start delivery of new cars before the end of August. According to official disclosures from Li Auto, this self-proclaimed "best flagship SUV for home use within 5 million yuan" "within 3 days of launch, more than 30,000 users paid a deposit of 5,000 yuan."

In addition, the Leapao C01, which has already started pre-sale, is expected to be launched in the third quarter, and its number of orders has exceeded 60,000 so far. Nezha S will also start pre-sales in July and be delivered to the market in the fourth quarter of this year. (China Economic Net reporter Wang Yueyue)

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