Do you really want to learn how to calm your mind through meditation? If so, you must read this article carefully. To calm down your mind by sitting cross-legged and meditating, you must first enter into stillness of body, breath, and mind, and finally reach a state of mental tra

Do you really want to learn how to calm your mind through meditation? If so, you must read this article carefully.

To calm down your mind by sitting cross-legged and meditating, you must first enter into body, rest, and mind tranquility, and finally reach a state of mental tranquility. How to enter the stillness of the body so that you can sit on the futon as steady as a mountain? Learn the cessation method, and when you reach quiescence, your face will itch, and you will find that all distracting thoughts are clear and have nowhere to hide.

If you want to enter tranquility, you have to stop breathing, exhale, and reveal your true breath. At this moment, you will find that you have a lot of distracting thoughts. You have to learn the six concepts and enter the meditation method, one by one, until you enter a six-root interplay. turning status. For example, seeing illusions, hearing phantom sounds, and so on are all illusions brought to you by your feelings after the six sense organs rotate. If you can break these illusions, congratulations, you have finally entered peace of mind. state, have you learned it?

Does it take leaving home to learn to meditate? Do you need to cut off your hair and escape into Buddhism? Do I need to give up drinking, eating, and sex? The so-called awareness of not leaving the world, may I ask, is there any place that can hone your character more than the human world, than this life itself? Meditation is not about training your legs, it is about training your heart, and the best training ground for your heart is life itself.

If your mind can’t stop, how can you meditate without it? , how can there be wisdom without concentration? Meditating and regulating the breath is just like making tea. You must first boil the water, and then you can make the tea when the heat is high. If you can't boil the water, how can you make the tea?

Then if you can't even adjust your breath well and are constantly in a state of distracting thoughts, you can't stop your mind. How to contemplate without calmness? How can there be wisdom without concentration? How can we regulate our Qi? Just this sentence, the breath is cut off, the breath is gone, the true breath appears, have you learned it? If you still don’t understand, come to my live broadcast room. Let me tell you what the cessation method is, what the Dantian Qi nourishing method is, and what the three breathing methods are.