In the eyes of ordinary people, the "living Buddha" saves all sentient beings and brings spiritual purity to everyone. In February last year, a "living Buddha" who had been committing evil for ten years was arrested. When his deeds were revealed, many netizens were shocked.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the "living Buddha" saves all sentient beings and brings spiritual purity to everyone. But there are always people with evil intentions who use the beliefs of others to satisfy their own disgusting selfish desires.

In February last year, a "living Buddha" who had been committing evil for ten years was arrested. When his deeds were revealed, many netizens were shocked.

This so-called "living Buddha" is named Wang Xingfu. He promoted himself as the "Lossang Danzhen Living Buddha" to attract believers. In the past ten years, he not only defrauded a total of 200 million yuan, but also deceived his female followers under the banner of "double cultivation" .

Many families were torn apart because of his deception, with wives and children separated. Some people even cannot support their own families, so they still have to donate their hard-earned money to them.

In the name of "justice", we do things that are unfair.

What is puzzling is that Tibetan Living Buddhas have a strict set of procedures. How did Wang Xingfu, a scammer who knew nothing, package himself as a "Living Buddha"?

A scam that is obviously full of loopholes, so why do so many people fall for it?

More than twenty years ago, Wang Xingfu was a public servant working in Jinan Prison in Shandong Province, but few people knew about his other identity, "Qigong Master."

Of course, he didn't really know Qigong. He just read a few books on local stalls because of his hobby. Gradually, he felt good about himself. He had read so many books and could afford to be a master.

So he began to tell everyone he knew Qigong, and sometimes taught others two moves.

html In the 1990s, there were many swindlers in China who used the guise of "Qigong masters" to make money, and Wang Xingfu was one of them.

The two moves he taught are the most common stretching movements. People who don't know how to do them will naturally feel comfortable all over the body after doing them for a while, but it is impossible to say how magical the effects are.

Wang Xingfu originally thought that the iron rice bowl in prison was a good job, but when he saw the ability of other "Qigong masters" to make money, he began to waver.

He began to imitate the tricks of those scammers and deceived people everywhere. Unexpectedly, he actually received several apprentices.

At night, counting the piles of "tuition fees" in his hands, Wang Xingfu was so happy that he couldn't sleep. At this time, he had no intention of going to work and wished he could teach his apprentices every day so that he could collect more tuition fees.

Wang Xingfu was absent from work, and his work unit also tried to find him, but Wang Xingfu seemed to have disappeared. When he came to work occasionally, he was confused and fishing in troubled waters.

In 1997, Wang Xingfu was absent from work for a long time again. The company couldn't bear it and fired him directly.

However, losing his job was nothing to Wang Xingfu. At this time, he had become a "qigong master" in people's eyes. He had a large number of apprentices and collected more tuition fees every day than working for a month.

Therefore, he didn't care about the loss of his public office, and even breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he could finally concentrate on his "career".

But this kind of deceptive trick could not last long. In 2000, the country began to crack down on these fraudulent "Qigong organizations". Wang Xingfu saw other people being caught and got away in fear.

It’s just that Wang Xingfu couldn’t bear to give up this money-making model. Without the cover of “Qigong”, he began to look for another way out.

At this time, a special profession caught his fancy, "living Buddha".

Whether it is a "Qigong Master" or a "Living Buddha", both need believers. In comparison, the "Living Buddha" has a much greater influence than the "Qigong Master".

Just wanting to become a "living Buddha" requires a long period of precipitation and historical inheritance. Wang Xingfu knew nothing about this, so he once again embarked on a crooked road and came to Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan.

Ganzi Prefecture has always been called the "symbol of Western Sichuan" and is also a Buddhist holy place since ancient times.

is such a pure Buddhist place, but one day in April 2007, a man with evil intentions came to the place.

Wang Xingfu has been looking for a way to become a monk. As long as he can become a monk, he may have the opportunity to have the status of a "living Buddha".

But Buddhism is a place of pure cultivation. After some conversations, the monks in many temples realized that Wang Xingfu was not a serious person and were unwilling to accept him.

Just when Wang Xingfu was about to despair, the appearance of a monk gave him hope.

"Although our temple accepts disciples, it does not accept everyone. I think you are dishonest and have no relationship with Buddha, so you should go back. "

Wang Xingfu turned to leave after seeing the other party's refusal, and quickly grabbed his arm Hand, put a thick envelope.

"Master , I am sincere to the Buddha. This is my filial piety to the Buddha. When I become a living Buddha in the future, I will honor you even more. "

Monk Lu Rong pinched the thickness of the envelope in his hand and was satisfied. The nodded.

" Well, that's right, you have a bond with Buddhism now, come in with me. "

A bag of money has defiled the pure land of Buddhism. There is no doubt that Lu Rong is a scum of Buddhism.

Lu Rong took Wang Xingfu to meet his master and highly recommended him.

Entering Buddhism is just the first step in Wang Xingfu's plan, and every step after that is calculated by him.

Lu Rong is the director of the local Democratic Management Committee. With his help, Wang Xingfu obtained two fake Tibetan ID cards.

Tibetan Buddhism "Lossang Alchemy" is one of them.

With the identity of a monk, Wang Xingfu began to plan with Lu Rong on how to package his identity and become a "living Buddha" respected by everyone.

"Living Buddha" is sacred and inviolable in the local area. Lu Rong was not so bold, so Wang Xingfu persuaded him: "Don't worry, I will not stay here. As long as I have the status of Living Buddha, I will leave. When the time comes, I will give him the There will be no shortage of benefits for you.”

Under Wang Xingfu’s inducement, he eventually became the driving force behind the crime.

In order to let everyone feel Wang Xingfu's influence, Lu Rong and his fellow apprentices agreed that every time Wang Xingfu came to the temple, he would be greeted with the highest standards.

Over time, in the eyes of many pilgrims, Wang Xingfu is almost the same as a "living Buddha".

In 2008, under the arrangement of Lu Rong, Wang Xingfu performed the "enthronement" ceremony, which is the ceremony of becoming a "living Buddha".

In order to increase the credibility of his identity, Wang Xingfu did everything possible. He asked his apprentice to use PS to help him create a picture of him sitting on a lotus with his head shining, and he also secretly burned a picture of his "enthronement" ceremony. CDs are used to spread to their followers.

In order to further package himself, he also asked Lu Rong to operate and made himself the deputy director of the Civil Affairs Commission.

At this point, Wang Xingfu was satisfied with his results. As he said before, he left Sichuan and returned to his hometown in Jinan, Shandong Province. He built his house into a "living Buddha" home, with stickers all over the walls. It is a Buddhist product.

He began to recruit believers from various places and asked his disciples to hand in "support" to him.

In order to make more money, he also devised a way to sell fake cultural relics.

sold a clay pot that cost more than 300 yuan for tens of thousands, and promoted that it was an item he had "blessed" and could bring good luck.

Even his own photos cost ten yuan a piece.

Not only that, he also brainwashed his disciples over and over again: "I am the embodiment of blessings. If you support me, you are supporting yourself. How much support you give me will turn into blessings in the future and return it to you."

At the same time He also said that he would build temples extensively, and the donations from his disciples were all out of respect for the Buddha. However, in fact, all the money went into his own pocket.

On the surface, Wang Xingfu is a "living Buddha" who does not care about money and only promotes Buddhism. He lives in a small house with only a few dozen square meters every day.

In fact, in a high-end community, Wang Xingfu had already purchased a large villa of more than 1,000 square meters. The interior decoration was very luxurious and luxurious. There were hundreds of thousands of cash in any safe, and each one was a new banknote.

At the same time, in order to thank Lu Rong for helping him, he called him nearly 40 million. By the time Wang Xingfu was arrested, according to statistics, he had made 200 million in fraud over the years.

But his bad deeds go far beyond that.

In order to brainwash his disciples, Wang Xingfu asked everyone to kneel down and swear an oath when they "converted". Each oath was more poisonous than the last.

Seeing his disciples becoming more and more trusting in him, Wang Xingfu began to be unable to control his animal heart and extended his claws to those female disciples.

He promoted the so-called "Happy Buddha" and "Blessing of the Body" to his disciples, and used this to touch and touch the female disciples, and even brought some female disciples to the hotel.

The wisdom in Buddhism was completely misinterpreted by him, leaving only evil.

Some girls feel that his behavior is wrong and want to resist. Wang Xingfu scolded her loudly in public: "Your bodies have long been full of filth, and you still talk about the difference between men and women. Do you think the master cares about you?"

He said such filthy words so righteously, those female disciples Unable to resist everyone's persuasion, he handed over his body in a daze.

Gradually, Wang Xingfu did not even have to pretend to be sanctimonious, but directly expressed forcefully: " You are my magic weapon, and I can use it however I want."

Even some female disciples who had families and quarreled with their husbands, he Don't let it go.

In the past ten years, he has deceived hundreds of female disciples, many of whom had their families broken up because of this incident.

Fortunately, good and evil will eventually be rewarded. Those people are afraid of the "poisonous oath" they have sworn and dare not resist, but there will always be someone who can expose his ugly mask.

In 2016, a female disciple had a quarrel with her husband and wanted to seek enlightenment from Wang Xingfu. Unexpectedly, Wang Xingfu deceived her into a high-end hotel on the pretext of giving lectures, and then used various tricks to coax the woman into having a relationship.

After that, the female disciple began to think more and more something was wrong, so she mustered up the courage to call the police.

After Wang Xingfu was arrested in 2017, Lu Rong and some other people involved in the fraud were brought to justice. After investigation, the truth behind this appalling case came to light.

At the beginning of last year, Wang Xingfu was sentenced to 25 years in prison, Lu Rong was sentenced to 6 years, and other people involved in the case were also punished by law.

Wang Xingfu has done many evil things. In the past twenty years, he has packaged himself as a "living Buddha", but in the end he almost believed it. When

was captured by the police, he slapped himself and begged the police to treat him leniently, hoping to give him a chance.

What can be fake is fake. In terms of society, he has violated the law. In terms of religion, he has blasphemed his faith.

People believe in religion just because they have a wish and want to find sustenance. But for those who use this desire to do evil things, there will definitely be no good fruits waiting for them.

Today, there are still such swindling people in society. Some people sell fake medicines, and some people sell charms under the banner of Taoist priests. Even if the methods are very clumsy, some people are still fooled.

would like to remind all netizens that faith is a yearning from the heart and cannot be replaced by money. If Buddha cares about gold and silver in the world, does he still deserve to be called Buddha? If gods need people to dedicate themselves in exchange for so-called "blessings," then is such a god still worthy of kneeling down and worshiping?

A true religion spreads kindness and does justice. It will never ask for money from believers, let alone touch its disciples.

And real blessings are obtained through one's own efforts, not bought with money.