When reciting and practicing Buddhist sutras, we can know about the Mother of Buddha, but what exactly is the Mother of Buddha, many brothers do not understand very well, so regarding this issue, we can understand it in detail below.

When reciting and practicing Buddhist scriptures, we can know the Mother of the Buddha , but what exactly is the Mother of the Buddha, many brothers do not understand very well, so for this issue, we can go into detail below learn.

Learn more about what is the Supreme Buddha Mother

The Supreme Buddha Mother is also known as the "Buddha Supreme Supreme Buddha Mother", and her secret name is "Vajra to Eliminate Demons".

Shengsheng Buddha Mother can make the grains ripe, increase the wealth of all living beings, obtain various blessings and sufficient financial resources, and can also purify the sins of practitioners.

The top of the Buddha's head can remove all troubles and karma, destroy all filth and the pain of the evil paths, and can make the grains ripe and increase the wealth and merit of all living beings.

"Mother of the Supreme Buddha" is also regarded as the incarnation of Great Sun Tathagata and one of the three Longevity Buddha in Tibetan Buddhism.

"Mother of the Supreme Buddha" Dharma

"Mother of the Supreme Buddha" has nine appearances. Its common image is: white body, sitting posture, three sides and eight arms. The middle side is white, with a charming and quiet appearance, indicating the calming of disasters; the right side is golden, with a happy smile, and all methods are enhanced; the left side is blue like the Ubala flower, indicating the method of subjugation.

There are three eyes on each face, and the teeth are exposed to show hatred and anger. Her hair is in a high bun, she wears a flower crown, and her body is covered with silk treasures. She is dignified and solemn. With her head bare and her body bare, she sits on the lotus platform in the lotus position.

"The Mother of Victory" has the white lotus-hand Avalokitesvara and the blue silent Vajrapani as attendants on the left and right sides, and the four bright kings as protectors. The four great Ming Kings all have blue bodies, their eyebrows and beards are like burning shapes, and their left hand is placed on the chest to make a wrathful fist seal. The Fudo Myooh in the east holds a sword in his right hand, the Aizen Myooh in the south holds an iron hook in his right hand, the stick-holding Myooh in the west holds a blue stick in his right hand, and the Dali Myingo in the north holds a pestle in his right hand. They all wear tiger skins as skirts, and the "snake decoration" is Yingluo , double Bend the right foot and extend the left foot, standing in a strongman's posture.

The origin of "Zunsheng Buddha Mother"

In ancient India, Mahayana Buddhism had very little influence for a period of time and almost no existence.

Learn more about what Shengsheng Buddha Mother is

A woman who was considered to be the incarnation of Shengsheng Buddha Mother felt sad and made a wish: "I hope I can raise people who can spread the Mahayana teachings!"

She was married to a king. , gave birth to a child who was later called "Asanga Patriarch", and later she gave birth to a child with a commoner who was later called "Vasuka Patriarch". Asanga studied Mahayana, Vasubandhu studied Hinayana . Vasubandhu often argued with his brother and accumulated sins of slandering the Mahayana. Many years later, Vasubandhu finally understood the greatness of Mahayana, so he diligently practiced the Dharma of Honoring the Mother Buddha to repent of his sins. Later, he and his brother became the grand masters of Mahayana Buddhism.

The merits of "The Mother of the Buddha"

The "Mother of the Buddha" is one of the three longevity statues. She is a female Bodhisattva who saves suffering.

Practicing the method of honoring the Mother of God can increase life span, happiness and wisdom, eliminate all sins, avoid all disasters, and be able to be reborn in the land of bliss after death.

Learn more about what is the Supreme Buddha Mother

In order for us to better understand the meaning of the Buddhist scriptures, we must not have distracting thoughts during the practice. We can recite and comprehend in a quiet and clean room. During the recitation, we must also Don't do anything disrespectful to Buddha and Bodhisattva.

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