1. The Ten Sutras of Sakyamuni 1. No matter who you meet, he is the person who should be in your life. (This means that no one comes into our lives by accident. Everyone around us, with whom we interact, represents something. Maybe to teach us something, maybe to help us improve

1, Sakyamuni Ten Sutras

1. No matter who you meet, he is the person who should be in your life. (This means that no one comes into our lives by accident. Everyone around us, with whom we interact, represents something. Maybe to teach us something, maybe to help us improve the situation at hand)

2. It's all over, it's all over (it's that simple. When something in life ends, it helps us evolve. That's why, to fully enjoy what happened, let it go and move on) Forward) Tathagata Buddha said the most classic words.

3. Whatever happens, it is what happened (what we experienced could not have happened any other way, even the most unimportant details. Whatever happens, it is what happened, it It has to happen this way, so

4. No matter where you start, it is the right moment (everything happens at the right moment it starts, neither early nor late. When we are ready, ready to experience life The novelty, it is there, ready to start)

5. Although there are thousands of victories, the only one who defeats himself is the ultimate winner. Tathagata Buddha said . Let go of the current worries. Only when you don't worry about the future and don't cling to the present can your mind be at peace.

2. What are the classic sayings of Buddha ?

3. It's indescribable.

3. Form is empty, and emptiness is color.

4. Life is like being surrounded by thorns. If the heart does not move, people will not move rashly. If they move, they will hurt their bodies and bones, so they experience all kinds of pain in the world.

5 , One flower, one world, one Buddha.

6. Looking back on the past life, there are no passers-by in this life.

7. Great compassion has no words, and laughter is silent.

8. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless. Put your back to the shore. Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot.

9. There is no bodhi tree, no mirror.

10. If I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell?

11. One flower and one. There is only one Bodhi in the world.

12. The sea of ​​suffering is endless. 100 famous sayings of the Buddha.

13. Looking back on five hundred years, the passing of this life

14. Why not? Tathagata Buddha said those words.

15. Tathagata Buddha's famous words of advice to the world.

16. Can't say, can't say.


18. Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot.

19. Save a life and build a seven-story pagoda. The most classic Buddhist sayings of Tathagata Buddha.

21. There are eight sufferings in life: birth, old age, illness, death, separation from love, everlasting hatred, not asking, and not letting go.

22. Life is self-created, and all things are born in the heart. Everything in the world changes into one form. If the heart does not change, all things will not change. If the heart does not change, all things will not change. Great Sun Tathagata mantra.

23. Face it with a smile and don’t complain. Whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever. What is destined to change your life is just a hundred years later, when that flower blooms. Tathagata 's famous sayings.

24. A moment is eternity.

25. Sowing such a cause and reaping such fruits are all created by the heart.

26. Parting with love, meeting with hatred, and returning home are nothing more than this. It's just what you see, but nothing profound.

27. If you are sad because of love and fearful because of love, if you are separated from your lover, you will have no worries or fear.

28. If there are things, things can be things; if things are not things, they are not things. Things have no name due to their merits, their name has no reality, and their name has no reality, so there is no thing.

29. There is no distinction between good and evil in people, good and evil exist in the heart.

30. Voices and hearings have their own birth and death.It is not because you hear the sound that the sound arises or ceases, but because you hear the existence of the self.

31. The treasures of Huayan, the secrets of Dharma, the hearts of Buddhas, and the guidance of Bodhisattvas’ conduct are not here. If you want to sigh widely, there will be countless kalpas, and the wise should know.

32. The words of the Buddha: A man is bound to his wife's home, not to prison. There is a release period in prison, and the wife does not want to leave. Love has colors, don’t be afraid to chase them away. Although there is danger from the tiger's mouth, I am willing to accept it. He threw himself into the mud and drowned, so he was called an ordinary person. When you come out of this door, you will emerge from the world of arhat. Buddha's golden words.

33, Kasyapa Buddha Gatha: The nature of all living beings is pure, and there is no birth or death from the beginning. In other words, this body and mind are all illusions, and there is no guilt in the illusion. Funny and classic words said by Buddha.

34. All conditioned phenomena, such as bubbles in dreams, dew, and electricity, should be treated as such.

35. All dharmas are born in the heart, and all dharmas are destroyed in the heart.

36. If you are a true cultivator, you will never see this world. If you see this world, you are not a true practitioner. The slogan of Tathagata Buddha is rather domineering.

37. All love and desire for money are shortcuts to losing life; drinking and eating meat every day is nothing more than the deep roots of hell. A slogan suitable for Tathagata Buddha.

38. True life and death, arouse bodhicitta. With deep faith and vows, uphold the name of the Buddha.

39. Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror does not stand. There was no doubt that there was dust somewhere.

40. Feel all the laws, like a dream.

41. Dependent Origination of Dharmakāya. All dharmas arise due to conditions. I say it is cause and effect. It will cease to exist for its reasons, so I say so.

42. Among the remaining sins, killing is the heaviest; among all the merits, liberation is the most important.

43. The sound of the stream is a wide and long tongue. Isn’t the mountain view meant to purify the body?

44. When you see a woman, report it to your wife and daughter. Journey to the West is a classic saying of Tathagata Buddha.

45. Baojun is now sixteen years old, and he wants to reboot while reciting the Buddha’s name. The end of greed, the end of life and death, is the Tathagata's kiss. The Buddha said that one dust is one world.

46. The Buddha said: The path of asceticism is like grinding an ox. Although the body can walk the path, the mind cannot. The way of the heart is good, but the way of practice is of no use. The mantra of Tathagata Buddha.

47. The verses of Vajra Buddha mean that one knows he is a Buddha without seeing his body. If he really knew, there would be no Buddha. A wise man knows the emptiness of sin and has no fear of life or death.

48, The verses of Vipassi Buddha arise from nothingness, like illusions. Illusive people have no consciousness at all, and their sins and blessings are empty.

49, Seven Buddhas always warns against doing evil, do good, and purify the mind. This is all Buddhism.

50. If you have a heart like a painter, you can paint the world. The five aggregates are all born, and cannot be created without being created.

51. Roy partially covers the pus and blood sac, while Jin covers the excrement bucket.

52. If people want to know, the Buddhas of the three generations. We should observe the nature of the Dharma world. Everything is created by the mind. Buddha's famous sayings about saving all sentient beings.

53. The past heart cannot be obtained, the present heart cannot be obtained, and the future heart cannot be obtained.

54. If a person's faith and vows are firm, then one thought or ten thoughts at the end of the marriage will definitely lead to life. If there is no belief and desire, even if the famous wind cannot blow in or the rain cannot wet, it will be like an iron wall and there will be no reason to live. Buddha's classic sentences.

55. If you want to know the causes and conditions of the past life, the recipient of this life is; if you want to know the effects of the next life, the author of this life is.

56. Although the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have cultivated the six realms of karma and performed Buddhist deeds extensively, they still see them as if they were in dreams, and their minds cannot dwell on them, and they are far away from all appearances. Measure boundless and immeasurable sentient beings. Cultivation, cultivation, cultivation means not cultivating, living all day long, all day long. "

57. Therefore, I say Amitabha, which is the Anuttarasamyaksambodhi method that Master Sakyamuni obtained in the evil world of five turbidities.Now this retribution is given to all corrupt and evil sentient beings. It is the realm of the Buddha. Only Buddhas and Buddhas can study it. It is not something that Nine Realms can believe and understand by themselves. How do you accept life and death in your midst? The most classic words ever spoken by Buddha.

59. The Buddha said: If you are a Taoist, you must avoid fire just like building a bed of hay. A Taoist must avoid it when he sees desires. Classic quotes from Buddha.

60. If the mind is not unified, the Pure Land cannot be achieved.

61. The Buddha said that love and desire are not greater than sex. Sex is desire, and it is nothing more than one. If both were the same, no one in the world would be able to do anything.

62. If people know their hearts and actions, they can create everything in the world.

63. This body is already in Hanyuan Hall . Where should I go to ask Changan .

64. The three realms of reincarnation are the foundation, the six paths are based on love.

65. All appearances are illusory. If you see all forms and no forms, you will see the Tathagata.

66, Buddha’s words. road. Help them be happy and wonderful. The blessing is very great. the monk asked. This blessing is everything. Buddha said. For example, a single torch can burn hundreds of thousands of people. That's it. Pictures of the Golden Buddha Tathagata.

67. If you want to let go, then let it go. If you want to wait a while, there is no end. This body is not saved for this life;

68. Make a phone call; retribution for good and evil follows closely.

69. Let's dispel the fantasy a little bit. Wherever there is no blessing in the ten directions, the eyes of the Dzogchen Buddha are always looking at each other, and people don't know it.

70. Buddha said: Be careful not to look at a woman’s appearance and don’t talk together. When speaking to the speaker, be mindful: I am a monk, and in the turbid world, I should be like a lotus, not turbid. Treat the older one as your mother, the older one as your sister, and the younger one as your mother. Like sisters, kids are like kids. Live a carefree life and eliminate evil thoughts.

71. Twenty-eight's body was like a piece of cake, and a sword at his waist cut off the fool. Although the head is not on the ground, it secretly destroys the king's marrow.

72. Hatred is hard to eliminate, and love is not easy to arise. The Lotus Kingdom outside Iron Tail Mountain was released. Walking in the deep mud, I was too tired to look around. When I get out of the mud, I can rest. Ascetics should look at the flesh more than the mud. If you think straight, you can avoid pain.

74. Just like Mount Sumeru , you cannot enter the Tao in this life and must return with your horns.

75. I have no intention of getting involved in everything, so why not always be around them.

76. When that time passes, my life will also be reduced. There is little water for fish, so why not do it.

77. A kind of delusion is the heart, and delusion is in the body. I don’t know the mountains, rivers and open spaces outside me. Salt is something in Miao Ming's mind, like clarifying a hundred thousand oceans. He throws it away and only recognizes it. A floating body, eyes full of tides and waves. You and others are twice tripped into hallucinations.

78. Knowledge and knowledge are the roots of ignorance.

79. Life in this world is like living in a forest full of thorns. If the mind is still, people will not move rashly; if the mind is still, people will not be hurt; if the mind is rash, the body will be injured, and the world will be filled with suffering.

80, multiple doors. (

81. The Buddha's Stanza: Seeing that the body is not real is the Buddha's view, and the mind is like an illusion. This is the Buddha. The mind and body are empty, what is the difference?

82. The minds of sentient beings in the six realms of the world are not greedy and do not follow life and death. Practice samadhi, Escape from the dust. If you don’t get rid of greed, you can’t get out of the dust. Even if you have a lot of wisdom and meditation, if you continue to be greedy, you will fall into the devil.

83. The Buddha said: Think about the four elements of the body, each has its own name, no self, no self, such as Magic ears.

84. Whether it is alive or not depends on the existence of beliefs and desires; the level of taste depends on the depth of the name.

85. Hibiscus has a white face, so be sure to note that it has a fleshy skeleton; it looks beautiful with red makeup, but the clothes are not so beautiful. There is leakage in the toilet.

86. I think it is the sin of Nanjambudi.

87. In the great awakening of emptiness, it is like the leakage in the countryside, all caused by emptiness.Nothingness, three things.

88. I am afraid that my passion will harm my holy life. I am afraid that I will not lose the city when I enter the mountain. In this world, you will be safe and sound, and you will live up to the Tathagata and your nobility.

89, great.

90. People live and die alone in love and desire, go alone and come alone. Pleasure and pain are self-reliant and irreplaceable.

91. Remove the mind. How can the state truly exist once the mind is removed.

92. A pure heart is essential for all methods of practice; a pure heart is essential for all cultivation methods. The essence of clarity is no better than chanting Buddha’s name. If you recite the Buddha's name and recite the Buddha's name, you will definitely see the Buddha in this life. You won't have false conveniences and you'll have an open mind. The need to purify the mind is no better than reciting the Buddha's name. Remember the Buddha every time. If all sentient beings recite Buddha's name, they will definitely see the Buddha and will not be far from the Buddha. Destruction is happiness.

95. Birth and death are blazing and suffering is immeasurable; arouse the Mahayana intention to help everyone, and want to endure immeasurable suffering for all living beings so that they can finally achieve great happiness.

96. Sakyamuni Buddha The method of this verse is impossible, the method and the method are the same. Now when it is impossible, Dharma is never Dharma. The heart is like the wind, without roots or reality.

98. Vishwa Buddha's verse takes the four realms as the body, and the mind has no origin. .

99. It’s so ridiculous, so ridiculous! The hero is so obsessed with feces and urine!

If you're freezing to death, you don't want to be a part of it.