Driving top-notch luxury cars and living in a villa worth 40 million, which billionaire and financial tycoon do you think I am describing? This is the normal life of the abbot nun in a temple in Hong Kong. She is not a rich man but is better than a rich man.

drives top-notch luxury cars and lives in a villa worth 40 million. Which billionaire and financial tycoon do you think I am describing?

is wrong! This is the normal life of the abbot nun in a temple in Hong Kong. She is not rich but is better than rich.

Observing strict rules and regulations, eating fast and chanting Buddha's name are the inherent impressions in our minds of monks.

It is true that in ancient times, many people became ordained and became monks in order to get rid of worldly affairs, cultivate themselves in temples, and devote themselves to Buddha.

As people become more and more materialistic, Buddhist temples, which were originally places of peace and tranquility outside the world, are also contaminated with the smell of copper in the world of mortals.

Former abbot of Shaolin Temple Shi Yongxin founded Henan Shaolin Temple Industrial Development Co., Ltd. and holds 80% of the shares. After

, Shi Zhiding, the abbot of Dinghui Temple in Hong Kong, drives a Rolls-Royce luxury car and lives in a 40 million villa.

When becoming a monk becomes a business, who will find a place of spiritual purity for devout believers?

Who is this Shi Zhiding ? Why can she transform from an abbot nun in an ordinary temple to a Buddhist "rich woman" with luxury cars and villas and a luxurious life? Let’s reveal the story of Shi Zhiding below.

was born in Northeast China and smuggled into Hong Kong.

Shi Zhiding, whose original name was Shi Aiwen, was born in 1967 in a rural family in Jilin Province.

The poor living conditions of a rural family did not allow Shi Aiwen to develop a hard-working character.

She is the only girl in the family. She has been doted on by her parents and brother since she was a child, and Shi Aiwen gradually developed the habit of being lazy, willful and overbearing.

's family life is difficult, but her parents still try their best to let her go to school. With the tuition money earned by her parents with hard work, Shi Aiwen never studied hard.

Sleeping in class and skipping school, Shi Aiwen rarely stayed in school for more than three hours every day.

In those days, poor academic performance did not attract the attention of teachers and parents. After all, I had been farming for generations, and I never dared to expect that my family would have a "number one scholar" who would "leap over the dragon gate".

What's more, Shi Aiwen is a girl. There are many girls in the village who have never gone to school and are still illiterate when they grow up.

Shi Aiwen has learned to read and write over the past few years, and is no longer "blind". In the eyes of her parents, she is quite satisfied.

After dropping out of school, Shi Aiwen first did farm work with her family. When she grew up, she followed her sisters from the same village and joined a factory in the city to become a female textile worker.

The work in the textile factory is not considered heavy physical labor, and ordinary women can bear it.

But Shi Aiwen, who had been pampered since she was a child, couldn't stand the hardship in the factory. She cheated and cheated at work every day and never took it seriously.

All this was seen by the workshop supervisor. Within a few months, the supervisor found Shi Aiwen, criticized her for not working seriously, and told Shi Aiwen that if she did not make corrections, she would be fired from the factory.

Shi Aiwen, who had never been angry since she was a child, was very angry when she heard this. She packed up her things and left the factory in anger.

After resigning from the factory, Shi Aiwen was obsessed with the prosperity of the city and did not want to go home, so she wandered the streets of the city while looking for a job in the job market.

Shi Aiwen, who was lazy by nature, could not hold any job for long because she either found the work too tiring or the salary was too low.

She just wanted to hang out in the city and didn't want to work. Shi Aiwen, who was alone, had to find ways to maintain her livelihood.

Therefore, she often finds temporary jobs, works for a few months, then resigns and takes the money to spend everywhere.

After staying in the city for two years, she changed eleven or two jobs.

In 1991, Shi Aiwen, after walking around the city, felt that life was boring, so she packed her bags and returned to her hometown in the countryside.

After returning to her hometown, Shi Aiwen, an unemployed young man, was not in a hurry to find a job. Instead, she stayed at home watching TV every day, or went out to play with friends.

While at home, her parents also wanted to settle Shi Aiwen's marriage. They asked relatives to introduce Shi Aiwen to many single young men with good conditions.

Shi Aiwen, who was quite pretty and longed for a luxurious life, could not like any of them.

Shi Aiwen believes that she will definitely live a rich life in the future and will never live with a rural man in the Northeast for the rest of her life.

Not long after, Shi Aiwen began to yearn for Hong Kong after seeing the luxurious life of Hong Kong's feasting and reveling on TV.

Shi Aiwen thought to herself : "This is the real life of the upper class. Singing and dancing every day, having luxury cars and villas, isn't it much better than living in the farmland in my hometown for the rest of my life? I must live such a life."

made up his mind, Twenty-six-year-old Shi Aiwen boarded the train heading south despite her family's strong opposition, heading towards the happy life in her fantasy.

At that time, Hong Kong had not yet returned to the motherland, and there were no direct trains from the mainland to Hong Kong. Shi Aiwen got off the bus in Shenzhen, and she wanted to find a way to sneak into Hong Kong from here.

After staying in Shenzhen for a few days, Shi Aiwen met the local "snakehead" who specializes in helping people smuggle into Hong Kong.

Smuggling is a dangerous thing. Once discovered by the border guards, they will be expelled or sentenced to prison, because the price offered by dangerous "smugglers" is also very high.

Shi Aiwen handed over almost all of her valuables to the "snakehead" before the "snakehead" agreed to help her smuggle her to Hong Kong.

The smuggling was carried out at night. The "snakehead" brought a dilapidated fishing boat, but the cabin that was supposed to carry eight people was filled with forty or fifty people.

Shi Aiwen huddled in the corner, trying to keep a distance from other people. The smell of rotting seafood in the cabin was mixed with the smell of sweat from the stowaways.

The fishing boat was bumping and shaking violently on the choppy sea. Shi Aiwen felt that the waves were rolling in her stomach, and she was very uncomfortable.

But when she thought that she was about to reach Hong Kong, the prosperous city that she thought about day and night, Shi Aiwen became happy again. She felt that compared with the happy life in the future, the pain she was suffering now was worth it.

After several hours of turbulence, the fishing boat sailed into a small port in Hong Kong before dawn.

Shi Aiwen found out after leaving the fishing boat that after paying the "snakehead" reward, she was already penniless.

Shi Aiwen, who was living on the streets, realized that although Hong Kong's upper class was extravagant and extravagant, all of this had nothing to do with herself, who had just arrived and was penniless.

Arriving in Hong Kong, Shi Aiwen found a job as a dishwasher in a restaurant to make ends meet. She thought that she had arrived in Hong Kong illegally and could not stay here for a long time. The top priority was to obtain Hong Kong's permanent residency .

By chance, Shi Aiwen met Cen Weirong, a taxi driver who often ate in restaurants.

Through understanding of Hong Kong laws, Shi Aiwen learned that if you marry a Hong Kong resident for seven years, you can obtain permanent residency in Hong Kong.

In order to live in Hong Kong for a long time, Shi Aiwen began to deliberately contact Shun Weirong. After Shi Aiwen's repeated emotional offensives, Shun Weirong soon became unable to withstand it, and finally married Shi Aiwen and lived together.

Cen Weirong is just a stepping stone on Shi Aiwen's "getting rich" road, and has no real feelings at all.

After seven years of marriage, Shi Aiwen obtained permanent residency and then decisively chose to divorce Cen Weirong.

began to pursue alone the luxurious life of Hong Kong's upper class that he had longed for for many years.

became a nun and embezzled donations

After the divorce, Shi Aiwen found that although she had obtained permanent residency, she still had to struggle for daily livelihood, which was no different from when she first came to Hong Kong.

In order to support herself, Shi Aiwen started doing dishes, doing chores and other jobs. The upper class society she dreamed of still seemed far away from her.

The heavy work day after day made Shi Aiwen depressed. She seemed to be unable to see her future in Hong Kong.

In order to pray for "good fortune" and allow herself to enter the upper class as soon as possible, Shi Aiwen began to burn incense and worship Buddha at the Baolian Temple near her residence.

Because it is very close to her residence, Shi Aiwen often comes to Baolian Temple to pray for blessings. Gradually she became familiar with the nuns in the temple.

Shi Aiwen observed that the nuns in Baolian Temple only need to burn incense, worship Buddha, kowtow and salute every day, and there is no work content at all.

In Hong Kong, a city where land is at a premium and consumption is extremely high, the nuns can solve their own food and clothing problems without working hard. It seems that the life of nuns is much easier than that of a working girl like me.

In order to live a comfortable and comfortable life in Hong Kong, Shi Aiwen decided to become a nun at the Po Lin Temple.

Because she was familiar with the nuns, Shi Aiwen often asked them some Buddhist questions, and at the same time performed extremely pious manners when burning incense and worshiping Buddha to gain the approval of the nuns.

Not long after, Shi Aiwen expressed to the nuns of Baolian Temple the idea of ​​becoming a monk, and Master Chuhui, the abbot of Baolian Temple, readily agreed.

In 2002, Shi Aiwen was ordained as a nun at Baolian Temple, with the Buddhist name Shi Zhiding. After entering the temple and becoming a nun, Shi Zhiding immediately set a clear goal for herself: to become the abbot nun.

In Shi Zhiding's view, the abbot nun is the head of a temple, and the incense and money of the entire temple are under the abbot's control.

Once you become the abbot nun, you will be able to control the incense money in the temple, and you will be able to live the wealthy life you have always dreamed of.

In order to achieve his goal, Shi Zhiding started performing mode from the moment he entered the temple.

Shi Zhiding, who was originally lazy and lazy at home, showed himself to be extremely hardworking and capable at Baolian Temple. From cooking meals and fetching water to sweeping the floor and ringing the bell, Shi Zhiding did all the work he could do.

In addition to showing his diligence, Shi Zhiding also paid great attention to his relationship with his fellow students.

Which nun in the monastery is sick or which monk is uncomfortable, Shi Zhiding will definitely show his concern.

In daily life, Shi Zhiding often helped his brothers with work. Once he came back from the temple, he would definitely bring various gifts to other nuns.

Over time, the nuns and monks in the temple had a very good impression of Shi Zhiding and often praised her in front of the abbot master.

Everything that Shi Zhiding did was also seen by the abbot master. The abbot master, who did not know Shi Zhiding’s true thoughts, believed that Shi Zhiding was really a diligent and capable practitioner who devoted himself to the Buddha.

As he grew older, the abbot master also had the idea of ​​​​cultivating Shi Zhi’s successor.

A few years later, on the recommendation of everyone in the temple, the abbot master decided to let Shi Zhiding serve as the abbot of Dinghui Temple, the temple in charge of Baolian Temple.

It was precisely because she served as the abbot of Dinghui Temple that Shi Zhiding was able to start her luxurious and enjoyable "nun" life.

After arriving at Dinghui Temple, Shi Zhiding felt the pleasure of becoming the head. As the abbot, Shi Zhiding was in charge of all rights in the temple.

Now that she had left Baolian Temple and became the abbot of Dinghui Temple, Shi Zhiding no longer needed to pretend, and she began to indulge her greed and desires.

Dinghui Temple is only a small temple, but it receives a large amount of incense money donated by believers every month.

Shi Zhiding began to misappropriate the temple's incense money to buy jewelry and clothing for himself, and tried his best to save money on the daily necessary expenses of the temple.

After all, the fire could not be contained in the paper. Shi Zhiding's misappropriation of charity funds was discovered by the nuns in the temple, and everyone began to talk about her.

In order to prevent the nuns from reporting her misappropriation of charity funds, Shi Zhiding found some excuses and kicked out all the elderly people in Dinghui Temple.

then recruited some obedient nuns and continued to maintain his luxurious life in Dinghui Temple.

was reported and jailed

As Shi Zhiding's consumption behavior became more and more crazy, she found that the incense money from Dinghui Temple could no longer satisfy her desires. She needed a chance to make Dinghui Temple famous. .

An opportunity soon came. A real estate developer took a fancy to the Dinghui Temple, so he approached Shi Zhiding and offered to buy the land of Dinghui Temple with a huge sum of money, and then help them build a larger temple.

It was originally a "pie in the sky" good thing, but was flatly rejected by Shi Zhiding. She righteously stated that Buddhism is a pure place, and the holy land in the hearts of believers cannot be tarnished just because of financial gain..

Afterwards, Shi Zhiding specially found reporters to report the matter. For a time, Shi Zhiding became an idol among Buddhist believers in Hong Kong.

After the marketing goal was achieved, Shi Zhiding began to cry out to the believers about poverty. She cried out that Dinghui Temple had meager funds and could barely maintain a living, and the nuns in the temple were working very hard.

The deeply moved believers began to spontaneously organize donations to Dinghui Temple, amounting to millions of dollars, but all of the money eventually went into Shi Zhiding's own pocket.

Shi Zhiding was full of arrogance and luxury, regardless of the Buddhist rules and regulations. In order to satisfy his desires, Shi Zhiding married Shi Zhiguang, a monk in Baolian Temple.

During the day, Shi Zhiding pretended to be a Buddhist disciple who devoted himself to spiritual practice, and at night he enjoyed a life of arrogance and luxury.

Shi Zhiding, who was doing whatever he wanted in Dinghui Temple at this time, probably would not have thought that his retribution was about to come!

By chance, Shi Zhiding met Hong Kong movie star Weng Jingjing.

Weng Jingjing was born in a wealthy businessman family. She made her debut by starring in movies very early. She has collaborated with many famous artists and has a certain status in the Hong Kong film and television industry.

Because her acting career and marriage life were not going well at that time, Weng Jingjing often went to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha to relieve her emotions.

After praying several times at Dinghui Temple, Weng Jingjing became familiar with Shi Zhiding, the abbot of Dinghui Temple.

Shi Zhiding knew Weng Jingjing’s identity for a long time, so he deliberately dated her and wanted to profit from Weng Jingjing.

After the two got acquainted, Shi Zhiding began to cry out to Weng Jingjing again, hoping that she would help him.

Weng Jingjing, who has a wealthy family, donated a large amount of incense money to Dinghui Temple without hesitation. She also actively contacted her friends to donate to Dinghui Temple. The total amount reached tens of millions.

In order to thank Weng Jingjing, Shi Zhiding made her the chairman of Dinghui Temple.

But as time passed, Weng Jingjing gradually discovered something strange. No small amount of money was donated, but the dilapidated environment of Dinghui Temple never improved.

She checked the temple's account books and found that there were a lot of random expenses, but the repair costs and daily expenses were very few.

Weng Jingjing began to investigate Shi Zhiding, and found out that Shi Zhiding had purchased a 40 million yuan mansion in the name of his disciple, and used luxury cars in and out of the house. His daily use was also top-notch luxury goods.

Unexpectedly, the Buddhist abbot whom he thought was his confidant turned out to be a sanctimonious and despicable person. The very angry Weng Jingjing reported Shi Zhiding to the relevant departments without hesitation.

In 2015, Shi Zhiding was arrested by relevant departments, ending his arrogant and luxurious life in Buddhism.

Buddhism is a place of purity. We should go to Zen and worship the Buddha with a respectful and pious heart, instead of indulging our greed and trying to gain benefits from the temple.

Shi Zhiding’s desire for a prosperous life is understandable, but she should be down-to-earth and work hard to obtain wealth through legal channels, instead of tarnishing Buddhism and embezzling charity funds.

Good and evil will eventually be rewarded. Perhaps Shi Zhiding, who is in prison, can calm down and reflect on his actions.


Entries "Shi Zhiding", "Shi Yongxin", "Weng Jingjing"

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