Master Xuyun's "The Wisdom of Meditation" is very suitable for reading and understanding using the "Four Reading Methods". Read three chapters every day, copy down the Zen proverbs, and "read" the stories in the book to everyone. 51 Let your life be pure and complete. Let your li

Master Xuyun's "The Wisdom of Meditation" is very suitable for reading and understanding using the "Four Reading Methods". Read three chapters every day, copy down the Zen proverbs, and "read" the stories in the book to everyone.

51 Let life be pure and complete

Let life be pure and complete

Excerpts of proverbs:

Life is impermanent. Decades of life seem to be very long, but in fact they only last in the blink of an eye. When facing life, we only care about whether we live out the true meaning of life.

Story in the book:

One day, after the disciples returned from begging for food, Buddha asked them: "Disciples! Why are you busy begging for food every day? How long is the life of the physical body?"

The disciples expressed their opinions. .

"It is for the nourishment of the body."

"The average life span is several decades."

"Human life is like flowers and plants. They sprout in spring and wither in winter."

"Human life is like mayflies. In the morning Just born, you will die at night."

Buddha continued to deny and inspire. A disciple said: "Actually, our lives are like morning dew. They look beautiful, but as soon as the sun shines on them, they will dry up in the blink of an eye."
Another disciple said: "According to my disciples, life is just a breath of water. "In one breath."

Buddha nodded with satisfaction and said: "The length of life is one breath and one breath. Only by understanding life in this way can we truly appreciate the essence of life."

52 Cherish the happiness you have

Cherish what you have. Excerpts of the motto of happiness


Cherish the first ray of sunshine in the morning, cherish the encouraging eyes of others when you are disappointed and frustrated, and cherish everything you have.

Story in the book:

Two tigers, one is kept in a cage for people to watch, and the other is running freely in the forest.

One day, the two tigers exchanged roles. The tiger that came out of the cage felt extremely free in the forest and ran freely; the tiger that walked into the cage was also very happy because it no longer had to worry about food.

Surprisingly, both tigers died soon after. One starved to death and the other died of depression. Obviously, the tiger that came out of the cage gained freedom but lost the ability to hunt prey; the tiger that walked into the cage gained comfort, but did not gain the peace of mind of living in a small space.

53 Perfection lies in the transformation of ideas

Perfection lies in the transformation of ideas

Proverb excerpt:

Perfection lies in flexibility, ideas and methods are just tools. Change your thinking and take a different path. As long as the result can be realized, it will be complete.

Story in the book:

An old woman has two daughters, one sells straw sandals and the other sells umbrellas. She is worried every day. On sunny days, she is worried about the daughter who sells umbrellas, and on rainy days, she is worried about the daughter who sells straw sandals. A kind-hearted person suggested thinking from a different angle, and the old woman did so, and she became happy every day. If you think from another angle, you can see and understand life from an optimistic and open-minded perspective.

Quiet words:

The length of life is just one breath and one breath. We should face life with a normal heart, grasp every minute and every second of life, and live out the true meaning of life.

When you succeed, don't get carried away; when you fail, don't blame others.

Thinking from another perspective can not only bring a peaceful mind, but also inadvertently bring a new world to people.

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